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L DUNCAN V FLETCHER, FLA., CHAIRMAN ,SS, VA*M ROBERT F. W A G N E R ^ Y. ALBEN W. BARKLEY, KY. ROBERT J. BULKLEY, OHIO -HOMA8 P. GORE, OKLA. HOWARD P. COSTIGAN, COLO. ROBERT R. REYNOLDS, N. C. PETER NORBECK, S. DAK. JOHN G. TOWNSEND, JR., DEL. ROBERT D. CAREY, WYO. JAMES COUZEN8, MICH. FREDERICK STEIWER, OREO. BRONSON CUTTING, N. MEX. jOHN^rBANKHEAof ALA. 4£>ictie« Geneti COM MITTEE ON BANKING AND CURRENCY WILLIAM GIBBS MC ADOO, CALIF. ALVA B. ADAMS, COLO. FRANCIS T. MALONEY, CONN. GEORGE L. RADCLIFFE, MD. WILLIAM L. HILL, CLERK July 1, 1935 Ity dear Governor Booles: I regret that I have not had an earlier opportunity to aoknoirledge receipt of your letter of June 6th* Please be assured of my appreciation of your kindness in sending me the information regarding the proposed Banking Aot of 1935* Cordially yoursi Honorable M# S# Eocles, Governor Federal Reserve Board Washington, D # C. W