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Los Angelea, California
December 31, 1933
Mr # Marriner Secies,
Chairman of Federal Reserve Board,
Washington, D, C*
Dear Sir:
If possible, please send me a copy of the letter
you recently sent to Senator Byrd, in which you developed
the general idt« that under present circumstances, if
the Federal Government reduced its expenditures enough
to live within the taxes received, a considerable new
depression would follow*
This is the letter that is receiving so much
attention in the press just now*
I would like to read your original letter to the
Senator on this subject, and have it in my files, and
for this reason I will thank yoti for kindly supplying
me with a copy*
Please mail it to me at my address
indicated below*
Very truly yours,

Robert A* Steps,
340 North Martel Ave,
Los Angeles, California*


January 7, 1939 •

Mr. Robert A, Steps,
340 North Martel
Los Angeles, California,
Dear Mr* Steps:
Chairman Eccles recjuested me to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 31st • In
accordance with your request, I take pleasure in
enclosing a copy of the full text of his ©ply to
Senatorfcyrdas well as a^ copy of the Chairman's
recent address in New lork which was the subject of
the Senator1s criticism.
Sincerely yours,

Elliott Thurston,#
Special Assistant
to the Chairman.


