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Daily Statement of the United States Treasury

MARCH 24, 1944

Gold(oz. 617,139,989.5)



Gold certificates:
Outstanding (outside of Treasury)
$2, 870,081, 319.00
Gold certificate fund—Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System
16, 330, 880, 886.13
Redemption fund—Federal Reserve
notes fc
278, 536,128.J
Gold reserve
156, 039, 430f
NOTB.—Reserve against $346,681,016 of United Statea
notes and $1,164,112 of Treasury notes of 1890 outstanding. Treasury notes of 1800 are also secured by silver
dollars in the Treasury.

Exchange stabilization fund

1, 800, 000, 000. 00
21, 435, 537, 764. 80

Gold in general fund:
Balance of increment
resulting from reduction in the
weight of the gold
In working balance. 20, 521, 617. 34
164, 361, 866. 74

21, 599, 899, 631. 54


21, 599, 899, 631. 54

Silver (oz. 1,175,728,371.8)
SUver dollars (oz. 305,234,328.9)..,

$1, 520, 133, 652. 51
394, 646,405. 00
1, 914, 780, 057. 51

SUver certificates outstanding
Treasury notes of 1890 outstanding
Silver in general f u n d . . . . . .

$1, 800, 006, 605. 00
1, 154, 112. 00
113, 619, 340. 51
1, 914, 780, 057. 51

Gold (as above)
$164, 361,866. 74
113, 619, 340. 51
At monetary value (as above).*
Subsidiary coin (oz. 14,747,742.5)
20, 387,409. 75
15, 652, 7 5 6 . 1 5
At recoinage value (oz. 12,106,428.6)..
526, 895, 302. 52
At cost value (oz. 1,122,056,524.0 a ) . .
6,910, 893. 67
Minor coin
4, 242, 393. 00
United States notes
60, 099, 382. 50
Federal Reserve notes
830, 926. 50
Federal Reserve bank notes
234, 133. 50
National bank notes
Unclassified—Collections, etc .....
15, 700,256. 58
Deposits in:
Federal Reserve banks
Special depositaries account of sales of 1,193, 370, 873. 00
Government securities
National and other bank depositaries: 14, 787, 399,000. 00
249,134, 818. 79
To credit of Treasurer United States..
160, 683,150.15
To credit of other Government officers.
Foreign depositaries:
23, 259, 573. 89
To credit of Treasurer United States...
50, 569, 599. 41
To credit of other Government officers.
Philippine treasury:
19, 080,283.12
To credit of Treasurer United States-.

17, 412,431, 959. 78

Treasurer's checks outstanding
Deposits of Government officers:
Post Office Department
Board of trustees, Postal Savings System:
5-percent reserve, lawful money
Other deposits
Postmasters, clerks of courts, disbursing
officers, etc
Uncollected items, exchanges, etc

$68, 049, 636.11
99, 854, 827. 28
90, 000, 000. 00
10, 703,132. 01
400,179, 762. 07
32, 789,415. 51
701, 576,772. 98

Balance today:
Increment on gold
(as above)
8143, 840, 249. 40
Seigniorage (silver)
see note 1
618, 958, 767. 00
Working balance.... 15, 948, 056, 170. 40



17, 412, 431, 959. 78

Internal revenue:
Income tax
Miscellaneous internal revenue
Social security taxes
Miscellaneous receipts

$304, 383, 240.46
10, 640, 327. 55
52, 039. 38
1, 332,144. 98

Interest on public debt.
War activities
Revolving funds

$2, 340,
8, 035,
238, 745,

890. 82
389. 97
674. 26
241. 05

318, 827,267. 90

268, 253, 642. 22

Trust accounts, increment on gold, etc.
5, 676, 767. 93
Public debt
-81, 223, 718. 59
Balance previous day
1- 16, 668, 457, 781. 67

Trust accounts, increment on gold, etc.
21, 984, 555. 80
Public debt..
73, 092,151. 27
Balance today (see above)
16, 710, 855, 186. 80


17,074,185, 536. 09


17, 074,185, 536. 09

a 902,029,728.1 ounces of this item of silver are held by the Defense Plant Corporation, etc.
-phis item of seigniorage represents the difference between the cost value and the monetary value of silver bullion revalued
NoTE i
and held to secure the silver certificates issued on account of silver acquired under the Silver Purchase Act of 1934 and under the President's
2?—The amount to toe credit of disbursing officers and certain agencies today was $16,455,628,083.41.

MARCH 24, 1944
This month
Internal revenue:
Income tax:
Withheld by employers (Current Tax Payment Act of 1943)
...-Miscellaneous internal revenue
Social security taxes:
Employment taxes
Tax on employers of 8 or more
Taxes upon carriers and their employees
Railroad unemployment insurance contributiona.
Miscellaneous receipts:
Proceeds of Government^owned securities:
Principal—foreign obligations
Interest—foreign obligations
Panama Canal tolls, etc
Other miscellaneous
Total receipts
et appropriation to Federal old-age and
survivors insurance trust fund 1
Net receiptsExpenditures:
I. General:
Departmental (not otherwise
Agriculture Department: 8
Farm Credit Administration •
Farm Tenant Act
Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
Federal land banks
Forest roads and trails
Rural Electrification Administration
War Food Administration:*
Agricultural Marketing Administration..
Farm Security Administration
Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act
Federal Security Agency:
Civilian Conservation Corps
Social Security Board
Federal Works Agency:
Public Buildings Administration
Public Roads Administration
Public Works Administration *
Work Projects Administration
Interior Department: 2
Reclamation projects
National Housing Agency:
Federal Housing Administration
Federal Public Housing Authority
Panama Canal
Post Office Department (deficiency)
Railroad Retirement Board
River and harbor work and flood control.
Tennessee Valley Authority
Treasury Department:*
Interest on the public debt
Refunds of taxes and duties
Veterans' Administration

II. War activities:4
War Department
Navy Department
Agriculture Department
Federal Security Agency
Federal Works Agency
National Housing Agency
Treasury Department
United States Maritime Commission _
War Shipping Administration
Aid to China

III. Revolving funds (net):
Farm Credit Administration..
Public Works Administration-

IV. Transfers to trust accounts, etc.:
Agricultural Marketing Administration (surplus commodity stamps)
Federal contribution to District of Columbia
(United States share)
Government employees' retirement funds
(United States share)
National service life insurance fund
Railroad retirement account
Railroad unemployment insurance administration fund transfers to unemployment
trust fund (act Oct. 10, 1940)

period last

Fiscal year 1944

period fiscal
year 1943

6, 486, 175. 75
3, 871, 656, 535. 55
312, 870,160. 18

$3, 727, 480, 008. 69
297, 850, 465. 67

$5, 929, 099, 773. 16
17, 499, 401, 943. 37
3, 866, 473, 843. 17

$9, 344, 919, 387. 95
3, 418, 760, 837. 30

3, 976, 789. 43
2, 860, 447. 39
58, 090, 348. 27
2, 836, 825. 60
33, 358, 582. 12

2, 348, 415. 12
2, 947, 357. 43
42, 327, 589. 79
2, 519, 998. 34
25, 529, 914. 79

942, 071, 902. 20
160, 606, 104. 16
187, 909, 336. 71
8, 544, 164. 63
317, 692, 333. 22

819, 241, 780. 52
140, 030, 732. 98
151, 870, 430. 43
7, 627, 060. 53
215, 119, 896. 91

326, 191. 27
1, 533, 677. 51
88, 302, 627. 14

810, 443. 34
548, 886. 35
6, 446, 723. 83
7, 089, 661. 15

87, 622. 19
146, 292. 87
80, 146, 509. 99
6, 809, 707. 31
24, 990, 647. 57
2, 259, 254, 985. 28

50, 064, 665. 24
6, 388, 486. 08
59, 440, 420. 25
214, 154, 026. 33

5, 073, 609, 735. 44

,15, 899, 464. 50

31, 283, 235, 165. 83

14, 427, 617, 724, 52

3, 976, 789. 43

2, 348, 415. 12

921, 740, 497. 31

801, 258, 178. 08

30, 361, 494, 668. 52

13, 626, 359, 546. 44

5,. 069, 632,946.01
58, 097, 400. 65

53, 339, 061. 87

589, 750, 309. 97

516, 134, 692. 44

3, 574, 857. 46
211, 318. 78

4, 054, 232. 38
321, 292. 08
2, 631, 415. 41
503, 805. 50
309, 998. 55
235, 055. 82

a 2, 803, 146. 79
2, 496, 709. 07
5, 636, 623. 76
10, 654, 499. 09
4, 176, 301. 82
3, 040, 043. 80

19, 847, 791. 13
3, 307, 550. 61
6; 725, 301. 01
66, 483, 381. 12
3, 806, 849. 17
3, 213, 600. 33

a 2, 911, 416. 67
470, 185. 61
378, 745. 24
1, 079, 615. 28
2, 345, 447. 65
50, 923, 759. 73
16, 997, 367. 48

a 110. 49

11,052, 189.26
26,112, 281. 75

28, 089. 82
33, 793, 462. 27

80, 832, 269. 57

256, 338, 536. 66
295, 077, 251. 57

b 263, 904, 324. 34
290, 517, 220. 12

1, 546. 56
20, 873, 905. 36
4, 626, 506. 23
2, 738, 653. 29
5, 558, 671. 09
' 397, 160. 22
163, 233. 15
a 5, 716. 57

47, 116. 61
26, 459,140. 69
3, 044, 899. 42
3, 059, 398. 60
10, 061, 646. 91
524, 228. 88
12, 552, 695. 53
a 4, 048. 24

313, 271. 19
354, 997, 459. 27
68, 125, 882. 92

a 3, 598, 647. 78
363, 449, 702. 38
61, 480, 279. 57

39, 504, 378. 19
55, 567, 276. 75
3, 419, 194. 97
16, 470, 362. 19
789, 996. 94

37, 883, 388. 18
89, 167, 164. 12
12, 418, 022. 12
273, 943, 445. 14
279, 320. 87

5, 228, 368. 94

4, 569,173. 20

39, 809, 724 86

52, 282, 230. 93

3, 050, 883. 48
359, 516. 41
1, 034, 803. 70

334, 953. 38
3, 320, 328. 59
123, 459. 84
1, 315, 690. 95

406, 251. 95
10, 301, 620. 33

551, 760. 36
10, 619, 435. 43
5, 313, 531. 99

222, 784. 93
8, 166, 207. 18
3, 227, 714. 63
8, 372, 409. 43
2, 373. 27
4, 235, 276. 43
146, 267, 215. 34
48, 896, 309. 10

1, 932, 792. 78
7, 327, 546. 81
955, 766. 28
24, 303, 215. 81
38, 617. 42
6, 016, 172. 76
139, 780, 584 86
91, 816, 139. 72

401, 499, 273. 19
35, 313, 436. 21
50, 652, 896. 88

237, 800, 373. 96

2, 830, 245. 20
46, 866, 160. 55

1, 644, 665, 813. 42
90, 733, 819. 89
450, 151, 604. 32

1, 044, 032, 069. 38
59, 090, 973. 49
425, 036, 503. 33


514, 624, 479. 94

4,185, 470, 675. 18

3, 895, 397, 550. 53

3, 096, 920,847. 22
1, 647, 266,140. 18
7,581, 351. 49
a 249, 955. 97
12, 948,286. 93
41, 640,009. 20
77, 540,608. 69
206, 021,959. 45
81, 981,429. 65
20, 000,000. 00
81,471, 460. 87

35, 672, 806, 999. 75
18, 700, 188, 473. 36
1, 493, 779, 920. 33
HI, 484, 906. 89
185, 433, 982. 50
437, 084, 778. 77
870. 30
979, 304, 908.
3, 041, 784,
1, 361, 298, 438. 49
701, 04V711. 47

30, 400, 164, 532. 15
13, 149, 920, 096. 56
786, 911,550. 10
116, 424, 079. 63
136, 268, 150. 62
386, 656, 611. 95
832, 195, 036. 55
1, 891, 165, 195. 92
815, 193, 169. 71
40, 050, 719. 15
548, 625, 646. 58

6, 163, 446, 907. 65

5, 273, 122, 137. 71

62, 684, 208, 989. 94

49, 103, 574, 788. 92

a 2, 008, 414 32

5, 077, 847. 44
a 401, 897. 59

a32,213,773. 32
a2,654 87

a l , 291, 962. 32
a 1, 616, 574 63

a 2, 008, 414 32

4, 675, 949. 85

a 32, 216,428. 19

a 2, 908, 536. 95

ac2,840,031. 50

70, 255, 322. 00

6, 000, 000. 00

6, 000, 000. 00

177, 321, 600. 00
25, 633, 303. 45
228, 220, 000. 00

107, 240, 800. 00
25, 361, 519. 66
180,101, 000. 00

2, 436, 024. 92

3, 453, 152, 670. 02
1, 877, 836, 860. 99
185, 184, 946. 68
6, 889, 281. 48
12, 205, 193. 08
30, 274, 517. 55
79, 885, 469. 61
303, 899, 652. 02
144, 864, 482. 07
69, 253, 834 15

3, 196, 422. 29

1, 081, 998. 67

11, 699, 700. 00

5, 973, 300. 00

3, 196, 422. 29

1, 081, 998. 67

446, 034, 571. 95

394, 931, 9.41. 66

Total expenditures (excluding public
debt retirements)
V* Public debt retirements (sinking fund, etc.).

6, 840, 439, 232. 17
500. 00

5, 793, 504, 566. 17
9, 300. 00

67, 283, 497, 808. 88
11, 650. 00

53, 390, 995, 744 16
3, 462, 850. 00

Total expenditures (including public
debt retirements)

6, 840, 439, 732. 17

5, 793, 513, 866. 17

67, 283, 509, 458. 88

53, 394, 458, 594 16

Excess of expenditures (excluding public debt
Excess of expenditures (including public debt

1, 770, 806, 286. 16

1, 679, 953, 516. 79

36, 922, 003,140. 36

39, 764, 636, 197. 72

1, 770, 806, 786. 16

1, 679, 962, 816. 79

36, 922, 014, 790. 36

39, 768, 099, 047. 72


Excess of expenditures (excluding public debt retirements)
Trust accounts, increment on gold, etc., excess of

1, 770, 806, 286. 16

1, 679, 953, 510. 79

36, 922, 003, 140. 36

39, 764, 636, 197. 72

2, 108, 676, 285. 36

469, 016, 019. 28

3, 719, 515, 666. 98

1, 584, 366,900.83

3, 879, 482, 571. 52
Total excess of expenditures
Increase ( + ) or decrease(—)in general fund balance. - 2 , 444, 214, 737. 52
1, 435, 267, 834 00
ublic debt
Increase in the gross public
183, 106, 630, 563. 98
Gross public debt at beginning of month or year. _
Gross public debt this date (see note 5)
184, 541, 898, 397. 98
Guaranteed obligations not owned by the Treasury
2, 289, 673, 772. 43

2, 148, 969, 536. 07
-716,357, 236.49

+ 7,204, 289, 260. 74

40, 641, 518, 807. 34

1, 432, 612,299. 58
114,023,688, 794 63

47, 845, 808, 068. 08
136, 696, 090, 329. 90

41, 349, 003, 098. 55
+ 1,684,852, 879. 44
43, 033, 855, 977. 99
72, 422, 445, 116. 22

115,456,301, 094 21

184, 541, 898, 397. 98

115,456,301, 094 21

4, 358, 182, 948. 14

2, 289, 673, 772. 43

4, 358, 182, 948. 14

119, 814, 484, 042. 35

186, 831, 572, 170. 41

119, 814, 484, 042. 35

Total gross public debt and guaranteed

186, 831, 572, 170. 41

For footnotes, see pp. 3 and 4


MARCH 1!4, 1944






This month
Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust
Less reimbursements to general fund
Net appropriations *
Interest on investments
Net receipts
Agricultural Marketing Administration:
Sale of commodity stamps
Transfers from general fund
Railroad retirement account:
Interest on investments
Transfers from general fund
Unemployment trust fund:
Deposits by States
Interest on investments
Railroad unemployment insurance account:
Deposits by Railroad Retirement Board. _.
Transfers from railroad unemployment insurance administration fund (act Oct.
10, 1940)
Other trust accounts
Other funds and accounts:
Increment resulting from reduction in the
weight of the gold dollar
Total receipts
Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust
Benefit payments
Agricultural Marketing Administration:
Redemption of commodity stamps
Railroad retirement account:
Benefit payments
Unemployment trust fund:
Railroad unemployment insurance account
Withdrawals by States
Other trust accounts
Other funds and accounts:
Chargeable against increment on gold—
Melting losses, etc
Public Works Administration revolving fund
(act of June 21, 1938)
Special deposits (net)



Total expenditures
Excess of receipts.Excess of expenditures

..... ...

. - __«_

Fiscal year 1944

•period fiscal
year 1943

$3, 976, 789. 43

$2, 348, 415. 12

$942, 071, 902. 20
20, 331, 404. 89

$819, 241, 780. 52
17, 983, 602. 44

3, 976, 789. 43
554, 178. 13

2, 348, 415. 12
826, 643. 88

921, 740, 497. 31
3, 349, 091. 22

801, 258, 178. 08
3, 071, 802. 26

4, 530, 967. 56

3, 175, 059. 00

925, 089, 588. 53

804, 329, 980. 34

a 2, 840, 031. 50

84, 465, 404. 50
70, 255, 322. 00

94, 597. 00
237, 883. 01

237, 534. 25

1, 148, 606. 59
228, 220, 000. 00

1, 127, 095. 89
180, 101, 000. 00

16,301, 562. 34

10, 325, 801. 96

1, 006, 640, 758. 95
44, 823, 437. 49

892, 444, 047. 97
37, 973, 802. 02

25, 532, 497. 97

22, 680, 606. 29

76, 978, 891. 17

76, 827, 42i 05

72, 740, 802. 33

11, 699, 700. 00
1, 224, 015, 522. 25

^ P 3 , 609. 02

22, 965. 24

129, 576. 62

123, 453, 943. 95

109, 277, 366. 07

3, 515, 906, 050. 10

2, 772, 534, 979. 46
189, 882. 93

15, 476, 765. 85
144, 000, 000. 00

12, 767, 687. 46
266, 000, 000. 00

132, 668, 273. 89
775, 035, 880. 00

107, 290, 054. 88
696, 800, 000. 00

1, 552. 00

9, 962, 32a 88

839, 876. 75

153, 427, 485. 93

10, 974, 782. 02
e l l , 000, 000. 00

10, 735, 455. 89
e l l , 000, 000. 00

100, 101, 016. 42
133, 000, 000. 00

96, 917, 531. 56
84, 500, 000. 00

39, 000, 000. 00
54, 045. 05
5, 415, 500. 00
103, 977, 627. 58

22, 000, 000. 00
127, 318. 51
8, 845, 000. 00
67, 130, 983. 18

1, 099, 000, 000. 00
439, 749. 42
40, 717, 500.-00
1, 120, 319, 195. 80

68, 654, 713. 67


000, 000.
564, 915.
297, 500.
984, 190.


1, 512. 56
825. 00
b 2, 820, 715. 95

b 20, 295, 610. 03

504, 936. 11
b 172, 501, 836. 65

b 38, 750. 01
b 180, 538, 371. 28

305, 080, 381. 55

366, 273, 158. 89

3, 230, 124, 591. 74

2, 542, 206, 069. 57

b 350, 000. 00
242, 900. 00
20, 400. 00
764, 550. 00
100, 000. 00

35, 392, 990. 48
d 77, 368, 800. 00
2, 592, 150. 00
114, 021, 000. 00
1, 961, 350. 00
324, 657, 000. X)0

b 59, 936, 287. 62
2, 301, 519. 05
5, 000. 00
26, 609, 225. 00
323, 599, 000. 00

8, 500, 000. 00

b 29, 290, 000. 00

7, 732, 500. 00
54, 500, 000. 00

3, 225. 00

55, 352, 000. 00
12, 400. 00

14, 575. 00

96, 769, 177. 71
b 109, 917. 25
b 4, 875, 483. 76
17, 458, 897. 07
b 25, 072, 014. 65

224, 724, 794 06
b 214, 272. 00
b 1, 457, 953. 19
17, 601, 675. 37
b 313, 571, 702. 99

489, 858, 977. 21
259, 363. 31
b 8, 264, 750. 76
25, 456, 075. 71
b 276, 497, 489. 14

6 52,051,823.50
186, 563. 86
b 101, 445, 183. 13

2,173, 369, 010. 81
6 182, 928, 375. 43
b 241, 905. 36
e 1, 505, 948,163. 59

1, 516, 524, 487. 74
224, 371, 727. 40
890, 155. 52
b 523, 956, 547. 70

1, 927, 049, 847. 76

212, 020, 226. 46

4, 005, 297, 125. 34

1, 814, 695, 810. 72

2, 232, 130, 229. 31

578, 293, 385. 35

7, 235, 421, 717. 08

4, 356, 901, 880. 29


469, 016, 019. 28

3, 719, 515, 66a 98

1, 584, 366, 900. 83

Transactions in checking accounts of Government agencies, etc. (net):
Sales and redemptions of obligations in
market (net):
Guaranteed by the United States:
Commodity Credit Corporation *. .
7, 000, 000. 00
Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation
d 76, 631, 000. 00
Federal Housing Administration *
30, 850. 00
Federal Public Housing Authority
364, 000. 00
Home Owners' Loan Corporation
102, 475. 00
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
9, 000. 00
Not guaranteed by the United States:
Electric Home and Farm Authority
Federal home loan banks
Federal land banks
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Federal National Mortgage Association..
6, 000. 00
Home Owners' Loan Corporation
2,150. 00
Other transactions (net):
Commodity Credit Corporation
6 88, 475, 78a 51
Export-Import Bank of Washington
b 78, 163. 63
Federal Housing Administration..
b 530, 329. 96
Federal Public Housing Authority
1, 802, 897. 26
Home Owners1 Loan Corporation
b 25, 921, 662. 76
Reconstruction Finance Corporation: *
War activities
177, 294, 142. 58
b 19, 601, 030. 05
309, 762. 95
Rural Electrification Administration
e 1, 798, 104, 542. 88 .

period last

11, 880. 00

Excess of receipts ( + ) or expenditures (—):
Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust
-154, 945,798.29
fund »
-- 1 , 552. 00
Agricultural Marketing Administration
+263, 100. 99
Railroad retirement account
Unemployment trust fund
-27, 150,203.53
Other trust accounts
+ 2,843,499.97
Other funds and accounts
Transactions in checking accounts of Government agencies, etc. (net):
Sales and redemptions of obligations in
market (net)
Other transactions (net)

-275, 592, 628. 46
+ 502, 078. 36
+ 2,034,089.74
+ 5,609,819. 15
+ 20,318,575.27

+ 17,385,434.64
+ 103,696,326.45
+ 172,126,477.16

+ 239,925.46
+1, 293, 240. 57
+ 50,036,239.70
+ 180,765,491.66




- 2 , 108,676,285.36


3, 719, 515, 666. 98



a Counter entry (deduct).
6 Excess of credits (deduct).
c Excess of redemptions (deduct).
d Includes $71,895,800 of Z%% Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Bonds of 1944-64 exchanged for Treasury obligations. (See footno ea^ P ^ j j ^ $lf 8i7,140,950 of guaranteed obligations (net of redemptions) acquired by the Treasury in exchange for certain Treasury obligations. (See footnote a on p. 4.)
See footnote 1 below pertaining to items on p. 2.
Exclusive of increase of obligations of the Commodity Credit Corporation guaranteed by the United States, representing drafts or invoices
paid by commercial banks for account of the Commodity Credit Corporation; also exclusive of decrease of such obligations from collections
applied by commercial banks for account of the Corporation. Aggregate amounts of net increase (or decreases) of these obligations reported
by Commodity
Credit Corporation during fiscal year to date, $147,917,292.16.
Exclusive of issues of debentures of the Federal Housing Administration exchanged for properties or mortgages and not reflected in the
daily Treasury statement as cash transactions. Such issues this month amount to $194,350.
< Includes transactions on account of RFC Mortgage Company, Disaster Loan Corporation, Federal National Mortgage Association, Metals
Reserve Company, Rubber Reserve Company, Defense Plant Corporation, Defense Supplies Corporation, U. S. Commercial Company, and War
Damage Corporation.
, . . , ..


Notes pertaining to items on p. 2

b Daily comparativefiguresare not available on account of changes in classifications; revision is made on the last day of the month to adjust
f r S C


c Represegnts partial return of funds transferred to "Trust accounts, increment on gold, etc.—Receipts: Agricultural Marketing Administra-


to "Social security—Employment taxes" collected and deposited as provided under sec. 201 (a) of the
Social Security Act amendments of 1939 less reimbursements to the general fund for administrative expenses. Such net amount is reflected as
net appropriations to the Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund on p. 3.
a Additional expenditures are included in "Departmental," above.

* Additional transactions are included in revolving funds, stated separately below..
Continued on p. 4
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

MARCH 24, 1944
This month

Public issues:
Treasury biUs
Certificates of indebtedness
Certificates of indebtedness, special series-.
Treasury notes
Treasury notes (tax and savings series)
Treasury bonds
United States savings bonds:
Issue price (including unclassified sales)-.
Accrued discount
United States savings stamps
Depositary bonds
Deposits for retirement of Federal Reserve
bank notes
Adjusted service bonds
Excess profits tax refund bonds
rtincates of indebtednesstsury notes
Treasury notes (tax series)-.
Treasury bonds
Special issues:
Adjusted service certificate fund (certificates).
Unemployment trust fund (certificates)
Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust
fund (notes)
Railroad retirement account (notes)
Civil service retirement fund (notes)
Foreign Service retirement fund (notes)
Canal Zone retirement fund (notes)
Alaska Railroad retirement fund (notes)
Postal Savings System (notes)
Canal Zone, Postal Savings System (notes)-.
Government life insurance fund (notes)
National service life insurance fund (notes)-.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation motes).
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (notes)
SubtotalTotal public debt receipts
Public issues:
Treasury bills
Certificates of indebtedness
Certificates of indebtedness, special seriesTreasury notes
Treasury notes (tax and savings series):
Cash redemptions
Received for taxes
Treasury bonds
United States savings bonds
United States savings stamps
Depositary bonds
Adjusted service bonds
Postal Savings bonds
Other debt items
National and Federal Reserve bank notes.

$4, 060, 103, 000. 00
104, 000. 00
a 1, 834, 363, 400. 00
90, 483, 100. 00
ct 57, 774, 850. 00

Certificates of indebtedness.
Treasury notes.
Treasury notes (tax series)—
Treasury bonds
.-SubtotalSpecial issues:
Adjusted service certificate fund (certificates).
Unemployment trust fund (certificates)
Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust
fund (notes)
Railroad retirement account (notes)
Civil service retirement fund (notes)
Foreign Service retirement fund (notes)
Canal Zone retirement fund (notes)
Alaska Railroad retirement fund (notes)
Postal Savings System (notes)
Canal Zone, Postal Savings System (notes)—
Government life insurance fund (notes)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (notes).
Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (notes)

Fiscal year 1944

$38, 265, 056, 000. 00
11, 739, 105, 000. 00
491, 000, 000. 00
a 4, 541, 652, 400. 00
171, 074, 050. 00
6, 438, 914, 350. 00
l t 500. 00 a 16, 658, 404, 350. 00
$3, 010, 805, 000. 00

period fiscal
year 1943

$19, 978, 016, 000. 00
15, 842, 000, 000. 00
3, 748, 628, 100. 00
5, 831, 317, 525. 00
11, 188, 933, 900. 00

456, 275, 519. 61

679, 614, 278. 76

29, 683, 327. 52
35, 660, 000. 00

40, 096, 808. 33
14, 435, 000. 00

141, 063, 725. 65
309, 423, 737. 56
249, 552, 500. 00

600, 000. 00

33, 494, 750. 00

35, 720, 000. 00

553, 297, 500. 00

6, 565, 047, 197. 13

17, 397, 521, 387. 09

90, 783, 372, 347. 41

76, 768, 359, 119. 31

153, 600. 00

46, 000. 00

685, 250. 00

535, 750. 00

7, 843,

798, 065. 33
289, 253. 17
155, 775. 81
713, 000. 00

28, 686, 831. 69

30, 545, 513. 73

1, 862, 430, 500. 00

7, 035, 028, 000. 00
3, 989, 326, 500. 00

59, 523, 650. 66

1, 220, 871, 150. 00

1, 921, 954,150. 00

12, 245, 225, 650. 00

68, 313, 125. 00

18, 400, 000. 00
1, 099, 000, 000. 00

18, 500, 000. 00
813, 000, 000. 00

649, 000, 000. 00
227, 000, 000. 00
298, 634,000. 00
1, 040,000. 00
1, 195, 000. 00
175, 000. 00
345, 000,000. 00
1, 250, 000. 00
29, 571, 000. 00
556, 000,000. 00
90, 000, 000. 00

699, 000, 000. 00
179, 000, 000. 00
193, 194, 000. 00
813, 000. 00
1, 177, 000. 00
219, 000. 00
202, 000, 000. 00
1, 750, 000. 00
26, 975, 000. 00
193, 600, 000. 00
83, 000, 000. 00

39, 000, 000. 00

22, 000, 000. 00

144, 000, 000. 00


35, 000, 000. 00
70, 000, 000. 00

90, 000, 000. 00
750, 000. 00
5, 700, 000. 00
34, 250, 000. 00
23, 000, 000. 00

750, 000. 00

68, 313, 125. 00


2, 100, 000. 00

299, 276, 000. 00

467, 334, 000. 00

3, 327, 399, 000. 00

2, 414, 328, 000. 00

8, 815, 117, 778. 82

17, 864, 901, 387. 09

106, 387, 227, 761. 14

79, 251, 535, 994. 31

4, 015, 282, 000. 00
1, 825, 000. 00

2, 207, 691, 000. 00
3, 026, 000. 00
12, 936, 000, 000. 00
65, 202, 100. 00

36, 982, 655, 000. 00
497, 192, 200. 00
491, 000, 000. 00
741, 879, 450. 00

13, 468, 176, 000. 00
3, 090, 412, 800. 00
15, 330, 000, 000. 00
645, 355, 650. 00

27, 520, 500. 00


period iast

48, 021, 575. 00
1, 094, 296, 300. 00
5, 266, 600. 00
216, 510, 961. 35
32, 489, 559. 20
394, 900. 00
291, 950. 00
62, 384 27
4, 784, 005. 00

9, 607, 700. 00
1, 036, 116, 325. 00
123, 500. 00
109, 245, 384. 51
39, 189, 164. 00

5, 446, 745, 794. 82

16, 408, 251, 087. 51

374, 500. 00
2, 000. 00
47, 294. 00

1, 626, 120. 00

345, 157, 675.
4,311,664, 750.
226, 085, 875.
1, 555, 753, 652.
325, 003, 331.
24, 316, 900.
4, 277, 800.
34, 020.
1, 239, 974.
47,425, 415.


72, 640, 850. 00
2, 523, 104,750. 00
2, 725, 600. 00
478, 434,392. 94
.231, 891, 883. 20
45, 000. 00
5, 729, 900. 00
32, 100. 00
1, 693, 893. 18
8, 527, 072. 00

45, 553, 686, 043. 06

35, 858, 769, 891. 32

747, 009, 900. 00

9, 161, 924, 000. 00
747, 009, 900. 00


2, 336, 291, 750. 00

1, 921, 954, 150. 00

12, 245, 225, 650. 00

68, 313, 125. 00

68, 313, 125. 00

150, 000. 00

38, 000. 00

18, 593, 000. 00

18, 473, 000. 00
25, 000, 000. 00

11, 000, 000. 00

13, 000, 000. 00

24, 000, 000. 00
94, 000, 000. 00
49, 000. 00
292, 000. 00
137, 000. 00
57, 000. 00
342, 000, 000. 00

127, 200, 000. 00
94, 500, 000. 00

57, 880, 000. 00
100, 000, 000. 00

25, 000, 000. 00

253, 000. 00
147, 000. 00
24, 000. 00

105, 500, 000. 00
11, 150, 000. 00

24, 038, 000. 00

742, 508, 000. 00

290, 597, 000. 00

Total public debt expenditures -

7, 379, 849, 944. 82

16, 432, 289, 087. 51

58, 541, 419, 693. 06

36, 217, 680, 016. 32

Excess of receipts
Excess of expenditures
Increase(+)or decrease(—)in the gross public debt:
Public issues:
Treasury bills
Certificates of indebtedness
Treasury notesTreasury notes (tax and savings series)
Savings stamps
Other debt items
National and Federal Reserve bank notes..-.

1, 435, 267, 834. 00

1, 432, 612, 299. 58

47, 845, 808, 068. 08

43, 033, 855, 977. 99

+44, 821, 000. 00
-2,806,231. 68
- 4 , 184, 005. 00

+ 803,114,000.00 + 1,282,401,000.00
+ 508,974,000.00 + 9,115,016,800.00
- 6 5 , 202, 100. 00 + 7,042,089,550.00
-874, 649, 975. 00 + 1,782,091,925.00
+584, 351, 394. 25 + 26,067,842,775.84
+907, 644. 33
-47, 294. 00
-1,239,974. 27
+ 31,868,630.00

+ 6,509, 840,
+8, 582, 797,
+ 3, 103, 272,
+ 3, 235, 571,
+ 18,710, 302,
+ 225, 263,
+ 544,' 770,

+989, 316, 299. 58 +45, 260, 917, 068. 08

+40, 910, 124, 977. 99

SubtotalSpecial issues

+ 1,147,141,834.00
+ 288,126,000.00

+443, 296, 000. 00

000. 00
200. 00
450. 00
925. 00
975. 56
892. 61
893. 18
428. 00

+2, 584, 891, 000. 00

+2, 123, 731, 000. 00

+ 1, 435, 267, 834. 00 | + 1 , 432, 612, 299. 58 +47, 845, 808, 068. 08

+43, 033, 855, 977. 99

a Includes in the respective classifications $1,834,363,400 of 1M% Treasury Notes of Series A-1948, $26,906,750 of 2#% Treasury Bonds
of 1956-59 and $27,766,600 of 2#% Treasury Bonds of 1965-70, exchanged for $71,895,800 of 3#% Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Bonds
of 1944-64, called for redemption on Mar. 15, 1944, $669,826,600 of 3% Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Bonds of 1944-49 called for redemption on May 15,1944, $556,475,450 of 1 % Reconstruction Finance Corporation Notes of Series W, maturing Apr. 15, 1944, and $590,838,900
of 3% Home Owners' Loan Corporation Bonds, Series A-l944-52, called for redemption on May 1, 1944.
Notes pertaining to items on p. 2—Continued

Additional expenditures attributable to war activities, payable from funds which have supplemented regular appropriations of the civil
establishment, are included under general expenditures in group I, above. Daily comparative figures for corresponding period last year are
not available on account of changes in classifications; revision is made on the last day of the month to adjust for such changes.
•Includes $8,394,134,623.79 as of this date and $6,037,242,945.91 for corresponding period last year advanced to Government agencies
for which
their obligations are owned by the Treasury. (See footnote e, p. 3.)
While the title of this agency would indicate that it is a war activity, the expenditures shown under this caption for the most part are from
appropriations provided to carry out various agricultural programs initiated prior to the present war. However, there are additional expenditures
in connection with the war program included with those or the Commodity Credit Corporation shown under "Transactions in checking accounts
of Government agencies, etc. (not)."