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EDITORIAL OFFICES — FIFTY-ONE PINE ST., NEW YORK Editors F r a n k A . V a n d e r l ip J oseph M ead March 9, 1935 Mr. M. C. Eccles, Governor Federal Reserve Board Washington, D. C. Dear Governor Eccles s We should like to reproduce in the next issue of ECONOMIC FORUM your address of the other evening at the Harvard Club in New York, and I wonder if you would find it possible to permit us to do this. Or, possibly, you may wish to amend this paper somewhat or supplement it with additional material so that it practically would be the equivalent of a new paper. If this request is agreeable to you, would you please send us a copy of your speech as we do not have a copy availablei Sincerely yours, Editor March 12, 1935 Mr. Joseph Mead, Editor, Economic Forum, 51 Fine Street, Hew York, New York» Dear Mr. Mead: In reply to your letter of March 9th, I am sorry I am unable to comply with your request for a copy of my address before the Harvard Business School Club in New York as I have only the one copy which I marked up. I had not thought it advisable to circulate any copies of my address as I was anxious to avoid publicity and controversy with reference to the sub ject matter of my speech while other matters for which I have a more direct responsibility, such as banking legislation, are pending. I may at a later date have copies made of my complete address and if I do so I shall be glad to mail you a copy if you so desire. Sincerely yours, M. S. Eccles, Governor. MSE:VE:sb