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Dictated at Asheville, N. C.
April 11, 1939

Dear Marriner:
I was so glad to get your note* I
am afraid it will be some little time still
before I get back but from all I read in the
papers, you don't need my help in handling
the bank situation.
Seth Richardson writes me that you
have become very liberal in your golf handicaps. Guess I am losing money.
Had a nice note from Larry the other
dajr. Since I only have a few minutes left with
my secretary, I wonft get to write any more at
Sincerely yours,


Honorable Marriner S. Eccles,
Chairman, Board of Governors,
Federal Reserve System,
Washington, D. C.

It B # M W a long tine siace I last «av
you and it gees without nayiag th&t I have aieeed
you, both tit your office- and at the Beaming Tree-*
Through reports froa Tariotw
iacXodinc St@r@f I i©ara that yom are rapidly 011
ths men4* I hojpe f®n get back, in time for A gaae
lush fairways flanked by the flowering dogLarry

ao in

Honorable Marriii B. iclatyre
10E Ma coo Avenua
t Horth Carolina
