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Chicago 43, 111.
Dec» 1, 1945
Marriner Eccles,
Chairman Of The Federal Reserve Board,
Washington, D. C.
Dear Sir:



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I have been informed that you can offer
some concrete plan whereby the speculation of
land values, causing the eternal aftermath,
depressions, can be avoided for all time..

I can cite one instance of. my own personal
experience in land values when I was able to buy a
lot for home building for $800.00 thirty months
ago. To day the same owner is asking $1800.00. An
increase of 125$. This increase in value is really
unwarranted, but because of scarcity of housing
owners, of land are taking advantage of the situation,





If The Federal Government cannot put a
ceiling on the val»ues of land some plan must be
devised to stop the upward spiralling of prices,
which bring on the depressions we have faced in
this country for over thirty-three times.
, Would it be feasible to Amend our Constitution
so as to be able to control land values as we have
controlled commodity values, to prevent inflations?
' I i ... J
Hoping to receive an expression from you
along the above lines of thought, I remain,





Very respectfully yours
Jacob I. Gale /
1013^ South May Street
Chicago, 43, 111.

December 11, 19^5*
Mr. J ¿¿cob I. uale,
101->outh May Street,
Chicago A3, Illinois.
Dear Mr. Gale:
This is to acknowledge your letter of December 1 in regard to the speculation in land values,ftbilfeI do not profess to
have any universal or permanent cure for speculation, nevertheless,
there are certain very definite steps tft«t I have long advocated
that might and, I think, should have been taiten t<* curb developments such as you cite, which are typical of the inflationary forces
today, it had seemed ti> me most unfortunate that
s regulation
Kiiovffi as L-4.1 «as removed, for that or soru&tii Ing ii*er it could nave
ueen utilised to allocate scarce materials to those contract<3Ps wno
would agi»ee to build moderately priced nousing available on some
priority basis to veterans first at all.
Long ago 1 did all I could to persuade the powers that be
to enact a stiff capital gains tax th«.t, in my opinion, would have
taken much of tne speculative fever oat of the "real estate market as
well as tne Stock market and other capital, assets. You might be
interested to see a statement on this subject which 1 prepared some
time ago, copy of which I enclose»
r.niie I nave not oeen informed as to the proposal that tne
President is expected to announce shortly, I an encouraged oy what
has been said in this connection to hope that it will be iir effect
a reinstatement of the Kind of control over ¿.liocatimx of materials
that I referred to aoove.
6incereLy yours

M. S. Eccles,
