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February 9, 19U5*

Honorable Georg© B. Outland,
House of Representatives,
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Mr* Outland:
An old friend of nine, Judge John Curtis Hamm
of San Gabriel, California, with whom I have carried on
an intermittent correspondence for a good many years,
requested me to send you a copy of the enclosed talk
which I gave before the national Industrial Conference
Judge Hamm, who reminds me that he has
crossed the line of eighty-six years, thought you might
be interested in this discussion. Otherwise, I would
not take the liberty of inflicting it upon you.
Sincerely yours,

U . S . Eccles,
C h a irm a n .


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G E O R G E E. O U T L A N D

C O M M IT T E E :

11t h D i s t r i c t

B a n k in g a n d C u r r e n c y

C a l i f o r n ia

Congress of tije Mntteb fetatea
$ou£ie of JUpresentatibeg
Wasifjmgton, 30. C.
February 13, 1945.

Mr. M. S. Eccles
Board of Governors
Federal fieserve System
Washington 25, D. C.
Dear Hr. Ecclesi
Ihank you very much for sending me the reprint of
your speech on the Postwar Price Problem.
Z am grateful to Judge Hamm for suggesting that
you send it to me for I shall certainly be inter­
ested in this discussion.
Sincerely yours

George 3. Outland.