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F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K OF SAN FRANCISCO March 24, 1941 Mr* John K, McK^e, Member, Board o f Governors o f the Federal Reserve System* Washington, D* C# Dear Governor Mc&eet Please r e f e r to our l e t t e r o f March 15* 1941* concerning the committee designated t o carry out the p r o v i s i o n s of Paragraph 5 of the w r i t t e n requirements dated March 6, 1940, submitted by the Comptroller of tjft Currency t o the Bank o f America T* & S# A . / I n accordance w i t h the l a s t paragraph o f our l e t t e r , we are enclosing E x h i b i t *A R , which has-jjist j been received from the Bank o f Americans • T* & S* A copy o f t h i s l e t t e r and e n c l M u f e i s enclosed f o r the use o f Chairman Eccles* \ ^ COPT SCHEDULE *A» to b© attached to letter of 3/11/41 Name of Property Glen Park Seventh & Weetlake, L«A* Elmhurst, Oakland Tenth & Pacific, San PeHro Vallejo-Commercial Mountain View Atwater 29th & Mission Hynes Melrose, Oakland 8th & Broadway, Oakland Petaluma 8th & Vermont, L.A. Stockton Main Office Wilshire-La Brea Total * 1st Semester 1941 San Bruno Logan Heights, San Diego Escondido Lancaster Hi11 crest, San Diego Torrance Estado-Cota, Santa Barbara Burbank Hedondo Beach Chula Vista Seventh & Mateo Wilmington La Habra Fullerton Colorado-Mentor, Pasadena Melrose-La Brea, Hollywood Seventh & Hoover Market-New Montgomery Total - 2nd Semester 1941 GRAND TOTAL Amount of Reduction to be Made $ 6,303*00 128,349*00 14*397.00 31,702,00 13,, 823*00 22,294*00 5,720.00 22,759*00 10,213.00 18,175*00 46,806*00 62,562*00 72,252*00 403,029*00 169.320.00 $1,027,704*00 6,288.00 11,638.00 16,419.00 21,939*00 22,839*00 47,259*00 34*938*00 27,275*00 23,760.00 12,723*00 16,997*00 32,102*00 9,176*00 85,941*00 49,451*00 63,006.00 109,133*00 415*841.00 11,006,725*00 f2 t 0g4i429.00