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Dear Fred*
The Presidents 1 Conference?, consisting of the Presidents of
the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, has been seating in Yr&shington during
the past few da^s and Has presented & report to th© Board of Governor®
coneeniins: i t s proceeding** I &n sure /on will be interested to know
that this report includes the following p&ssagei

Anglo-A^ericim loan

Conference reviewed tfca prevailing s«iitiand attitudes of the pablic toward the AngloAmericon finaaciai agreenent* The members of th©
Confarcnca are in favor of the e^roemeRt and are
willing to cooperate in ©very «*&y possible to present
th® subject to bankers, civic, business, ead other
organisations, but they believe that their assistance
would be E^ich sore effective if they could bs kept
informed of the general national program for public
ectecation u\d of the time schedule 11of this program
of proposed legislative action.
tejDM steps to a## that the President* 999 kept informed
th*» prograsi for public ednc&tion and legislative consideration
of the British l#em.

(Signed) Marriner
liU S* Kccles,
Chal naan,
Honorabl© Fred II
Secretary of the
ias-hington 25, D> C,


U&rch U» 1946*

The Presidents* Conf*r«aee, consisting' of the Presidents of
ih# twelr* Federal .Reserve tasks* has b*en meeting i» F&ahinjfton durin
the p&&i few d*ys &nd has presented • report to the Soar;! of Governors
concerning i t s proctedin^s* I ant MUrt -you will fo# Ist*rtt4«4 to know
that this report incLodas the following

•"The CqttfTSttOS r^vietrod UM pravaillm? M l i l and attitudes of tb« public toward th* Anglofinancial afr#fB«,fst« Th« MMriMMFt of the
Conference are in favor of the &gr&eift«nt MHfl *^re
billing' to cooperate in «r*ry ••f poj?sibl« to present
the 4mbj«ct to b&nkars, eivic, businms, and other
org^niR*tions9 but th^y (relieve that Uislr asslftitnce
would b« mieh eaore *ff®ctive if they cmtM be kept
informed of the ^«n*rsl national progrm. for public
edueatioo and of tha tiite stiiediiie of this
a»d of proposed legislative action.*
I have taken steps to 0©© th*t the President® are vept informed
concerning the profr&m for pvbftlt edtsc&tion Sttd lejri tl«fclv« consideration
of the British loan.

(Signed) Marriner

*? W. L. Clayton,
ssistant Mil>isiJf of S
2 $ , D, G.
