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OFFICERS CLAUDE EXECUTIVE HIRSCHI, PRESIDENT CASHIER, STATE BANK OF HURRICANE, HURRICANE N . D. SALISBURY, VICE PRESIDENT ASST.V. PRES., FIRST SECURITY BANK OF UTAH NAT'LASS'N, LOGAN COMMITTEE GEORGE A . A N D E R S O N , V. PRES. & CASH IER, FIRST SECURITY BANK, BRIGHAM CITY UTAH BANKERS ASSOCIATION P. P. THOMAS, SECOND VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT, COMMERCIAL BANK, SPANISH FORK H . B. CRANDALL, EXECUTIVE MANAGER, SEC'Y.-TREAS. V. PRES. & CASHIER, FIRST STATE BANK OF SALINA, SALINA J O H N M . WALLACE, V. PRES., WALKER BANK & TRUST CO., SALT LAKE CITY RAY P . DYRENG, CASHIER, MANTI CITY BANK, MANTI ALEX H E D Q U I S T , PRESIDENT, FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, PROVO OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY SALINA, UTAH Maxell 18, 1944 W I L L A R D R. S M I T H V. PRES. & CASHIER, ZION'S SAV. BANK & TRUST CO., SALT LAKE CITY IRA O V E R F E L T CASHIER, GUNNISON VALLEY BANK, GUNNISON V. J. B I R D V. PRES., FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, PROVO M r . Marriner S . Eccles, Chairman Board of Governors Federal Reserve System Washington, D . C . Dear M r . Eccles: Attached is a copy of a letter written to Chester Bowles. Would you do what you can to induce him to address our convention at Salt Lake City, June 24? 1 really should not be asking the Chairman of theJ3oard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to help me out onffl^program every year, but same how or &ther, if you were the President of the United States, you would always be my friend, Marriner S . Eccles, to m e , and I would feel free to talk to you at any time, and ask you anything. With best regards. Yours very truly Enel. UTAH BANKERS ASSOCIATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY SALINA, UTAH March 18, 1 9 U M r . Ohest r Bowles, Administrator Office of Price Administration Washington, D , 0 . Dear M r , Bowlesï ü The tah Bankers Association cordi« its convention at Salt Lake Cityj ovm choice. We trust that you For your information Association has the The bankers of with ration appropriât»? on yo to ubjeet of y< Invitation, t the Utah Bankers in the Wost. £ied up with the OPA, t would be very with us. pleasure. Salt i*ake City that we will receive an acceptance of this T :nrs veiy truly Executive ¿Manager • J*> »arch £4, 1944 M r . E . B . Crandall, Executive Manager, Utah Benkers Association, Salina, Utah. Dear M r . Crandail: This will acknowledge yours of March 18 with which you enclosed a copy of your letter of the same date to M r . Chester Bowles, Administrator, OPA, of this city. ¥ou ask that I do what I can to induce M r . Bowles to respond to your invitation to address the convention of the Utah Bankers Association at Salt Lake City on June £4. I heve dropped a line to k r . Bowles expressing the hope that he will be able to accept your invitation. I have not pressed the matter, however, as I appreciate how difficult it is for the head of an important governmental department to absent himself from Washington during these ti&es. In addition to the pressure of work, it is most difficult to obtain suitable reservations for transportation. Moreover, the Office of Defense Transportation has asked Government officials to reduce to the minimus*. travel for the purpose of addressing conventions. It is my hope, however, that M r . Bowles may have other engagements in the West which will permit his- to speak before the Utah Bankers Association in Jure. With best wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, 2 (Signed) M. S. Eccles i M . S . Eccles, Chairman. LC/mg ¿xXf cc: Miss Benton üarcb 24, 1944 l'r. Chester Bowles, Administrator, Office of Price Administration, Washington, D . C . Dear Chester: I an in receipt of a letter fron l£r. H . 3» Crandall, Executive Manager, Utah Bankers Association, in which he enclosed a copy of his letter to you of Harch 18 inviting you to address the convention of the Utah Bankers Association to be held in Salt Lake City June £4 next. M r . Crandall asked that I urge you to accept. While I recognize fully the urgent demands upon your tiffe here in Washington end the inconvenience of traveling 3ueh a distance, I do wish to suggest that if you should find it convenient to be out of Washington at that tiroe you would find Salt Lake City quite a delightful place in June. No doubt you have visited Salt Lake City before, but at the present ti»e there are many interesting war projects ih that vicinity which might interest you, such as the new steel plant at Geneva, Utah, and the A m y installations in the vicinity of Ogden, Utah. With sincere regards, I a*, Very truly yours, \ « K . S . Iccles > Chai m a n . LC/mg cc: Miss Benton OFFICE OF PRICE ADMINISTRATION W A S H I N G T O N 25, D . C . CHESTER March 27, 1944 BOWLES A D M INISTRATOR Mr. Marriner S # Eccles Chairman Board of Governors Federal Reserve System Washington, D # C* Dear Marriner: I am enclosing a copy of my letter to Mr. H . B . Crandall, of the Utah Bankers Association, in which I advised him that I would "be unable to give him a definite answer at this time on his invitation to attend the Utah Bankers convention in Salt Lake City on June 24th* I have not "been making any definite commitments at this time "because of the hearings on the re-enactment of the Emergency Price Control Act which are keeping me pretty well tied to Washington* I have also had to cancel a trip to the West Coast which I had planned this month and which I will have to make later on when things quiet down a "bit* With my "best personal regards. Sincerely, Chester Bowles Administrator Attachment March 27, 1944 Mr. H. B . Crandall Execut1t« Manager Utah Bankers Association Salin», Utah Dear Mr. Crandall! Thanks •erj much for the Tery cordial invitation which you extended to me to address the Utah Bankers Association in Salt Lake City on June 24th. I am afraid I will he unable to make any definite commitment at this time because of the uncertainty of my present plans. I have had to cancel a trip to the Vest Coast for this month because of the hearings on the re-enactment of ? the Emergency rice Control Act which will keep me pretty well tied to Washington. Just as soon as I am ahle to "break away I am going to leave on my previously planned trip to the Coast which will perhaps he some time in June. Sincerely, Chester Bowles Administrator M N ,