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October 16, 1945.

Honorable Fred K« Vinson,
Secretary of the Treasury,
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Mr. Vinson:
After further consideration of the decisions which we
reached last Thursday on the terms of the proposed British credit,
it has occurred to me that some clarification is needed on one or
two points, I should therefore Ilk© to subs&t the folloidrtg suggestions for consideration by the Committee:

1. The provision for deferment of principal payments should b© elaborated to define when such
deferred payments should be s&de and -what interest,
if any, should &ce\asaalite on t h « during the period
of deferment. I would propose that any deferred
principal payments should be paid off, with Interest
accumulated at 2 per cent, in the years foiloidng
the original tens of the credit, unless at the time
some other specie*! arrangement is agreed upon. Thus
if only one principal payment were deferred, the
life of the credit would be extsanded by one year;
if 5 principal payments were deferred, the credit
would run 5 years longer; etc.

I believe some clarification is EISO required
the principle of p&ri p&ssu arcortination of
dollar credit m& of ths- sterling debts arising
of th© funding of war balances.
a« Since we h&ve adopted the sinking fund
principle for amortisation of the dollar
credit, strict application of the pari
principle to the sterling debts would &ean
that repayment of such debts (which i*re to
be non-interest bearing) would have to proceed not in equal annual installments but
in installments increasing in sise during
the period of amortisation. I doubt if

Honorable Fred M. Vinaon

the Cofflndttee intended to impose this r e quirement. I would propose, therefore,
that the principle of p&ri passu treatment
should be interpreted to allow repayment
of the sterling debts in equal annual installraents running for a period at least
as long aa the period fixed for the dollar
b* The further iuestion way arise of how
pari passxi treatment should be interpreted
in the c&ae of deferment of princlp&l payments on the <foll&r credit. I would suggest
that the credit agreement provide that if
the capital repayment in &ny year on the
dollar credit (or mf portion of such repayment) i s deferred, the repayments due on
the sterling debts in th»t y*ar (or the corresponding proportion thereof) should also
be deferred for the same period.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) M. S. Eccles
S« Becles,

Copy sent to Messrs. Clayton, Wallace, and Angell.