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July 9, 1945. Mr. John St. Clair Bookes, Jr., Edmonds Building, Washington 5» D. C, Dear John: In accordance with your request and my promise during, our conversation at the Burning Tree Club yesterday, I am enclosing herewith a copy of the address I made before the National Industrial Conference Board, at New York City on November 16, 19-44 — "The Postwar Price Problem - Inflation or Deflation?". Guy W A LTE R B. G U Y J O H N S, B R O O K E S , JR. * D E N IS M U L L IG A N * "IN MILITARY Brookes L O V E L L H .P A R K E R TAX A S S O C I A T E F R E D E R IC B. W A R D E R L O U IS H. M A N N * E D W AR D B .G IB S O N * B E N J A M IN W. GUY, II and Edm onds 917 F if t e e n t h B u ild in g S t r e e t , N.W . W a s h i n g t o n , D. C . Zone 5 TELEPHONE NATIONAL 3253 S E R V IC E July 11, 1945. Mr. Marriner Eccles, Chairman, Federal Reserve Board, Washington 25, D. C. Dear Marriner: Thanks very much for yours of July 9th enclosing your speech before the National Industrial Conference Board. read this with great interest end give you my reactions. I shall