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U nited S t a t e s T ariff C o m m i s s i o n 8th a n d E Streets N. W . WASHINGTON EDGAR B. BROS8ARD COMMISSIONIK November 27, 1936. Honorable Marriner S. Eccles, Governor, Federal Reserve Board, Washington, D. U. Dear Marriner: I thank you for coining out and giving us that fine talk Wednesday night. Members of the Inquirendo Club were thrilled with it. I stayed around a little bit after you left and talked with them about it. They were all greatly stimulated by your vigorous and clear presentation of the problems and methods of meeting them. They were not only given a lot of new information but were made to see the logic of a side of the governmental problems which they had not been able to understand heretofore. You have done a real public service in your talk. Tfe are all grateful to you for it. We know that you are extremely busy and we appreciate your devotion to the task you have at hand. Because of our realizing the situation we do doubly appreciate your attendance and contribution. Those men are real friends of yours. You won them completely. You have made a great record in your brief public service here in Washington and I wish you every success in your continued activities here. I am proud of you and I am sure all your other boyhood Logan friends are likewise. With every good wish, I am November 30, 1936. Dear Id: This is to acknowledge your very com plimentary and reassuring note of November 27th commenting upon the talk which I gave before the Inquirendo. That is such a keen and intelligent group that it is bound to be stimulating to any one who attempts to speak before it. One never knows what sort of an impres sion is being made and naturally I am very much gratified to hear from an old friend like yourself that what I attempted to say was so favorably re ceived. Needless to say, I deeply appreciate your generous comments and your good wishes which I wholeheartedly reciprocate. Sincerely yours, M. S. Eccles, Chairman Honorable Edgar B. Brossard Commissioner United States Tariff Commission Washington, D. C. ET:r