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December 20, 19U6.

Mr. J. Weldon Jones,
Assistant Director in
Charge of Fiscal Division,
Bureau of the Budget,
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Mr. Jones j
In accordance with your conversations with Chairman Eocles, he has had the enclosed paragraphs prepared and
Mr. Sutead, Director of our Division of Bank Operations, has
cleared the wording with Mr. Bartelt of the Treasury*
The question of policy is, of course, another
oatter, but as the Chairman remarked to you, if the President puts this up to the Congress and they for any reason
whittle it down, the burden will be on them to find equivalent dollars somewhere else* It would seem offhand to ae
that under this proposal you do not have to labor the question of Government ownership of enough stock to Insure control.
If there is anything further we can do, please do
not hesitate to let us know.
Sincerely yours,

Elliott Thurston,
Assistant to the Chairman.


With the approval of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a
b i l l was introduced in the previous session of Congress which contemplated a
program of redemption of the capital furnished to the Corporation by the Treasury
and by the Federal Reserve System.
exceptionally strong position.

She insured banks of the country are in an

The present and prospective resources of the

Corporation make possible and desirable an acceleration of the program of capit a l redemption so that i t may be reflected in the budget for the f i s c a l year

To this end, I recommend that the Congress authorize the Federal Deposit

Insurance Corporation to repay for use during the f i s c a l year 191*8, #100,000,000
of the #150,000,000 of capital furnished by the Treasury and a l l of the sum of
approximately #139*000,000 furnished by the Federal Reserve System.

The Board

of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has proposed that Congress at the
sane time authorize the payment of the $139,000,000 to the Treasury.

The Board

of Governors has made a further reoommendatian, in which I also concur, that
Congress repeal the existing authority of the Federal Reserve Banks to make d i rect loans to industry and authorise them to u t i l i s e their own funds, i f need
should a r i s e , and without resort to Government funds or guarantees, to insure
in part loans made by banking i n s t i t u t i o n s .

Under this proposal, an additional

sum of #139*000,000 would be released to the Treasury.

Congress appropriated

t h i s amount from the gold increment to finance industrial loan operations of
Federal Reserve Banks, and #27,500,000 has been advanced for t h i s purpose.


advance would be returned to the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts and the
Treasury would be released from the obligation to make further payments to the
Reserve Banks.
These proposals would make available for governmental purposes a
total of approximately #378,000,000.

Of t h i s , #266,000,000 would be in cash

receipts and #111,800,000 would result from the release of the obligation on
the part of the Treasury to make further payments to the Reserve Banks for
industrial loan purposes.