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December Id, 1935.

Mr. A. P. Giannini,
Bank of America,
1 Powell Street,
San Francisco, California.
Dear Hr. Gienninii
I was pleased to receive a copy of the
letter from Mr. P. H. Williams, one of your vice
presidents, to Mr. Edward C. Romfh, president of
the First National Bank, Miami, Florida, a copy of
Sir, Williams* handwritten note to yourself, and
the printed copy of the address of Mr. Romfh given
at Miami, Florida, before the Florida Bankers As­
sociation on November £5rd.
I found this address quite entertaining
but it aroused my interest only because it sottkes
so many errors in comprehending the effect of the
Administrations fiscal and monetary policies on
the private banking structure of the country.
Evidently Mr. Romfh should join that hard shelled
group of *hicfa some other conspicuous members are
J. H. Nichols and Orval Adams. X think the best
answer to this kind of growling and grumbling over
policies which have in fact saved the neck of the
growler is that made by Ur. Stuart Chase in his
recent *Ode to the Liberty League”• The particu­
lar words which express my feeling after reading
Hr. Romfh*s eddress are as follows: "In my more
irritable moments I sometimes wish that the life
line had never been thrown, and that you had sumk
to a man. The trouble with this picture is that
the rest of us would have sunk with you."


Mr# A. P. Giannini - 2*

I note th&t Messrs. Fleming and Sloan Colt
recently s&ng the sane tune which Mr, Eccles composed
and has been singing for upwards of a year or sore*
The strange part of it is that their performance has
been rather favorably received, whereas that of Ur*
Eccles was oily politely received* I suppose this is
due to the fact that the latter is considered an Admin­
istration sum and bankers and big business generally
are not impressed by any kind of good logic emanating
from tost direction. The same thing, however, coming
from erne of their own ranks is hailed as something new,
sound and constructive. However, the sain thing is to
have this theme developed sufficiently to bring about
results regardless of who gets credit for the aessage*
I firmly believe that we shall see a considerable in­
crease in bank lending within the next year.
The letters above referred to and Hr# Romfh*s
address are returned herewith*
With best wishes, X am
lours sincerely,

X«awrence Clayton,
Assistant to the Chairman.
