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January 20, 1950

Mr. Marriner Eccles
Federal Reserve System
Federal Reserve Building
Washington, D. C.
Dear Marriner:
The local Press has publicized the news that Albert C.
Armstrong, President of the Northwestern State Bank of Duluth, is being reccomended as a candidate for membership on the Federal Reserve Board. It is
presumed that they are seeking someone with a background of consumer credit
experience as well as commercial banking, and in that field Mr. Armstrong
has been outstanding for twenty-seven years.
He is a friendly competitor and has operated a small State
bank, but prior to the organization of the Northwestern State Bank he operated
a Morris Plan Company institution in Duluth.
He has been nationally identified in consumer credit work with the American Bankers Association and the
Minnesota Bankers Association, as well as with the Morris Plan organizations.
His age, which is 52 years, and his background of experience
and pleasing personality really qualify him as a most desirable candidate
for membership on the Federal Reserve Board, and I am therefore glad to commend him to those who may be scrutinizing his background of training.
Since I am somewhat in a fog as to who should be approached in
Washington circles to express my recommendations, I am taking the liberty of
writing you to inform me just what groups will be responsible for his selection.
I would like to lend a helping hand in support of his candidacy, and anything
that you might write me concerning the various committees or groups which should
be approached for the purpose of sponsoring Mr. Armstrong's name, I will appreciate exceedingly.
I hope that your golf game continues to be such as to win an occasional pot at the Burning Tree Club on a Sunday morning.


My cordial remembrances.

Lev/is G. Castle

Ji.:iuary 26, 1950.

Dear Levis:
In response to your letter of January 20th vith reference
to filling a vacancy on the Board, that is a matter vhich is entirely in the bands of the President. It is .is sole prerogative
to make the appoiataeat, wit. continuation being required by the
nole after favorable action has been taken by the Senate Banking & Currency Committee.
The President, no doubt, would be influenced in bit appointment by the recommendation of Chairman McCobe as well as by
the Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. John Snyder. At least while I
was Gbalraaftj I always found that to be tlM case.
I •mve-'t discussed ; :Ls ,.:ati :;r with anyone as 1 do not
feel it would be appropriate for Be to do so unless I aa asked. No
doubt the Senators, particularly the Democratic Committee Chairmen
and leader..
•, would have great influence upon the appointaeat aba i I I ley intercede with the President.
If you are interested in getting your friend Armstrong appointed o'i the Boarc], I would suggest that yoi write to Cnainaan and Secretary Snyder, as veil as have t
. up
directly or indirectly with the Senators in your Federal Reserve
District. It sight also be vail to discuss t
r nlH Ir. John
Peyton, the President of your Federal deserve bank, :md gii is support if fo
with C-iairjiun NeCahe and Secretary Snyder.
I trust the above ^ives you the information you desire.
ber. If the
end. I
the pleasure

laat tirae I pl&yed golf vas about the middle of Decempresent
r keeps up I expect to play ov :• [ is weekto see you again in Vfasnin.jton before lo.aCi aad to have
of playing golf with you.

With kind personal regards,
Sincerely yours,

Mr. Levis G. Castle, President,
Northern Minnesota National Bank,
Duluth 1, Minnesota.