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April 28, 135S, In eccord&nee with our standing, I cat eending joti for your confidential information, eopy of the aciisoraadu® which I left vlth til© Tr@mi&mtt during our eooferenoe; with hia tills yours, Um 3. Iccles, Chairman* at tie VE:b « • THE SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY WAS HINGTO N April 29, 1938 Dear Marriner: I write to acknowledge receipt of your letter of April 28th and to thank you for sending me a cot>y of the confidential memorandum which you left with the President during our conference with him at the White House. Sincerely yours, Hon. Marriner Eccles, Chairman, Board of Governors, Pederal Reserve System, v/ashington, D. C.