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Hon. Marriner Eccles Governor, Federal Reserve Board Washington, D. C. Hon. Marriner Eccles: The rising liberalism of the deep South amazes me. Here we are giving front page space to a damnyankee and I thought you might like to see the fine press your statement achieved here in old Augusta. Even the membership of Burning Tree gets occasional and pleasant representation in our fair city. Floyd Akers, together with a couple of guests, arrived last Saturday at the Augusta National to play the Masters and hoist a glass to liberty and justice. We had a delightful time. Incidentally, if the humidity and the thermometer ever get too severe for you in Washington just drop me a note. I can offer you some of the finest golf and golfing weather its ever been my good fortune to encounter. Warmest personal regards and please give my best to Larry Clayton. President & General Manager ADW: fah Enclosure December 13, 1949* Dear Jess: Thanks for your letter of November 23, enclosing a clipping from the Augusta Chronicle regarding my recent appearance before the economic subcommittee headed by Senator Douglas. I very much appreciate your thoughtfulness, more especially since you seem to have absorbed some of the antipathy of the South toward us "damnyankees1*! The article is good reporting and I am glad to have it for my scrapbook. I take it from your letterhead that you have deserted us at the Burning Tree Club for the "fair" South — if so, you certainly are going to be missed. I have been away from Washington a great deal during the past four or five months, so I thought you, like myself, were away only temporarily. I am hoping I may have an opportunity to go South sometime before the winter is over, but my next trip will be to the west for the Christmas holidays. No doubt you have heard of Larry Clayton's sudden death a week ago Saturday night of a cerebral hemorrhage, 'ft© had as usual on Saturday afternoon and when I left him at 5*30 he seemed to be in his usual good spirits. It was a great shock to me. He will be missed greatly by his many friends throughout the country, and particularly by those at Burning Tree. I extend to you and yours my very best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season, and for good health and lots of success during the New Year. With warmest personal regards, Sincerely, Mr. A. D. Willard, Jr., c/o The Twin States Broadcasting Company, Radio Station MJAC, Augusta, Georgia. VS:dls