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CAPITAL $100,000.00
SURPLUS $120,000.00

Jan* 24,1959.

Mr. Marriner S. Eccles,
% Federal Reserve Board,
Washington, D.C.
Dear Oolonel:
I have missed hearing your
addresses lately as they came* at a time when i t was not
convenient for me to be at the Radio.
I would have
missed your address l a s t night if my good wife had not
heard you and called me to the Radio, notwithstanding
I had retired.
When you addressed the meeting a t New Orleans I thought i t was so good and made such
a good impression I took the liberty of asking you to have
your speech mimeographed and- mailed to the members of the
A.B.A*, and which you did for someone, and I took credit
for i t myself, whether I was entitled to i t or not.
You used a great many figures
and facts
hard to remember and carry
in one s mind. I hope you are goiijg to have your address
last night published as I am sure many of your friends and
those who do not agree with you would like t o read i t . I
trust that i t will be convenient for you to publish i t so
your friends will have i t for comparison as there are many
convincing points therein, and i t will really do the country
good to have your viewpoint. I enjoyed every word of i t ,
and I would like to use i t for reference and trust you will
have i t printed for distribution in some manner.
continued good wishes, I am

Thanking you in Advance, and with
s truly,
irirrector federal Reserve


January 30, 1939

Mr. A . H. Eckles, President
Planters Bank & Trust Company
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
Dear Mr. Sckles:
I have for acknowledgment your letter of
January 24 and feel quite complimented that on the
occasion of ny recent radio address you listened in
although you had already retired. A word of appreciation should also go to your wife who was interested enough to call you to the radio.
Your mention of ray Speech at New Orleans
before the iaaerican Bankers Association reminds me
of the vast amount of water that has gone over the
dam since that occasion. However, I have considerable satisfaction in the fact that my position at
that time with reference to monetary and fiscal problems remains the same. The problems we were then
confronted with are still unsolved and to my mind
will remain unsolved unless and until both public
and private leaders c$n work together for policies
and actions which will bring the national income high
enough to absorb most of our unemployed in private
AS requested, I am enclosing herewith a
copy of my radio address.

i/dth best wishes, I am
Yours sincerely,

Received in
Chairman's Office
M. b. Eccles JAN27 1939
$oard of Governors
Federal Jctaeeive System
