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W A S H I N G T O N , D. C.

My dear Marriner:Negotiations with the Bank
of America have reached the stage
indicated i n the attached memorandum.
I am anxious both for you to be
informed and to have your advice and
counsel i n the matter.
The attached is not agreed
to and I am not sure that I myself am
entirely i n accord with i t .
W i l l you please treat i t as
highly confidential and give me
personally the benefit of your c r i t i c !
As ever,
Preston Delano.
December 13 th



Bank of America

Reference is made to the various communications i n recent
weeks between the Comptroller's Office and the Bank of America N*T*&
S*A* dealing with departmental criticism of the bank's management,
including dividend policies and certain specified items, and with
particular reference to the department's letters to the bank of
September 23 and November 23*
After several conferences between L* M* Giannini, President,
¥f* E. Blauer, Vice Chairman, and Russell Smith, Cashier, of the bank,
Chief National Bank Examiner Folger, Assistant Chief National Bank
Examiner Clarence Smith, and Examiner Sedlacek, some of which conferences were attended by Comptroller Preston Delano, Deputy Comptroller
Upham, Under-Secretary of the Treasury Hanes, Leo Crowley, Chairman of
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Chairman Jones and Sam
Husbands of the RFC, the following would seem to constitute an acceptable
program for adjustment of differences between the Comptroller of the
Currency and the bank*
Due to the widespread operations of the bank, i t s great number
of branches, and close a f f i l i a t i o n with Transamerica Corporation and i t s
a l l i e d interests, the bank should effect and reasonably maintain a sound
capital structure having a ratio to i t s entire deposits of, say, one to
ten. The amount of any additional capital required f o r this ratio to be
determined after the result of the examination now i n progress, including
a review of the items classed as slow* The increased capital should be
i n the bank as early as practicable after the amount shall have been
determined, but i n no event later than June 30, 1939#
Real estate i n the amount of fl,578,005*49 now carried under the
heading of "banking houses11 should be adjusted satisfactory to the
The real estate item of #4^700,000 acquired through purchase
from the Merchants National Realty Corporation should be completely
liquidated by July 15, 1942, such liquidation to be d i l i g e n t l y pursued*
I t i s noted that this item has been reduced from $5,875,000 since the
last examination.
The $4*700,000 balance due upon the item of ftguaranteed loans11
should be liquidated at the rate of not less than #1*300,000 per year
and completely eliminated by July 15, 1942* This item has been reduced
from $5,524,000 since the last examination*




The bank should obtain a definite agreement from Transamerica
to purchase the 45,200 shares of National City Bank stock at its cost
to the Bank of America H.T.&S.A., #2,200,000, i n annual installments
of not less than 11,300 shares, with provision for complete elimination
by July 15, 1942. This item has been reduced from $2,716,800 since the
last examination, Transamerica having purchased 11,300 shares at the
option price of #48.00 per share* The bank should also obtain a general
pledge agreement from Transamerica adding as security the collateral
now pledged to secure the Mguaranteed loans. n
Stocks and bonds to the amount of #87§,358.04 especially c r i t i cized should be disposed of as soon as possible, and not later than
June 30, 1939.
The remaining balance of approximately #1,500,000 of unrealized
bond write-up should be eliminated by June 30, 1939.



Depreciation of banking houses, furniture and fixtures should
be continued so that the entire item., exclusive of the cost of the land,
w i l l be eliminated i n not more than 18 years.


The 16 loans made on 1277 shares of the bank's own stock should
be immediately collected or corrected to the satisfaction of the Comptroller.
The A. 0. Stewart line listed at approximately #11,000,000, of
which #4,500,000 is classified as slow, should be made satisfactory to
the Comptroller.


The bank should agree that i t w i l l not acquire from unit banks,
which have been converted into branches, assets which national banks are
not authorized to own.


Any dividends declared should at the time of the declaration be
deducted from the undivided p r o f i t account and carried as a reserve for


The statute which prohibits a national bank from lending upon
i t s own stock should be s t r i c t l y enforced, and the same principle should be
applied to loans on Transamerica stock. I n justice to the bank and i t s
clientele, the bank should be allowed to extend accommodations to stock- ^
holders of Transamerica i n small amounts for their business purposes,
accepting Transamerica stock as supporting security, when they can demonstrate their a b i l i t y to repay the loan without relying upon the sale of
the stock to pay i t .
Any loans t6 Transamerica Corporation and its a l l i e d interests
should have the prior approm! of the Board of Directors of the bank and
the approval recorded i n the minutes of the board meeting.





Loans to Transamerica, its subsidiaries, and a l l i e d interests
should be brought within the legal limit allowed to one interest as soon i / "
as possible, and not later than July 15, 1942.
The bank should not be permitted to write up on its books the
value of any asset which i t retains, and no p r o f i t should be taken by
the bank on any assets sold to a related company, unless such sale is
a bona fide sale and without recourse oh the bank. I f any such sale is
made other than for cash, the note or notes taken i n payment or part
payment therefor should be properly secured.
The bank should eliminate flother real estate11 and the real
estate contracts of Capital C0mpany and California Lands, Inc., such r
elimination to be diligently pursued, and completed by December 15, 1943.
The bank should agree that any criticized items not covered
herein w i l l have prompt and effective attention, and that i t w i l l
cooperate with the Comptroller of the Currency i n an effort to bring
a l l matters pertaining to the bank i n line with his requirements.



Because of i t s size and dominant position in the t e r r i t o r y
i t occupies, the bank should keep i t s capital structure extraordinarily
strong through a conservation of earnings by a conservative dividend
policy. After the bank's capital structure 1ms been adjusted as provided
in item ( l ) herein, i n determining the amount of dividends to be paid
consideration should be given to increasing the net sound capital by
additions of a reasonable amount of net profits, and no dividends declared
that w i l l be inconsistent with reasonably maintaing a one to ten r a t i o
of capital to deposits.
Upon the bank's agreement to the program outlined herein,
approved by its Board of Directors, i t should be free to declare i t s
regular semi-annual dividend March 1939 i f i t s Directors elect to do so.