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/•ch 15, 1950.

Dear Frank:
1 am enclosing herewith copies of some letters and
I Maor&ndtsi covering the setting up of the Council of Economic
Advisers, which I thin*c you will find very interesting. They
are as follows;
1. Letter to the President, clawed March 15, 194-6;

Copy of the memorandum enclosed in that letter
• titled "Implementation of the Employment
Act of 194.6" > "W: ich outlines H*y su:
. . up of the Council of
Bconoaie Advisers and gives the reasons why
trie Director of the Budget fthould be the
Chairman of that Council;


Copy of the President1s reply, dated March 16,


Copy of s letter to Barold Saith, the thea Director of tne Budget, dated Tmbrwry 1$, 194-6.

:-Diso of Lne vacancy of the Cheiimnehip in the Council
of £cor;o;nic Advisers as
. criticise which hfti developed with
erence to the functioning of the Council, 1 thought it an appropriate tirne to send to you, Use now Director of the Budget, the
above referred to enclosures. It say not be loo late to correct
the situation by tppol
M C/iairman of that organization.
One of your assistants, as your designee, could carry most of the
work for you. It Is my viev
with you the official Chairman
there would be much better coordination within the Executive Office
with reference to t;
'ling of the economic and financial problems of the Government.
Sincerely yours,

M. S. Kocles,
Honorable Frank Pace,
bureau of t:ie Budget,
Washington, D. C.

Form F. R. 131


Office Correspondence

Chairman McG;.he


Governor Eccles

Date ^^ ic, 1950.
Subject: Council of Economic Adviasra

I am unclosing herewith a. copy of a letter to %bm President on March 15,
194-6, and a. copy of the memorandum entitled BImplementation of the
Saployasnt let of 1946" enclosed in that letter; also a copy of the
Presidents reply, dated March 16, 194&, and a copy of & letter which
I sent to Harold Smith, the then Director of the Budget, on February
15, 194b, in Which X enclosed a copy of the memorandum.
Trie memorandum la the one about wl icb I spoke of ax, lunch yesterday
reference to sotting up o£ the Council of Economic Advisers and of
which you said yon would like to have • copy.



,rch 16, 1946

Dei.r Mr. keeles:
I appreciated very much jaar taoughtfulness in tw>4
Lug g& your note of fcl&rch fifteenth and th© m o r t f t dtjja on the £iaploym«at ^ c t . I cm pleased t o know oi"
your i n t e r e s t ftnd to h^ve
N art goii'ift., to hove a r e a l progTMl if t h i s l e g i s l a tion can be iiiipieRkeiited at t h l l end of t a s avenue aid,
of course, that depends eatii-ely on the individuals
who &re on that Caa«i»«ico.
Sincerely yours,


Honorable K, 6. Eccles
X heserve System
Washington, 0. C.


March 15, 1946.

Uy dear Mr. President:
Because the objectives of the ^taployaient Act of 1946 are
so Interwoven with credit and Boaotary r«#pcoslblliti«fl of the r e serve System »nd M *lJfc« of course, to do an/in ing we cui to Euike
that ffleuaure a success, I am taking trie l i b e r t y of enclosing a
memor Judum I prep^rsd t o emphasize wry i t M^H of prlaarj importance
t h a t trie d i r e c t o r of the Budget b« •*&• ^ru-irmun of the Council of
Iconomic advisers If the act i s to be- effectively ^dsdniwti:?reci. If
i t i s pre&uffiptuouii to MIM ttilt orgialftatlofiAX nifyttinrij l e t me
say in extenuution Ul*t a f t e r tvv?Ive yMtn in iartilnfton of 1nt1—tt
i*Ki1r>| * c r e d i t , r.tonot^ry, f i s c a l ^nd otii^r lat«rtviii«d problems
of govviria^it, I tnin.K I learned the luurd WJ iOM valuable
lessons ^bout orguiiiiation, c.nd e.lao that I ccji approach tnese
. 1 Long vtM in t a l s iftgis.U,,t.ion in
reco*iiiizing th*t the OmnrtMiiiMlt b;.s d#flnlte •conoslc responsib i l i t i e s and in statiii^r b.t a —ndltn the objectives tovftrd Milch
public policy LTIG action fhould be directed* Utet i s • tr—ttdoui
step in It6«lf|i as you are well aw^re. ^^turiilly, 1 would hate t o
S':je t h i s nruch l i b e r a l Dx*ogress di&creaited tarough caiy administrat i v e or orraniztiti onal imposse. Hence my effort to put dcMM in
meiaoranduai form soiae soggestioiUl that I feel 1 ntied not apologise
for forwarding t o you for wi&tevor aid, if c:jay, they mi^ht be to
you in dealing vdth what i rec.liz,6 L« ft relatlT«ly subordiiitite
proLleaa coap^red vdtn tb« UAJ tremendous ones «ita Miicn you are
nespeetfully yours,

i. S« Eccles,

The President,
The fehite House,




According to trie Act th« Council of leonoailc -advisers i s

created in the Executive u i f i c e of the President.

I t Li tiie duty

•ad function of the Council t o ft**l*t tttd cdvise the President in
the preparation 01 tne Economic Report, t o gather tlmeiy ^nd
dUthoritai ive informal, ion concerning economic developments cold
t r e n d s , to apprals* baa v^ricms [iiii^l i i

and <.-ctivitie& of th«

Federal QIHIIIHBWIII vltfa r#^p«et to tba declared policy 01 the Efaployment *i.ctf and to develop and i-ecomaend to the Preoiient national
economic policies designed t o mtk\nt din eaipioyment, production, tnd
puichasiag pammr* The Council, kMllB| created in Ul« l:x culive
Office of ttie Pre&ident, la designed <*s an ui.d t o the President in
meeting fcila raapcOAibilitjf in tha foramlation of isii overall i n t e grated econoadc profraa M required under the * c t .

isince the Sooooaie Council la set up in the i'x- cutiye Offlo

of the President for trie norpotM euumeiatvd c»bove, i t i s important
tru.t tne chief coordin^/icu,

a^aacj of the uov; ;-;incnt, tne ftm »«u of

the Budget, snouid be intimately inte^rat'-d feitn the Council.
achieve thin


end i t BOoXd seea to ba expedient aod indeed neces^ci.ry

t h a t tne Director of the Burtw ol tne uu.dget siiould serve aa the
Chalimaai of the Council of Economic AdrlMHNU

There i s nothing in

tne XMttyfBAgt of t n e a\et th^t, Mould prevent tns President freai apBirinting th« J : rector of tha Budget to BMa^barahlp in the oouncil
of SOQOCMBlc a d v i s e r s , subject to co&flnMitloD bj the Saa*t*«


t h i s trro&gWMttt the Director of the liureau of the Budget aould, of
cours*, draw a e&l*ry in one o f f i c i a l e*p*cltj only, • • r r i a j in the
other without pay.
Unites thi Director oi Bureau of the budget I s ^Iso ft lie-saber
of oiid flu 1 lain of the Council of Iconoalc advisers, thoro •ould in
effect be t*vo coordinating

. Les in tfei ix- eutive of. ice of the

President — t:ie iiureau oi* the Badgtt tad the Council.

6uch a con-

dition **'.)uld v i o i - t e the prineiplea ox ^uo-i goT^nuMnt iMftrln1 fftration
and vomld L«*d to continued coafllct althia Ui« A4i1nlntnitlfMi


would render i t d i f f i c u l t , If not lflpo*albl«| for the President to
prefe^nt ft coordinated program witn respect to the Federal budget und
trie various overall DaiiODAl OOODOSlc p o l i c i e s , a c t i v i t i e s , tmA
programs ox UM Federal uovernoiGnt,

Tbe jict provides th*t the Council th*U to tao fu.ilest

possible ext-nt


Govern Kkt agaciclts.

the services ifid l ^ c i i i t i e s of existing

In order to accoapll^l t h i s eifectlvfiiy


would app«*r desir^Dio for the FrosldiBi to 1MU« M Executive order
est«bii&ain.p an Inter' dopart—atAl Economic St&ff consisting of a
technically qoftliflod repre^entativv^ of bi^b jtandlng from e^ch of
the nnTnnwiint dtp*rta»toti (exceot i*r, ivuv^, and Post Office) uid
from the bureau of trie Bu;;g?^t, tho Federal ueserve Board, tae
V&tioa&l Housing A,^;-ncy, the Federal hor&s kgmicj$ the Federbl
^acurity AgtBOJi Midi for thl pi-c5eut, t a e j f i i c e of i*o-r Hohl 11 Mfct i o n , iddd tae i f f i c o of Kconomic Stabilia&tion. of these

represent stives shouia bo rt0; oneible to th« head of his *f«B$y«
Such rt-prefcentotivee should devote full t i a t to the work of the
Inter-departs.ental Fcononlc $t*ff«

They vottld thus oe in •

position to serve t s liaison officers b»twm their respective
tgaasl** tad the Council of Economic /-.dvis^rs *titn respect to
rese&i en ittd policy I'ormui, tion.

^ith rttfmrd to sp^did

problems — uic-net^i-y lad ilsc^.1 BftttarVj for example — i»ubc^mmittoefci of tae Intcr-dep^i>t:A?vnto.l St&ff isiight Kell be established.

Mecessarily In tttt Booooaio Keport of the Pr«sldiBt to

t'ne Con^r€Bi> recownendations will oe nk;de on y&rlottl nuittors of
policy fth; ch concern trie reaoonsibiiities of various af«Diei«t of
the Gov^rnaont.

In th« prcparAtlan oi this &«port ta& Prf^i^ent

will, of coure -, consult Cabinet feeaibers sod heads of agencies
r—pon<lbl« for policy i'oxvnul-vtion.

these hi^^raAklng o i f i c i a l s

will, iuoreov-r, htfiH bftd an opportunity cotitinuoiatiy to assist in
the wurlf fon«ilatioo of policy r>ciIMW\t\11,loni through their
representatives In the lni'-r~depcrtri\ental Economic 6tc.ff, M Mil
as through Jirect contact vith t-ie Pre^idenl Had the Council.

February 15> 1946

Honorable Harold D. S s l
Director, Bureau of the
S t a t e rtipiTtiiBiinti Building;
iaghington (25) D. C.
Dear HftroXdl
Together with ifl^xiri of the s t a f f , I a^ve
glv«B 1 great deal of thought t o t h e stt&tt^r of staking
effective th«ftqplojMMBtnet of 19A6. Uur coaciu&ions
«re contained in the accoap&nyiii^ aiesior«i'idura. I
be ho.ppy t o hkve you use mg EIMMI in connftution
suppoit for • profTMl of the type outlined in t h e l
&h:>\iid yon cas • to do &o.
Our view la that Bill ft 11 the Director of the
biiJget i s made Chtlnuua pi the CotinciX of Iconosic
Advisers the Act will not be effectively <idrrziaistered.
To esWoiibh ail ^itir.dy n«l o ;ency in the Kxocutive
Offle« of the President to coordin^ta economic policies
and progrwu without Integrating i t »ith t:ie bureau of
the Budget . I 1 to -us to go counter to tae ^-ner^i need
for greater c©ntrailiati011 of u.uthority and r*«poii«lbility
•lth rilfict to Federal •coooaic -olicy.

i i i y


It. S. Eccles,