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The Millor -WOIIN Lumber Go.

Iferriner Eccles*
Washington* D C




Dec 2a.


Dear Eccles:
Your reply to Byrd seems intellectually dishonest
to me* You favor various rights for the people but suggest no
means by which they may be permanently earned. They must eat and
work and gain character and self respect and be properly housed—all of these are rights in your use of which you make or take
cheap political advantage of in the very dogmatic declaration
You well understand that people by millions are wholly depending upon the balance of us for support,
and your administration
is making no headway in relieving this deplorable situation.
You continue to make speeches and replies to deceive
the poor people whose favor you are seeking, for you know
that sometime those working are going to rebel at feeding
millions of loafers who have been petted and spiritually destroyed by political office holders* % men like you wh0
are so rotten mentally they stink to high heaven*
Lose our democracy * sure, we are bound to if our people
are not permitted to work and earn their keep, and they do not
do this through government channels-—— when government policies
are such that they work against private industry, and private
employment of course private employment cannot increasef 1 e
PWA wages at 55 cts per hour when private employers cannot
afford over 35 cts, this is one sample.
Our form of ogvernment is slowly being undermined; may be
it will survive, I am not especially alarmed, but things must change
greatly in Washington
common sense must prevail.
I think 95 % of official Washington today is intellectually
dishonest, may be less may be more-—- I mean this, that most of
the new dealers know better-— they were not raised in a dream
world; they are mature men most of whom worked and earned their
rights to which you have referredso what are they in supporting
this rotten, contemptible childishness of Roosevelt; this dishonesty
to keep in public officeyou know better* Ickes knows bettert
Jones knows better, Hopkins knows better; I doubt if Roosevelt
does* but you fellows cannot be excused* You are betrayers*
traitors, rats in the opinion of many of us
to destroy the
most wonderful Nation on eartix is a serious matter, to destroy
a fine lot of poor people by cheating them, I M n g to them is
a terrible t h i n g — and of this you are concurrently guilty*
Clovd W Miller
Mineral Citvf