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E. A.


H a r r i s

Real Estate and Loans
426 Gunter Building
Office: Garfield 2515
Home: Fannin 5679
S A N A N T O N I O , 5, T E X A S

July 30, 1948

Mr. IJarriner Secies
Federal Reserve Board
Washington, D, C,
Lly dear Mr, Ecoles:
You were quoted on the radio this
morning as having said, i n effeot, that i t i s now too late
to head o f f a depression; that a l l we can do now i s to soften
i t s impact.
In a United Press dispatch published i n a San Antonio
newspaper today, President Truman was quoted as having said
that a depression may be "on the way,"
Many months ago we Americans were told that Soviet Russia
was "counting upon* a depression in the United States,
Good God Almighty! Don»t you occupants of the seats of
the mighty Know anything at a l l about the philosophy, the
basic concept, or the History of our money civilization?
you don't, then why don*t you absquatulate?
certainly not a communistic declaration, CMy pe6ple were
co-founders of this Nation.)
In our money c i v i l i z a t i o n , the ups and downs of "Business"
have been as rhythmic as the beats of a metronome. In University,
and for more than t h i r t y years since, I have researched, studied aid
anaylzed the phenomena of the boon-bust routine—with the net
result that I*have a (oopyrighted) graph of the business cycles,
lt»s as simple as thougn you dipped the f i v e fingers ot your hand
i n red paint and then made an imprint of those five fingers on
a white wall: the impression would represent the pattern of the
business cycles, recurring rythmically through the centuries,
with a regular irregularity, so to speak, that has not faltered
since the founding of the Bank of England,
To change this apparently fatalistic order, we would have to
upset, overhaul, and completely revolutionize a concept, or
philosophy of money which has controlled the eoonomy* of mankind fa?
at least 3000 years.
Are you interested?
my copyrighted graph.

I f so, perhaps you would l i k y t o see
C/o to Gen. Claude V. Birkhead,
Birkhead,Beolcnarm,8tanard & Vance, San Antonio^ Texas