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August 29,

Mr, Balph B. Flanders, President,
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,
Boston 6, Massachusetts.
Dear Balph;


Replying to your letter of August 26, I
think the newspapers erroneously reported Senator
Taftfs position on the IJb legislation. In the
hearing before the Senate Gomaittee he indicated
th&t he was in favor of the proposed bill with the
amendments I suggested, axoapt that he desired the
legislation to terminate on December 31 f 19U7» i»~
stead of December Jl* 1949* as I proposed. I told
him there was no objection to the earlier date. I
oannot understand how the press got the idea, at
least from the hearings, that Taft m s opposed.
Sineerely yours.



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August 26,1944,


Honorable Marriner S. Eccles,
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Marriner s
I was amazed to read in this morning's
paper that Senator Taft had opposed the new
15(b) plan, if that is what you oall it* The
ideas which he expressed when I was talking with
him in the office shortly before the attendance
at the Committee meeting indicated that he
preferred it to direct Government loans and was
sympathetic with it from that standpoint*

Sincerely yours,

Pr evident.