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Form No. 9




not fclftials)
Federal Reserve Bank of(Name,
St. Louis


February H , 1938

De&r Ur, Oevist
Secretary Wallace made an appointment for
me to meet with him *md !)r« Alexander at noon today#
and I took ?lth me Mr. Abner H. Ferguson, the general
counsel of the Federal Housing Administration* Mr.
Ferguson end I are to have a further talk tomorrow
v?lth Br. Alexander and Mr* Mastin G, White, the solicitor of the Bepartfiieiit of Agriculture*
Mr, Milo Perkins, who has been out of the
city for s couple of >»tfci| ie to return on Thursday*
H© and I will then look into setters of operating
policy with & view to cooperative action on the part
of the Department of Agriculture snti the FHA«
I an engagement for tomorrow afternoon
et the F^rm Credit Administration with Mr, R» V« Rigsfcy,
the executive officer, and Mr* Peyton H« Bvanff the
general counsel,
I &ppr©ciete? very such your friendly interest
end assistance in this setter, and I look forward to an
opportunity to disquss it further «ith you after these
prelisilnarj' conversations vi^fa the agencies particularly
interested in the fun provisions of our ae% legigietion
lours sincerely.

J, M. Daiger


C h e a t e r C, DJXVIS
Boeurd of Governors of t h e
F e d e r a l B e s e r v e System
* h i ' t # D. G*