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December 1, 1950.

Dear Lauch:
I muat apologize for my long delay in replying to your very thoughtful Uki friendly latter of October 19. I left for the Vest just shortly befor
mi did not return to Washington until about a
week ago.
I aia :till witii tne Federal Reserve ana expect to be until at
least tne first
if Febr.
; /nich will b. U M end of my seventeen years
in public Mrriefet it si that that date may be a good time to make
the complete transition to private life.
"ling of futility and
frustration in -.
ublic job doosn'; U l l W with the ptftflinf of time.
It is very eonsiaer^ce of you, MM well M flatteriag to me, to urge
me to come to Colombia for tl
rpoee of giving my advice on monetary, fiscal and banking aattcrflg M w-3ll as to ICOK ov
oou&try with the possibilities for future work fo^* thfl Utah Construction in Riaci« I woula like very
auch to make the trip you
if I could s:e my way to ao so eithar now
or in the &«*r futu^'e. 1 have so much to do if I M I going to fet out of
Washington tad reestablished in the Vesi, during tfafl next few months that it woulxi
be iaipossible fo
-> the country. I appreciate year consideration of
With the present teut* inttrmttfliT situation, it now looks like the
v.iole course of our foreign trade and, I b^li^v^, c-ublic or private foreign
loans tnd investments will be gi-eatly changed,
4x1 economic developments,
insofar as help from the united States is concerned, will be greatly slaved up
except where it becoaes necessary to develop raw materials aeroad to supplement our diicinishing supply or to provide new sources. Tne situation in which
this country finds itself, due to unrealistic foreign policies as well s
domestic economic policies, is vrry critical and calls for strong, intelligent,
determined and courageous le^dersnip, which is greatly lacking in our present
Vhen do you plan U
m i to the United States? I hope if I am still
here waen you return 1 will heve an opportunity to hc-ve a long visit with you.
I hope sll is goifig well with you personally ana that your mission is turning
out entirely satisfactory to you.
With v&rm personal regards,

Mr. Lauchlin Currie,
Mision de Aaministracion Publicaf
Banco de la Republics,
Republica de Colombia.

Sincerely yours,