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June Zc9 L95O.

Honorable Edward F. Bartelt,
Fiscal assistant Secretary In Cfaarge of
the Fliicaices,
U. S. Treasury Department,
ilaahingtoci, D. C.
Dear a&r. b&rtelt:
In accordance witto the request Bade by your
ttiss 7assar over trie telephone tHis morning, Mr. i-ccles
ha£ asiced me t o send you a copy of the l e t t e r he wrote
t o Senator Harry P. Cain on iv!i»y 1,5 r e l a t i v e to bocial
Security. A cop^ o ! the l e t t e r i s enclosed herewith*
In case you riuve not seen i t i am enclosing a.
copy of an a r t i c l e rtiicfa Ur, SccXee wrote e n t i t l e d
"Ariose HeadciChe I s Trie Dollar? 11 wnlch appeared in Uie
issue oi the United Nation* iorld Magazine.
Very t r u l y yours,

Secretary to Mr. ll« Si, Eccles,

