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April 21, 1939


Honorable Karriner S. Bccles
Board of Governors of t h e
Federal Reserve System
Washington, D. C .
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As you are no doubt aware, the Temporary National
Economic Committee has directed this Commission to prepare
certain studies dealing with the problem of capital formation and public financing* The Commissions Investment
Banking Section will shortly present these data in public
hearings before the Committee• Our first witness will be
Professor Alvin Hansen of Harvard University with whose
recent work "Full Recovery or Stagnation" you are familiar*
Dr. Hansen will present the thesis that we are today confronted with a matured economy and there are no longer
available to us the same areas for capital investment which
accompanied the industrialization of the American continent
(and a large part o f the rest o f the w o r l d ) during the 19th
and early 20th centuries. He will also discuss the serious
implications o f our approaching stationary population which>
when coupled with the fact that capital replacement today
occupies a large part of gross i n v e s t m e n t ' s directly affecting the avenues available for n e w capital outlays* Hansen
will also present the need for developing new financial
mechanisms for expanding capital investment,
In connection w i t h Hansen f s testimony, w e should like
to avail ourselves o f t h e technical knowledge o f Mr# Lauchlin
Currie to supply certain factual data which w i l l lend additional support t o various aspects o f the Hansen testimony*
M r . Currie is t h e one economist in Washington w h o is equipped
to furnish the Committee with this essential factual material.
We should all of u s , w h o are concerned w i t h the w o r k o f the
Coniaittee, deem it a distinct privilege t o have M r , Currie
appear before the Committee*
In addition t o Professor Hansen, ym shall be calling,
among others, upon the following w i t n e s s e s : professor Donald
Davenport o f the Harvard Business School; M r . Henry Dennison,
President, Dennison Manufacturing Company; M r . Edward Stettinius; M r . Otoren Dm Young as well as other outstanding representatives of the business and financial world*

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Honorable Marriner S» Eccles
April Zl9 1939
I should be more than delighted if you could spare a
few moments and let me go over with you our whole programs
I am certain that you will have some valuable suggestions
for us.

With kindest regards*
Sincerely yours,

rome N. Prank