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T0_____ Governor Broderick


Chairman Ec<^es

Thought you might like to see
a nice letter from a fine boy.


on "Government and Economic Stability”

Under the Auspices of the Daily Princetonian, Harvard Crimson and Yale News
at Princeton University, May 8th and 9th, 1936

P r in c e t o n —

Chairman: J o se p h L. B r o d e r ic k , Daily Princetonian
J o h n B. B o w d it c h , Harvard Crimson

May 14, 1936

Chairman i

W i l l i a m H . O r r ic k , J r., Yale News

H a r o ld W i l l i s D odds
E d w a r d S . C o r w in
C h r is tia n G a u ss
E d w in W . K em m erer
D e W itt C lin to n P o o le

H arvard—


Honorable Marriner S. Eccles
Chairman, Board of Governors of
Federal Reserve System
Washington Building
Washington, D.C.

Jam es B r y a n t C o n a n t
W illia m Y . E l l i o t t
F e lix F r a n k f u r t e r
A r t h u r N . H o lc o m b e
A r th u r M. S c h le sin g e r
S u m n er H . S lic h te r
J o h n H . W illia m s

Y ale—


Dear Mr. Eccles:

J a m e s R o w la n d A n g e l l
A . W h i t n e y G r is w o ld
J a m es H a rv ey R ogers
J a m es G ra fto n R ogers
H a r v e y M a n s fie ld

I should like to thank you at this time on behalf
of the Princeton-Harvard-Yale conference for your kindness
in attending the inaugural session of the series at Princeton
last Saturday.
I need hardly tell you that without your presence
the Banking table would have been at a tremendous loss* As
it .was, the consensus rated the afternoon session the most
successful of the entire conference. The undergraduates were
inspired by the discussion under your guidance and I cannot
tell you how much you contributed to any success the Confer­
ence may have enjoyed.
It seems a great deal to undergraduates to be given
an opportunity of discussing the intricate problems of gov­
ernment and business with men like yourself who are handling
Thank you very much,Mr. Eccles. I realize the sacrifice
which attending the conference must have meant to you.
Believe me, we appreciate your contribution from the bottom
of our hearts.

am looking forward to seeing you next year in

With warm regards, I remain


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