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FIRST SECURITY CORPORATION OF OGDEN OGDEN, UTAH June 30. 1946 Number of banks Number of branches Total banking offices 48 59 45 17 93 76 J £ 162 62 1 1 1 22 13 In thousands of d o l l a r s Deposits Loans States: A l l banks i n : Idaho Utah Wyoming T o t a l - 3 States F i r s t Security Corporation controlled banks: Idaho Utah Wyoming 21 T o t a l - 3 States Percentage r a t i o s of F i r s t SecurityCorporation c o n t r o l l e d banks to a l l banks i n same States: Idaho Utah Wyoming T o t a l - 3 States 406,352 523,623 221.489 #109,065 183,020 57.494 $l t 151 t 464 1^9,579 23 14 1 # 129,518 124,006 2,282 • 36,840 51,758 1.282 _J8 $ 256,906. $ 89.880 # 2.08 1.69 1.82 48.89 76.47 24.73 18.42 1.82 31.87 23.68 33.78 28.28 2,2? 1.85 56.45 I6.96 22.31 25.71