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SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS FRITZ G. LANHAM, T E X . , CHAIRMAN PEHR G. HOLMES. M A S S . J. H A R R Y M C G R E G O R , OHIO C L A R E N C E E. K I L B U R N , N. Y. ROBERT L. RODGERS, PA. E A R L W I L S O N , IND. J A M E S G A L L A G H E R , SR., P A . WAT ARNOLD, MO. CALVIN D. JOHNSON, ILL. JOHN D. M C WILLIAMS, CONN. C. JASPER BELL, MO. CHARLES A. BUCKLEY, N. Y. FRANK W . BOYK1N, ALA. JOHN S . G I B S O N , G A . A L F R E D J. E L L I O T T , C A L I F . CARTER MANASCO, ALA. JOE L. SMITH, W . VA. LOUIS J. C A P O Z Z O L I , N. Y. THOMAS G. ABERNETHY, MISS. WILLIAM A. ROWAN, ILL. G E O R G E E. O U T L A N D , C A L I F . ALBERT W . WOODS, CLERK Congress of tf)t Htuteb H>tateg Committee on public ^iriltringg anb #rounb£! Hou2it of &epre*entattoe* itafnngton, B. C. S January 5, 1944Mr. Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System, Constitution Avenue and Twentieth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. My dear Mr* Eccles: The Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds of the House of Representatives has decided to examine into the problems that will face the Congress and the Country in the aftermath of the war. The responsibilities of the Committee to the House of Representatives have such a relationship to these problems as to make such an inquiry at this time appropriate. The Committee is inviting leaders in business, finance, Government (national, state and local), labor, agriculture, and the professional fields to appear and acquaint it \?ith their views as to the post-war problems which they believe will confront the United States and their suggestions for the solution of these problems, particularly as to the function and degree of participation of the National Government in the construction of Federal and local public works. Attached is a tentative schedule of the hearings in contemplation, with the names of the groups and organizations which the Committee proposes shall be represented. Although the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is not listed in the attached schedule of hearings, the Committee would like to have the benefit of the Board's advice. The Committee therefore invites you, as Chairman of the Board, to appear before JLt on February 3» It will be appreciated if : you~wTII™aH Hse me promptly, by letter, whether or not you can appear on that date. You may be assured that the Committee will be grateful for any assistance you can extend to it. The hearings begin at 10 A.M. In addition to appearing before the Committee you may submit a written statement, if you desire. 25 January 13, 19bk Honorable Frits 0. Lanham, Chairman, Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, House of fiepresentatives, Washington 25, D- C. Vty dear lfr. Lanham: This is to acknowledge your letter or January 5 inviting me, as Chairman of this Board, to appear before your Committee on February 3 in connection with the hearings you are conducting on postwar policies. I note from the tentative schedule that a score or more of Government agencies, not including the Reserve Board, are listed for appearance on that and subsequent dates. It would be much more convenient from my standpoint, in case you still desire to have me appear, if I could come before the Committee at some later time, preferably toward the end of the hearings inasmuch as ray schedule from now until the middle of February is rather crowded. I would very much appreciate it if you could advise me ooi what date and at what hour you would wish to have me come before the Committee in the event that you feel my should remain on the list of those who are to appear. Sincerely yours M. S. Eccles » Chairman. SEVENTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS FRITZ G. LANHAM, T E X . , CHAIRMAN C. JASPER BELL, M O . CHARLES A . BUCKLEY, N. Y. FRANK W . BOYKIN, ALA. JOHN S . G I B S O N , G A . A L F R E D J. ELLIOTT, CALIF. CARTER MANASCO, ALA. JOE L. SMITH, W . VA. LOUIS J. C A P O Z Z O L I , N. Y . T H O M A S G. ABERNETHY, MISS. WILLIAM A. ROWAN, ILL. GEORGE E. OUTLAND, CALIF. PEHR G. H O L M E S , M A S S . J. H A R R Y M C G R E G O R , OHIO C L A R E N C E E. K I L B U R N , N . Y . ROBERT L. RODGERS PA. E A R L W I L S O N , IND. JAMES GALLAGHER, SR.. PA. WAT ARNOLD, MO. CALVIN D. JOHNSON, I L L . JOHN D. M C WILLIAMS, CONN. ALBERT W . WOODS, CLERK Congress of t&e ^Hmteb H>tate* Committee on -public ^utlbtugg anti <^rounb3 Jbouslt of &epreaentatfoe* aHaS&mgton, C. J an U ary 15, 1944 Mr, Marriner S. Eccles, Chairmen Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System Constitution Avenue and Twentieth Street TO Washington 25, D. C. My dear Mr. Eccles: Thank you very much for your letter of January 13 advising it would be much more convenient for you to appear before the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds some time the latter part of February. The schedule of hearings for that time is not yet completed but we shall advise you later as to when we shall be glad for you to appear. The Committee will be grateful for such information as may be given along the line of our inquiry. With cordial good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours,