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Arlington, ¥a*> Dee, 26? 1933.
Mr. M a r i n e r S# Bodes,Washifigtoa,
£»•! 0.:

Bear S i r : Your reesat letter to Senator Byrct,- as quoted in the
press to-day, shows- that you are hopelessly muddled in your views
on economics aai ttie Sovsrnments fiscal policies, • and that yen
are not qualified for any position of responsibility in the
It is becaasa we hme B O many *eraekpots* in" important
gCTermentai poeitioos who ncld •'cockeyed* views of economic
ami social probleas, that business is kept constantly m a stew,
investors are afraii to invest their money,- aa4 business recovery
is delayed.
Recovery is long overdue, but it will not cose until
confidence is restored-——confidence of the investing class in
ttxe safety of %mlr investments* ted tnis confidence will not
ba restored so long as we ba?a "crackpots" in a position to do
harm . It will actfasrestored oy such pronouncements as that
which you .have just made in year letter to Senator Byrd*
jPhe unemployed will not; find jebs until capital goes
tc work. And capital cannot be expected to go tc work until
its confidence is restored,* Ths way to help business is to help