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TELEPHONE NEW ROCHELLE (N. Y . ) CABLE 2-2250 NEW MERRYLE STANLEY RUKEYSER I S O W . P I N E B R O O K NEW ROCHELLE, N. D R I V E Y. June 4 t 1947 Mr. E l l i o t t Thurston Federal Reserve Board Washingtonf D# C# Dear Mr. Thurston; I f the f u l l text of Mr. Secies' testimony of yesterday before the House Banking and Currency Committee i s available, would you be good enough to send me a copy f o r e d i t o r i a l purposes• With a l l good wishes* Cordially yours f M5R:ds ADDRESS : R U K E Y S E R ROCHELLE June 10, 1947. Mr. M. S. ftukeyser, 150 V*. Pinebrook Drive, New ftochelle, New York. Dear Mr. Bukeyser: Unfortunately I have not been able to obtain copies of Mr. Eccles1 testimony before the House Banking and Currency Committee on the loan guarantee b i l l . The Committee clexk tells us that since the record has not been closed, they do not know when printed copies will be available. I am enclosing, however, a copy of the prepared statement explaining the b i l l which was put in the record. Mth best regards, Sincerely yours, E l l i o t t Ahurston, assistant to the Chairman. Enclosure