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May 22, l%jk.

Mr. Balph E. Flanders, President,
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston,
Boston 6, Massachusetts*
Dear Ralph:
On behalf of the Chairman who is on a
trip to the West, as you know, 1 want to acknowledge your letter of May 19 enclosing a copy of
your able address before the Rational Industrial
Conference Board. I noted that the press accounts
billed you in your previous incarnation, but I
thought your contribution would shed luster on the
System incidentally.
I shall look in a Washington drug store
for a copy of that book you mentioned.
With best regards,
Sincerely yours.




May 19,1944,

Honorable Marriner S, Eccles,
Chairman,Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Marriner:
Since you probably wish to know what
the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks are
saying in public, I enclose herewith for your
information copy of a talk which I gave last
night at the annual meeting of The Conference

You will note that I was not billed as

President of the Boston bank, the arrangements
having been made before that was contemplated.
Sincerely yours,

> President.


• v


; .T'.T


r -•



" :••


Kay 1 • l i

ttaalfdi^A i t i w l f by i t s

iriftlt flat viamlif t It £r»*-tt»*t i f ¥*-r*»
• '

bilit^r to r>roduee t h t

M l f Viatfti tka

^»% i*«r® tra »r« t"bl« l« ^rodiaew sad

At the figjhtiftg fronts of the mrlri n i l thfit th« f i ^ t l a s iiffWM of
•«& mmiy i n setiire enw1»at«

$h« singl® H I H i M n t« thi«

is* t h - iwo^ly to ttkfl fiu'tiatf fr*>at «if A«iair«l«ft 0-in® t aad th«t ^mt>l«m l«
i n ftetiv« wfff t i t «f «tXnil^ttfl
f®r «v#n gr

H i . i •••



i « ouy a b i l i t y to do tbtt

i a g h ? s %^

Kstala • r * l l


XiTia« for the eivi"
wait mn for v ^ r .
••in h^^ not, b«wn a.«ft« irlth

* ifli ir

L«t, «tad of oiir l»?*«ic A«^aanit t t

y of th- Aitl*«iiti«M I t i
ation i#hich *m vil*


rhi* c^«»* • r t i i « v « » n t #

4 th

I t : of th« r con-

in th^ tr*-m*itl9H b t # ;

Jbftm i« AOdth^r »inil»r t l g l t f t f t
|# e^rr." on the w f

th«nieht lo thi» -Huttvtir 'nroblew i


»'S« l» th*^ inlnd of «JT



•t^niimi«i- l«


i?rh »t I

i t .«?T ft t i l l eprryii*g •'Jft th«t var«

;o i « doing hi« I

I th^ vr


t l i





MptHM v i t h th

©nr bs«t tfftrtt in Ihlt direetioa to Ife* hmoraH

b#i«g r»tum<^ to


As I

r «tmi*atht« IM fMBltfrtfi

1>f?ok to «« In 9**«lllag n«nibfir««
f t Htwuen fflM .

Wwst ww* and

At t


I , i t wi

lMW< » i l i |

i%» our 4«b

M •«

Mr «o*il«t I t I t vt«# tlist Www of « t ^h" ?>r« In
wrtelv^a- fron t i a e I t tims of t!i*t p*ffi<
It M


in vhieb. f.

I t '•«»« s 9 * H i

A o u l n t n ^ t ^ i n 1<> .

'.<Hl bA%w>9if!!Si ^<yv«innMKtt iflfl

i on MM vhaTU-% M t t t l t l ^T* illMMi



in dlaast^r.

If th

th* f i r s t

-vnre^^snt^d "r-

, • la th" i

1930 ^ o l l t t e * ! ftaa^al£l| w^ ®ast tn« to tfc th^.t mir
'im\ fi0m;: ie:;.

to «^tnrtthU|g \fti

<^Xc? if not

of t*w» # t h l r t l ^tfaXmliiAt^dl a •

t^if* ptflo4
m, top

-v:'5-«ont inuod si»«* «»««nlo,fw«iit*
>*t oJMiiher lon^-«*ten


it • • ! It r


Wl iujtl^l
i i

' fe In riol^nt -•"•-liti^l oh^agGfi far mf M%l<m«

•'. •


^r^^nt v i l i not
It It o a t y t for

.-^nf#« t o r o T t t ^ * <aid 9«rtoaftll%i«««
••• l l t i t i IHMI tNMM M i

'-*lwm »1


Wt ftanaot h«r«» ?*»f»th^r n t h


without tianltit i*t%fttttlt« of o«P
v».r«r th"»i
UM mmmrm* tnAtvl
with ^ o t t - ^ ^ r --7

\ \*f

*« i n

Mi^ool^tiftn^* **a

*-*w£t I r^^* b«9l

Intnd vitK t*^^ 6«>CBSI%%#« f o r

i t Ita CH)t *hieh U *n^m$tln$
«n f m « i t l attntife en HM <sw>l»lr%


H* mrte I t ^i<ri-i$<t into i^a i-ietlojis, of

which «*« f i r * t i t %hv utisml^titm of iaUfl&ueX iadwitri-"*-, e©*r imi*
firm* tft m»»lc^ their own ilflM far tfca * :>*t-^?»r p f i i i #
Ifeis «H(ralfl lw> 4sa«,

fh# 1-n trl

Jt l« MigfcXy # ^

not - i l 1MS iNs#lit^ #

$em of

Ve ov r-«nbitiou«| so*?«i n t >? . will hnv® to hev# th«ir <Ur*eticm
of events vliidh# at y?5%» i t in liar.o*ti%l>l* to t%*%9M9 Te-t th®
r«ttfttet far lfe# eaff4Nid«iPi«f df t
in MMrlo^A bunia^
i I

| •fcftlft*

Irit of da*'

.ah «r# ittttii
hiilf of tl:« votfe i f |


so«lal t ^m1 ^olitie^l in«tttntl<»iif



vidtefftl «it^r^rl»» n** niT*> It th*> b?»«t dhtttion? »f

th* taric or »#.iat*ininc hl^h •ra?>loyr»entl n n»dnetlcS MM e8»«a^otio«


?h* c

th^«« »tttdi£v? in ladi«^te<.? I f fhf* l i « t of
to b« n^e^f1".:'^' of «om«i «oluti9n»


'?o«t of

Mft « l » » 4 y miWish^l or

or r?^mth«,
for th




Bitvalillir---tl-^n o f ii H I M Oontr^la*
'^>n MM!
- -




Ition -f Batimott
Pol l e i *t i t the Pi


O|h#r itadiof ralatlTa both to %kf fcranoltim *w* Hit long mn nfaa
«atlv«« f


tra^i laiilojraaat and.
iraajiai «

> r MM *at«


l» s e d i t i o n la tiki*, w# h**T© ?;ad«r a-msl


r-w» of

of long ran

B i l l i o n TVill

In f^elae thr* ^rabl«r- i f l^r^o»o««l« ©arloynoat,
*% iMMNh of noc^'1%%

>t« h l ^ «


MO* !•*&• fl»" fro*" fir- in f4S n i l l i o n

on t A
•."»mil onte»n£ of 1


to 140 billion-- of^dol

l i «dmitt#dly H l ^ #


f»Ui l i for
, ifil

r <if noedfi and

fo oat i t f9tt^3ri^il-- lo- -p I

bio voltt*a of «uMR*>la^mNit i f

ndofowr l o ^ftnt,

MPP^>aa l« to find «eomii of ^v^ldlaf tli*t e^l??m;ty*

"^mloysoat tofc$>fwB : : i


Olviavslyi « IOTT* *»h«*r© of

I t w i l l h«?a t- l i amfidad i«i ia£ti«try t a»d th» awiteot V» >•


Hl^h otoadard of liTiag for tH* r*eo^l« of "?uy m ntr

itflDili will ao«« fp-n foreign tradii

i.tir< aofta«a9%ia

eom^- ANM th** «»riuii


1a of tha

I s^mst IN? e-r©f*v* th?t "<* do
t?> or c«a earr

^f ar^^loynont i n th^ i ^ s i - v » r WiV'UU

1B. .*,ny

i^a v l l i

-^"iiea i« n highly Corralcnfti! rornr>^,"% Mngl-i .
ac*t will bo fmiikl in thl« f|«^1


i f ifiav fro
i <»s^«!ncioii

-*nd WMh ©f thf ^«tirod conmr^tton of our



t r j n r i c ••

•fci*l t

Ifct •aawwBiit

to b« f-.aad I
••^"* ^ l r l t

• • '


' »m, on-




" •'' •


- T ^ - i ';N"-• ••:"• K J I t l m v ***


i. •?• ••• • '

i ala#ie




t i ^ M r^n tti thffl iw>4ttm«»»t?'-; sit

otor ha* tn*«a III

nth f


t n o t * ^ HKVOH I


-«t of tn»eti^m .-n ImAn^trttl HMMiM


%h-'<r M M













of thf?
iii •ddilion to that «f t'
•lfu»>ii *
'3 tfo*

% s







oar fammMmt*


A ganTwtloa

aa4 aatiw^vri*'?, t^tf-in^nf lo i


^fftn^frit;.11 of th*- citif#4it of



i t ifflpot#i1)klr- f**tf Mi« lwi«i?^*f irwir





„ -•% of 11

$&mtr-.iiiM\ ajaif

?h^ fc»rsistl^ii»ia o f a#«r l*« -#>li<*


rx*r*it the f t f t a
rsotiironeat far

I «nt#r^ri»« end of btxftinofi* m n i f t t j i i e i
MM I ^ M M I M I

of «*?.lo3m#nt» ^radnfttitn, *n e^fitutm^tian in

I m l feno* •© amah rbaut the rent ©I th« IMttlPy *« * 4h ftfeont
«r%r *ngl-*i i iMl


-^ 0^ «!f a*fi region, I mm s W * that

i t It folf&j ton i l i a * wlHi m^w tfl—t, n&--' -r®$4G%% n<w IstmitieAt iihieh, la
th« ni4 digm, noal^ haws twmA flannelnl intdkla^*


-t«r wi-ilu visttil? im^^ort ttiN thla^9 in %hf* viiy th»t *«
r% and fwif»tli»Tt<

%rtt ^ - l l , MN «lfeol« f!»*aei«il

af thft xv^glan ^«n b^llt I t s e l f i l t t l tho nms «ltn^tlon«
11 s ^ to IMI •*»#»«



-T- Ml ^PM ^P^ 4t»*f «fc$ 'blind v^itfi u««d


ro*r>«!fw« »4prlcttltur« iff -v tMftatiy a w M ! ! * ! for
Am* i * •

Bat t

'-$m$rm% in tlv-1

• •:••# iih«^d of tiiit i t I

thr--t r^iC'X tr«a»forr''tioa» w««t bf» »^ii©#

L^l *%m

»«te« not? t|fn#« of mtupfceU for taarleftn ?vrie:at\tr^.

It v i l l iMt^-en tht

foreign a^ntetss for mvth t t ^ l o i mp vlioat s*jid cotton %fith grwin^
for tt hi<#ity ?»r«c


H» ?mstf ftirth^n&ore, oon« |e


• int^rmml bal^iioe bc>two#n industry

i t s to th«ir

It cfua vittidrsv ftjji th

It ??nd «

- » i l «^{f et©&«s of lr-tnir ffJVit not thnr*i

&• «rir A-^T ^A-'-in<m«*^«iiii^ tb
t l t t


>r> liMMPi th* ^««i«t«>jie# if i r"e<ttwy^ in tve

«n«? i t e^a f^irai-vh I dfefi
in AM

ivy r>rod^ :-;. .


lh«r© «Pt limit* to the (-mount of fooO «k|(

ft ure no VMlt elrB^


for t'-

• uots of t^e totX«

Itt^ i t v t l l

La t"v i«Haji>1 HMajpHH i M
wm MM «^rionlttirm1l frsn-. v i l l «#ia»it «t tho

'&ogni»»<l MM o*foj»t«>raa an a n g l w i i i
1*4 of l&t«iift|p«t | f § noT«a»cnl ^wt»m »• lMflU
to t»romi>tm6« i t


fh« i n i t i a l " , «i*»jttl for "BftlMWA % r l e t d t » * * ' i t * .

I ntf.t<w«tb«tdi*ftd sHwrnmt t« taring

»»« sun

sa g

i^tioi -.


Shis mm bnlaa««i b#iw»*a £,-rleuitur0 aad industry ©l^uld p«mlt
a Wtfl rsKPu-d % tlw ffer?aer far Ids oooupntioiu

in titttlth t'.

pH l i alr^t

re&lons ar« » ca©« la paiat*

Tlioro am

:.» thi iitato of Iow»

Kt MM w i v i s i t the easapue of J « »

C o i l ^ e ftt /%a»B without twilJLx




is 6t

^ ^ i'oufrtninhiuui @f

aa t© tlw dignity i«*4 wt^r^i of l M a g in tlm ©oil l/HUh thmm ovo-

th» iteemv*


*o UN #stent t$*t Ule cwUriftl oooditloa eaoi b©
nourisSxMnt will be provided*

fm Bmitk^mat will J


beooae a part of the education of t l » youas, if tl*e Jkrsa Is to perform

i t s ooooooio fumtloa* Especially suet this bo trud if i t is to regain and
rettiia ite old-tkae plao* as the aurccry of leadership in American life*

f&vor&bls Claptons haw appeared* In ay cm country for

instance* the boy© In tr&iair^ oaiapB and overseas are writing back to the
folk* at bane «3cpr0Lsi*\: tli© deuiro to return to the ^ana ratlwr tiian to
out to aaka plaooe for t!iociwilv«c in tl» oitl»s«
oen b# plftoo oa tliia*

Hot too much do;»o;

It my hm in part t l » natural iraa»8iofcr»A«« of tlm

boy Jivisis a Xif« ^wl^fio oirory aoa&ition and whoso otms*;/ inov© i s doterained
Tor Ma £r«a dhow* m a l i f e isi v*liioli ti^r^ ie no privacy and l i t t l e private
initiativ»« ' f Ai'tlmpwu'iiij ti^u;;U tlie stf/.tliawit be &ore exiduria^^ it oarnot
b» ejected to porsiet itilete our eooniasaie etruoturo is such as to ;,iv© i t
a solid foundation*
As to foreign trade* i t i s ay Uoliof tlint a dependence any b#
plaood upon i t that i© at ox*** too broad and too shallow*

The solMly

elements of Qejr farei,^i trade l i e in the exports of mse produced durable
for porsozwl* household and buoindss use, aiil highly d e v e l o p racau^uliraeixt* in th ce tliiace «e can ^ivo taore value p«?r dollar
any ooi^)etinc nfittio:u

• *jyu?t aatH



i t i s doubtful

'1 ...! old ttiapll •e^ptrtfl ef % k Rl Mel MldMI MB •rtafefc&l MeYlV .^•'•t"nor in i t clear ttmt tlney 0mMU

As explaiiiod [>reviouely# our fame at

be devoted to sioro highly prooe-ceed products*
These eacporte la which we are fitted to eoapete can be in such
large volutae tJAt ti*ey will suffice tc pay for a l l of our needed iiaporte
(of which th re ar^ aany) and for certain dpeolaltiee as well # which other
peoploe oan produco aoro skillfully or zaore artietioaliy than we oaa» Son»
of these iaports any at tiaeo imve the appearance of displacing our own
but that isoio ^ U l mt bo raieed if our cnai internal eoonos^r pro-»

H i proper sliare

It pros'



If tlwit is

MMt of ttH political pressure B ^inet lower duties &ai
greased foreign trade wi il lose ita force*

BMo l i MOtfthstfv<ay to

the prossiar© for the restraint o r ^ ' f e l y i m'c.iTtu
Theee <ib8«rvfttioiuj raltito to ti» Qorn»l ooad itiono of
cmc poet'<wnr nor Id* Thm^jir:- onu'li. ::i oxtracirdiaiary 0014,

1 Auriag tin©

period of r«lmlii.Xitation tihMl will ctill for & oart&In wapwit of outr%l:t
Sift and a e«rtai:i aatjuat Of capital a@sittftr»o«

Ai tiao ^ooe cm, and

rseourooe of the occupied mglwn are seen aar© oluarly, tlie^e -U/o
tend to dlaiaiiih in ^agnituda iYoa th» fi^urec miloh filled our
a yo^r or tm ugo* the capital expenditures at any rate t ali^.-^>i outside
ths routine of regular hw*Gtomnb§ should in the lon^ rua be af such nature
tlutt tha;/ pay for thsuBelime M i feeooae safe tteu^b slow h7<set:»ntc»
are looking tlnan for a po&t-vsyr wrld of high eaplo^wnt# h
n4 Ixi^i o^nsunptioiu

A ft*y Xarsopsroentage« however, of

return from tliie promotion will have to be diverted tlirauga
devenwsntal c^nuuiols* f*i» Federal budget in time to



party adj*fcalat»red aoA with \v:nite^»r etr^otaoea of ooiiferoi and
oasxiot oeoa;ie beirjg fbr hl^bei1 tiwja tJio peet^uar citisen v^uld liar© deemed
;'0£®ible tW our ooonoi^ to oridiiro.
1'hoiTi will be new requirement e £MT an expanded poaes^wat* araiy and
ttBlpl there \illl

0 urjkafnei requirements for bonusos# education^ re-establish*

s»nt # oto« # of rotumed soldierc»

Tbare will in partioular be tlmt six

billion odd dollars of intere&t on the national debt# 8o«e statisticians
decided OJI Zo to 2S billion dollar0 annually as the
with w>r* carefully sharpened pensile believe we ean s^ueese by with
18 billion* He responsible inimst^ator onroe to figure the ceaouat to b
mush less*

These figures oean timt as producere m cimll cpceul a
oaseti pstfejejutafls of our t&» working for tboee wimve ordinarily think
of a n®»-|ro«Iu©«ire* just as «• work to support te* poliaecien, the f irfcaen,
mad tlia ©ohoo! isystem in our loo&l ^owrrsaente* &f ©oure© ths&e are not
really nos»«produeers# for in then *e buy safety, protootion amd oduoatiosu
H i l M ar«a0 haweyor, in witioh we IJAVO looked wltli lees sarutiuy on tli©
-wvluo w» got for our dollar tlwa It tfel «»»• wlien we do our puroljfeslas at the
awrket or the depar^aaat store*

1© t)u»Ge socially ^oduood goods and

©erviooe m^t siat b«s ragleoted they xiitt aut get too large by d©niult#
M w&smab b*e been imde as to sargdee on the debt tbat en
enoraoue ccxm«il iatei-ect pa^eht does »E» harm *laoe "**» one It to
i&fortumtely neither you nor X nor a^u-re oU« exoept the s^tliioal
oltison balanoos his tax contribution to debt Sntareet e^alaet hie into rest
recol^ts «.e a borKWwldsr* ?ho faot tlv^t six billion* of doll^rst aar© or
loa» t will 'JO roilictributod by wlitt ari» e«Me£td&lly arbitrary a&ftas instead
«f by the processes of parodwot.'-

I tabula am&if tlmt unpla?eied for uia-»

looatioiic in our ©conoiay will be set up*

?H£& fact will sa&k© t£» ectablislv*

zaent of & «tr^>l« m$onoogr aore difficult in the *&rld to oo&te %lmn vmn
Gktm in the world that mis*
ihic thought returns us to tim problem of
and operation in tlio ^orld to oo»^« ?;•» l l e t of r**$are2:
re<a«l earlier ladicat^a the ooeplioations t. solved ia liquidating
find loado to 1iM» cueploi^n t*i»t It will bo ir%x>©sft>l» and perhaps undesirable
to go eas^lei^ily baok to the de^reo of t eodom £roa Federal ooritrol whioii i«»
enjoyed a ^eneitxtlon i^o»

v<e is*

Mel MM% | i fefeeli &® f^* as wi oan vlthout

volusie a;-sd stability in our cv^loyinaat; and production* t»<jsa© decrees

«T oontrol we cwt retain, earn new eleaonte we met fcweat
Awmg thase olor»nts are those •••i.lelvvflXi'frs to MiTktcniflo^ for kw;
ooonosale a»oiiir» acre nearly


l&aae tlmn wo succeeded la doir^ in the

20* g* Ml m y reasonably hope, howler* to li^uidato a ;rtmt j_x?rocatftg« of
tlw oontroX t^iioli 4«v»lo|>©tl out of the d»pro&flion aad which

But with the MMNMftfty ^or »xr« oocxtrol thfcii « • Hftd bol'ort ooo©c
reiuiroaont for cesao £^jpdaa»ataX oimn^ee In our Gw'V«-?rar»nt« Tim balance
by th» Constitution botwwn Xec^Xntivo# tuSsaiaictTRtive end
pomsrs any aot b« fitted to pm'ftm t l » hli^iXy toohziical ap©ratlonfi
viiloh tlie prti ?nt 623d tls© future rQ<iuir«i# I t i s not possibl* to dc^oud
O lo^lelation to dofixio and o<Kitrol f w K l M t wliloU ssmst bo
to «uSd«n ohfta^os in balance of our economic ataruotur**
ciuct bo plaoed on tecboioians*


^ » pNfelM of glvinc l«wir to

toolmioians witliout toliisas tli© dowihill road to taa t o t a l i t a r i a n stato i t
* prafclm «hi0h f» wuet fac« and colve#

In ^enoral th» aiuneor

to 15* along Ifet broad lii^ec of adsaiaictratlv* bodtes ©trt u^> by
witli pnrpoe«« and areas of policy d of ln*d by I«^l9latio% with «aoh
politioal adalnictration :;ivwi i t due fraotioa of p«r8oanel to a|)point or
r©appoint said i t s duo power of iiifluenoe oti lo^iBlation for altorinn
or activities*

DM dotalls nuct bo left to tootxiJLoal ooc^oteiice*


ross and tiM A£fciiniutr*itiou mi^t taittiutelves ^ain tins self dleolplliw to
allow toohaioal ooqpotemMi froedou for the oarryli^ out of Inroad t^oliciee
itUoh ts»y thewHilve« doteraiae.

Uloos or self intoreet auct likewise

develop coif diooipli:io for tiielr OMII lnr t ;or liiio^«cts»
ardor but i t Ic t$» pride of progress ana stability*

'*iiis le a lurge

the blocs of sol* iuto

Idah itm will sa®et, aside

the ancient seal mow eafe©bl*>d bio© of business interest, will be
the* self interest of SOQI&I security* 1% oust be prepared for a mfe
elusive degree of social e*ourity in tls© world vm are coning Into* This
Is a ooroll&ry which arises iaaedinttfly out of a degression in whloh our
Industrial ©co^oay ral&^eod Into ooaditioae l i t^iloh tb» Lndlvldual WRS


' « eaaaot and elKJuld not #6oa|Ni the re&ults --iich our failure
upou uc#
3ut imsroao«d social socurity bttlago Its owa probfoas* partiof a n^i»al zmtur«« People as a vital* aay t%t^atlYdly tmd unfortunate*


<^i social eeourity a« tlielr aaia d«p^jd©«©«# tlwr«*by losfcig

Initlativt and a*i>itlon, ami l*»pl\; to piok tli» fruite of inaustry and
oaterpris* IVoi^ tre»e


it gardo*i of tdl«*n*is©»

tb» ro©,a ta this #v»afc

Is -a- broa^dowahill c^ftd*
oa tl»» otltor iiand %tofT« ie tlie possibility that this broad«r
gooial e« JMTlfey way be m4o t2io f. . i

Ion of a mew spirit cC

LUl ti*« baeSc ©legate of foodf o l o t : ^ ; i a i slielt©l^uld i»>t tl» young people of tlje future be mere will lag
to risk tiseir tbw a;id energies and their reso^ces on :ww and doubtful
ua&ert&klngfl tlmii they h&ve been in the rooont pastt

tBxlc road is

narrow and i t io up M i l , but ie full of interest and exoltaiaexit* How
ean we d l ^ c t the youa^ toward i t t
1 reomitly purai***d in a HiKYork druc«toroyon a sudden
iaj?ulsof o;io or tho iaoet re—rtoble books of ox& tkm*

it -m® a UNrgaret

lisad "c^aibus11* 1 was attracted to i t because 2 bad been i
con© ef her earlier works* As re

:ed in

. youfeaawshe is an antiaropolo^ist

of rm&m ootmected witi-i the 3Juseua ef Ifetural History here in Hew York

TM sl-aifioaat thina I

i I book to m was a series of

sous between social srgraisat U£W and ideals and the personal morals and
ideals of a group of tribes in lev Cru&jea, in the region in which the
recent fi^rbing has occurr**!* Th^se trlbos were olosely related in blood
aad in their physical MMFtqatfeigtg yvfc tfasftfc institutions and
Itioe ranged iYosa the «ffenin%te through th>* Ideal lot io to tl*e blood

In eaaniniag the causes sf these strange differences
to ths conclusion tlMit i t I«IE «,11 dan® by tJ«0 kinW W
loosed by UM


"*» done by M,t!sdQ<rbri:mtionw» Wo May dmmr Jfrom

Imr ©sqxirloacd' oiiiiulugione which «i?ofeHJVlterrifyinu toi^ hopeful*


beoause tiioy dieciosiistrute l i a mml\ ccalo ni^at lui© been done on a
ocale in Italy and Qorsmnp m hopeful because tiwiy lwl& out possibili t i e s e^ n ^e?Kiral ad^amse In tlie well«*Uoi2i^ of isiw next gene.iiRt.i.onf if
only ^e can agree on realistically idealistic courses of thought and action

Tarn hone* the school and th« chueroli nust work as one* Ti*
realistic idoals # purposes and attitudes mitt be generally agreed upon by
the nvmtors of the ooninc sin^rfttlaiu

Fron tills will spring tlw self

clicci^>l.lraj^iioti *m Imvo been spealil^ e£* From this will spring the
nolutlon of ths problems of d©a»oraoy in an evsir s*sr« casnlicat#cl I
teelmioal a^e«

Itliout this we take tlie broad and downward path toward
and ultlssite totalitarian subjection of all classes of


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