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THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 22, 1937 My dear Mr* Chairman: following our discussion at lunch yesterday, I would appreciate your letting me know whether Monday, Hovember first, at twothirty o1clock is a convenient time to start our weekly conferences. It was nice to see you yesterday, I do appreciate your coming* Very sincerely, J4M1S BQOSEVELT feretary to the President Honorable Marriner S. Secies* Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D. C* October is6, 1957 Dear ftr« Hoosevelti With referaoes to your uote of October .;2d, loadlft JSyveab^r f i r s t , *t t«o-thirty -••clock, v i l l ba an eatire^* oanynliwit tine to me to s t a r t the weekly conferences. Sincersly S. Eccles, Chairman. Honorable Jtmes Eoosevelt, Secretary to the Prasideat, The White House, Washington, D. G, BY DIRECT WIRE FROM CLASS OF SERVICE This is a full-rate Telegram or Cablegram unless its deferred character is indicated by a suitable symbol above or preceding the address. 1223-S WE UNION H. B. WHITE PRESIDENT NEWCOMB CARL.TON SYMBOLS DL = Day Letter NM = Night Message NL = Niaht Letter LC = Deferred Cable NLT = Cable Night Letter J C. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram s^ FIRST VICE-PRESIC The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is S T M T B A M V M M E I at po^j|f>f cfAn *WAE19 13 COLLECT=POUGHKEEPSIE NY NOV 1 1020A MISS VALOIS EGBERT= CARE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD= ADVISE JAMES ROOSEVELT AT ONCE CANNOT MEET GIVING REASONS= WITH H I M TODAY M S ECCLES i°;: THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE