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The proposed amendment to S. 1918 whioh is attached prorides in e f f e o t that the aggregate amount of guarantees and oonsaitments n*de by Federal Reserve Banks and outstanding at any time may
not exceed four times the amount of the fund provided for under the
b i l l for meeting losses on suoh guarantees; in other words, the
amount of guarantees and commitments may not exceed four times the
fund of #139,299,557 as inoreased by inoome or deoreased by losses«
In addition, however, the proposed amendment provides that
the aggregate of the guarantees and commitments whioh are Individually
in excess of #100,000 and are outstanding at one time may not exceed
50 per oent of the maximum permissible amount of suoh guarantees and
oosnitiasnts. In other words, the aggregate of guarantees whioh are
in excess of #100,000 may not sxoeed twice the amount of the fund pro*
vided to meet losses. It is to be noted that this is not a limitation
on the amount of guarantees of #100,000 and l e s s , but is a limitation
on the aggregate amount of guarantees whioh individually are in excess of that amount« There would always be reserved for the making
of small guarantees, i « e « , guarantees of #100,000 or less, at least
one-half of the total volume of guarantees permissible* Moreover, i f
the aggregate amount of larger guarantees had not reached the limit,
the amount used for suoh small guarantees could go above 50 per cent
and might become a much higher percentage of the t o t a l .
I t is noteworthy in this connection that during the f i r s t
three and one-half years of experience with the existing provisions
of section 13b of the Federal Reserve Act, the aggregate amount of
loans of #100,000 and under was 36.5 of the total amount of suoh
loans. Loans of #100,000 and wader authorised by the Smaller *ar
Plants Corporation constitute about 33 per cent of the total o f the
Corporation's loans« Loans of #100,000 and under guaranteed under
the Regulation Y program pursuant to Executive Order 9112 were a
very much smaller percentage of the total amount of V-loans« It i s
evident, therefore, that a 50 per oent limitation on the aggregate
amount of guarantees in excess of #100,000, as would be provided in
the attached amendm « i t to S. 1918, would be a very real restriction
and one whioh would limit the amount of larger guarantees by the Federal Reserve Banks to a much smaller portion of the t o t a l , and would
reserve for the making of small guarantees a much larger portion of
the t o t a l , than has been the experienoe under section 13b heretofore,
under the Smaller War Plants Corporation program, or under the V-loan
In addition to the restraint upon the guaranteeing of larger
loans imposed by the amendment i t s e l f , the Board of Governors would
have authority to issue "regulations, limitations, and conditions"
governing the operations of the Federal Reserve Banks in this connection. It would be the policy of the Board to see to i t that the
guarantees and oossaitmente by the Federal Reserve Banks are spread as
far as practicable among m a i l e r borrowers.


Insert the following new subsection (d) just before the
present subsection (d) end ohsnge the lettering of subsequent sub«
sections accordingly*
(d) No Federal Reserve Bank shell make any guarentee or
commitment under this seotion i f the aggregate amount of guarantees end commitments made by a l l Federal Reeerve



this seotion end then outstanding equala or exceeds four times
the then existing amount of the fund provided for in eubeection
(b) hereof as suoh fund may have been inoreased or decreased in
aooordanoe with the provisions of suoh subsection.

The aggre-

gate amount of suoh guarantees and commitments which individually
are in excess of $100,000 and whioh are outetanding at any one
time shell not exceed 50 per cent of the aggregate amount of
guarantees and commitments which may be made under this seotion as speoified in the preoeding sentence.
