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FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF KANSAS CITY R, B, CALDWELL CHA.RMAN OF THE BOARD Mr. Marriner S. Eccles Chairman Board of Governors Federal Reserve System Washington 25, D. C. My dear Marriner: As you know, .Judge -John Caskie Collet of this city has recently been appointed Director of Economic Stabilization, and I understand will shortly begin that position with offices in the Federal Reserve Building. lie is an able, interesting person, and I am sure you will enjoy his acquaintance• I hope you will take occasion to contact him and give him such cooperation as opportunity may afford. I am expecting to be at the Chairmen1s Meeting on October 29th and will see you then. Sincerely yours, Chairman RBCrcb October 9, 19U5- Dear Bob: This ia to thank you for your letter of October 2 with reference to Judge Collet, whose acquaintance I had made just before your letter arrived. I am very glad to have your high estimate of him. He is, as you know, taking over a very heavy and difficult responsibility. I shall look forward to seeing you at the Chairmen's Conference. With best regards, Sincerely yours, Mr. H. B. Caldwell, Chairman, Federal Heserve Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri. T:b