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The subject has a contract with the Lfc;ne Life Insurance Co;npany as Vicepresident in charge of publicity at £25,000 a year. For t h i s #25,000 i t i s his
obligation to use his position in the Government to force himself close enough to
sources of business to be able to throw then, in the direction of The Home. One of
the chief sources he has thus been able to develop has been the Gianinni business
which he has cultivated by pretending to lobby with the Federal Reserve Board and
the Treasury for penaission to add new carucs to the Gianinni system*
In addition to the £25,000 he receives from Home, the subject also r e ceives $6,000 a year from Yiotor Emmanuel's A c t i o n Corporation, $6,000 from Sepubli
Steel, and £4,000 a year as a member of the board of directors of the governmentovmed General Aniline and Dye Corporation (owned by the Alien Property Custodian).
He undoubtedly has other contracts as .veil, p a r t i c u l a r l y with John Herts and Victor
Soooanuel •
I t i s a known fact that one week before his nomination was announced, he
arranged with "Victor Emmanuel for a continuation of his compensation by Etamanuel's
corporation on a full-paid leave basis while he would be with RFC. Presumably he
made the same arrangement with Home and Republic 3 t e e l .
He should be asked & seiioe* or questions drawing out these facts and the
fact (which he has openly admitted) that t h i s i s a "two step" operation by which he
i s to succeed Senator Henderson as Chairman of the KFCt
Have you an understeading that you ere to repiaoe Senator Henderson as
Chairman of the RFC?
Are you to leave your place in the White House when you beoome a member
of the RFC or do you intend to continue to perform at the White House subs t a n t i a l l y the sane functions you now perform there in addition to your duties
as Direotor of the RFC?
What compensation did you have from private i n t e r e s t s when you were in
the White House;
Did you draw any compensation from the Government while you wore in the
White House?
Do you draw any compensation from the Government now?
What did you do for the compensation you received from private interests—
from Victor 3Bnanuel# from Republic Stool, from Ikrae Life Insurance Companyr
Have you made any arrangements to ocntinue a l l or any part of t h i s compensation during the period when you will be in your now job?
What do the commercial i n t e r e s t s with whom you have arranged for the continuation of t h i s compensation expect you to do for them in your naw plaoo?
Will you agree to give up a l l outside private compensation during the
period you draw pay from the Government as a member of the RFC?