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January 21, 1942

Marriner S. Eccles
Board o f Governors
Federal Reserve System
New York City, N. Y.
I am sending you clippings from Columbus News­
I think you should read them.
It seems that your whole thought is getting more
money from the down-trodden taxpayer.
I endorse every word that Westbrook Pegler says.
It certainly would be refreshing i f same member
o f the Administration would suggest that innumerable
useless bureaus be abolished and thousands o f p o lit ic a l
parasites be ousted from their jobs and made to get out
and hustle fo r a liv in g .
Very truly yours,

)AY, JANUARY 20, 1942

Eccles Asks W ithholding Tax
To Bar Shortages for Taxes
N E W YORK, Jan. 20.— Marriner
S. Eccles, chairman of the board
of governors of the federal reserve
system, today predicted an end
to the rise in the country’s standard
of living under the impetus of the
arms program and foresaw sharply
higher taxes.
Eccles spoke before more than
800 members of the New York
State aBnkers Association at its
14th annual mid-winter meeting.
Eccles, speaking extemporane­

ously, told
the bankers there should
be fewer exemptions and higher

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

taxes on gifts and estates and that,
individual exemptions should be cut
to $1200 for married couples and
to $600 for individuals.
He was "unalterably opposed” to
a sales tax which he termed as
The reserve chairman stated that
the task of collecting income taxes
will be stupendous.
He recom­
mended a withholding tax to pre­
vent consumer spending and to re­
duce the possibility of people not
having the money when taxes were

WASHINGTON, JAN. 30.—NOW THAT the income

By Westbrook Pegler

a' sort of de luxe dole or handout or, not to fumble
tax has become p democratic institution, affecting /for a word, gravy,
some seven million new subjects in income brackets i
Everyone in Washington has personal knowledge
as low as $800 a year, the Treasury seriously hopes of many such ill-disguised gifts of large salaries to
", tr banish from the public mind the concept of th^ individuals whose duties are only theoretical, nomi­
t xpayer created by Will John­
nal or unnecessary and the same generosity has now
s's tone, the cartoonist, who pic­
spread out over the country.
tures him as a scrawny little man
UNDER THE OLD SCALE of brackets, the
wearing nothing but a barrel held
tax was a class tax and those who paid it
Up by suspenders and always in
m hot fury over the waste of his
were deemed lucky to have that much income and
tax money by public officers. Our
poor sports to ask what was done with the money.
friends at the Treasury believe the
And anyone who asked too insistently and clamor­
new members of the lodge will be
ously could expect a call from one of the detectiveeager to pay their bit not only
accountants of the Internal Revenue who would go
to buy the tools of war but to
over all his personal items and even demand an ex­
i stand off inflation. This is the
planation of his spendings which were none of the
first time the Treasury has seemed to care what Treasury's business, as well as of his earnings. This
the income taxpayer thought about anything. Al is literal truth. The income taxpayers were a small
ways hitherto he was treated as a rich man who and politically friendless minority and the Govern­
probably had stolen or inherited his money and the ment itself created the figure in the barrel whom
bureaucrats of the New Deal laughed raucously at
it is now desired to retire from the scene lest the
his futile complaints. I remember an encounter new and much larger group of taxpayers come to
' with an ex-newspaperman who had been drafted regard the tax as a burden.
into the long and extravagant war on poverty as an
The treasury people are correct in their belief
aid to Jim Farley for duties mostly political who that the new income taxpayers will be quite will­
aaid rather mockingly: “Why don’t you pay your ing to pay the tax for war purposes. The old group
income tax and quit squawking?”
has the same spirit and, with very few exceptions,
I HAD PAID MY INCOME TAX and I was squawk- has been willing all along to pay legitimate costs
ing because $6000 a year of the taxes paid by me of Government including the expense of new depart,
nonestly intended to ease the nation over the
j and others was being pa.d to a relative of a p r o m > ^ V g panJc But neither
^ be happy to ^
| nent idealist for decorating embassies abroad; $6000 tinue to support innumerable political press agents
a year had been paid to Theodore (The Man) Bilbo, on better salaries than they ever were worth in pria stranded Mississippi politician, to clip and paste vate industry merely because they are politically
newspaper items in scrapbooks, and to keep him off right. Neither group will willingly contribute money
neck of Pat Harrison; $10,000 was being paid to ,out of earnings and go threugh the vexation of maknmy Roosevelt to act as one of his father’s sec- ing out returns so that useless, extravagant and
retaries and keep out of mischief and countless othei ornate Government reports may be turned out in the
were being paid to other personal and form of bound books singing the praises of this or
political friends and relatives of high personages a s \ that Cabinet member.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

T^HE federal government debt is ap­
proaching $60,000,000,000. The nonfede^al (state, county, city, etc., debt com­
bined is $24,000,000,000, a total of $84,000,000,000, which with the interest additional,
' is a burden on the backs of all the present
generation of Americans and our posterity
at least 1000 years to come.
'his means that the present regime has
a blanket mortgage on the nation, as
things are at the moment, to the extent
above stated until the year 2042 A. D.
Even though by refinancing at rates of 2.5
per cent down to 1.5 per cent, this 84 bilj lions will become at least $160,000,000,000.
j All this will be in addition to current ex; penditnres. Should the debt go to $200,000,000,000, in 100 years, or by 2042 A. D.,
it will be 400 billions.
We are surely putting a ball and chain
on the future workers of America. To lick
the Axis, we must cut down on non-war ex­
penses, and thereby save and help our
the war and the peace, too.
J. F. Carlisle.