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r v \ > . ' V ^ T ' I ' ••i


Plane- ~ enroute to .Lai.

J. MeGloy, Assistant Secretary of lap
S» J. Gruggaii, Chltf ©f %h® Fr@ss Branch,
PubXte l#l»tloos
fialph H* T&tis, Ex«OMtlv® Offie«r, Office of Aasiatt-

John W« PtKLit A»iittant to
F. Ltixfordf Friasipai Attorai^ f Gea^r&l Coiantel
Irwia G* M$y$ S o c i a l Irr?€»tigator
Ward Stewartv SbMeutlv* Of fleer 9 Foreign fwndn Control
to Mr
..of fkrwrrxxt* at the. ?e<l»mt Kettrve. $3f»t.em

Hliton S, ! Elsenhowerj Land Use Coordinator

Los Anfi;e?L€?3 .Branch
W« S» Ambrose* Mam^ls^ Dlreotor
H. U, Gr&ft

f« Pefele
Ansel P.
Endn G.

Sunday, March 0, 1942
io. Siui

Lt. G®nl, John L, BeWitt, ^catena I5@f©at# Cora&asder and.
4th Ans^r
Col* Karl Beodetson, Assistant Chief of Staff for Civil
Affairs and ©thf>rs»
C i v i ^ n Cqntrol
Tom Glai^, Chief o£ Ciyiiisn Coordination
John J*

John W. Pehle
Ansel P. Luxford
Ward Stewart
Irwin G. May
%[fe .p.f,
Milton S. Elsenhower

f |
M. S.

M&rch 9

Feder&l Resenro Ba^nk .of .San...FranQ^co,, Sanr,fra»oigco
William A* Bay, President
Ira Clerk, First Vice President
W, U. Hale, ?ie@ President and Secretary
Albert C, Agrj^W! General Counsel
E. £, Iverson, A»ei«taut Cashier
H» D* An-strong, aasist&at to Mr, Everson
D* L. DaTiat Managing. Director, Portland Branch
Fr^d ©« Bold, AaftLataat Manager, Los Ang®le»
C, H. Shaw, Managing Director, Seattle Branch
0/ Governor@
JC. S.

> 1942, - (continued)
John 1. Pehle
P. Luxford
J. il» Lawlor^ Of tic© of the General

Lt» &©&!• John L. D«Wltt
Col. Karl B
and ©tliera.
John ^, il£oClojr
Wartime Civilian Coptrol Ardednl3t,ra|tloa
Tom Clark
fteaerve Bftipc of S»n

Ira Clerk
1. M, H&le

John W, Pehle
Ward. Stewart
J. J, Lawlor
I3oard of Goveroora
M, S* Sssymesak

^ f of.
Milton S.

roar P«^art^.<pjfi
John 1. P«hl«
Ansel F, Luxford
Zrmtn G, May
tmrd Stewart
J, J,

March 9, 1942, - (continued)

Federal V^ery?- Ba&fo of Safe Francisco
William I, Day
B 5 3 C Bold
Ira Clerk
G« E, Shaw
I. H, Hale
0. L. Davis
Albert C» Agnew
Boarcj of Governors
Tuesday, March 10, 1942
(8t3O a«i&*) P^laoe Hptt.i> 3ar> Francisco

John Yi Pehle

Ansel F. Luxford
J. J, La^lor
Bogtrd of
. S, S^ymcaak
B. PoUard
Federal Reserve SaAk of g^n Francfoep
John «T. HcCloy
Col. S. J . Groggan

Col, Karl Sendetson
laxtiias Civilian
Control ffi
Toia Clark
Milton S. Eisenhower
San Francisco Fg^cral Kegerv^. , ^ ^
William A. Day
Ira Clerk
Albert C. Agn#w
W. M, Hale "
Directors - Henry F. Grady, Ch&iman
Slaer H, Cox
HIXiMi 0. Volkmann
St» George Hold«n
C. K. Mclntoah

March 1 1 ,

j Bratsk^ ft^tff^ Jtoqeyye. Baqfc oS.Sfasx Francisco
C, B, Shaw, Mamigisig Director
B* A. Ett§#ill A Assistant
Roa^ld f. ^fflte®, Assistant
Ward 3t®wsrt

Mareh 12, 1942



I. E Shaw

Ward Stewart
, 0haiir5s».ii of the
Uation&l B&ok
J # A* ti>IliJ.l| riMli»lll_ Seattle-First Matioaai
F* A* Straok, Eatteutive Vic® President, F«ople» f i l l Will
Bank of Washington
G, IM l t k « » % Man&.g©r, Bank of California., M* k»
C, 1. Clarka,' Foecxitlve ?ie# Pr««l(lent t Paeific
H« fith&rspoon, ¥ie# President, The iatiosal Sank of
Cebert BaUlargeon, President, Seattle Trust &

Assistant ¥iet Pretid^nt, University
H* Greeiwood, President# Pacific Hation&l Bank#
, 3,' Suariell, Assittaat to Toia Clark

March 1 2 , 1942 (Continued)
Floyd Oles, Secretary, Washington Produce Shippers
(,4.100 % a u ) , , jOovernpr's.

*. Olyyp^a

L« L. X*angliet Governor
Verne M* Graham, State Bep&rtee&t, Social Security
Heary S* P^jasey, Chalrsan, State 0. S» D« A. War Board
Axel 1:. Stro®, State Departswnt of Agriculture
F* Hetherton f ^ a c u t i T e OffiGer, State Planning Couneil
Allan R. Johsison, County Extension Service,
M* S. Bannell t County Extension Agent, lakisa,
A, Wk Lavett, County Agent, 0eattle f Washington
Walter J» Clarkson, County Agent, Orchard, Washington
A« M. Richardson, Taeoma. Coiinty Agent
Ward Stewart
Board of Govtrnor.g
^^ a Federal Kesenre Bf njc of San Francisco,
C. C Shaw
d States Eyploisaaitt S^ryice
A, F. Hardy
J» fu Grant
Friday, Karch 13. 1942
(IQtOO &»&«) .Preat. cor>f tsrenee - Portland Branch. Federal R
Bank of $&n

H# I* McButt, Fisanctal Editor, Oregon Journal
David Hitften, Special Kepresentttive, Morniix^ Oregonian

Karen 13, 1942 (Contimaed)
(lQsffi) &f*By,). .Conference witfc Representative of Banks, eta.

Bank of California
Ralph thorn* Ittitt—t Manager
First National Bank
0* 8« Seller, Cashier
Portland Trust It ttttagS Bank
S, S« Gjerde, Secretary
U, S* Kational Btjalc;
W» l»* *f« Bavins,
Oregon Bankers Association
Sg H, Grees^oo-1, Secretary
H» J. W&rn«r, Attorney, Member of firm - Platt, Henderson,
I s m e r aad Craa. Consultant to F, E, Bank in
with the alien evacuation progrm*
John 0alyf loc&l repreeezit&tive £or Tom Clark
Board o
M. $• Sstyiaczak

Lung,heonif ijeqgon. Hotel

Paul S, Ditic, Fresident
United States I&tional iiaxdc
I . B, MscHatf|£htonf President First Motional Bank
Frederick Greernmod, Manager The B&uk of California
G* H, Stewart, President
Portland Trust and Savings Bank
Keeiley Hill, Manager
Canadian Bank of Co^m^roe
£• H« Greeratood, Sscrtitary
Oregon Barker a Association
Fortl^nd .Branch of th^ Federal reserve Bank of San
D. L, Davis, Ktnagiqg Director
S, A, Mae£aehrony A^aletant Manager
•a Stewmrt.
Bo&rd of Qoyernors
March H , 194^

. Pehle
F, Luxfor<i
J. J# Lawlor
Ward Stewart

-8g&rch H , 1%2 (Continued)
Bg&rd o
'M. 5* Sssyaeiak

L1... QftfLi Johr* L, Dclltt
Batik off
Villlim A,
Board OJT.

.of ^s^Qft»» American

fe of San
Saburo Kido3 National President
M* H&s&oka, Mational Secretary end Field

John W,
Ansel P, Luxford
4* «?• Lawlor

Col. Karl Bendetson

lilllam B* Pollard
Sunday, Mar^h 15,

MQtelf Sari fray^igeo, Californ^f
of G
, S«

Col, l a r l
Capt&in Ifoffitt, Executive, A C. of S.

15, 1%2 (Continued)
Mr, Bvana
Mr, Miller, assistant to Mr,
Farm S&cur^fey
Mr* Hewes
Mr* Ifieholson
^. Oiyj.X^ Control,
A d f a q
Toa Clark
D?% l > d r l « k , S t a t i s t i c a l D i v i s i o n ( s t & t i a t l c i a n

ft _^__ §U j


William A. Day

H. n. lawn
Tuesday, March 1?, 3.942
Advertising Club Iaxnohgon r® Evague© Problem - Bilt^ore
Lp.s An^^lea

of ^ f i ,yr»,ml«BQ

W. M. Hal©
Fred C. Bold

John i, Pehle
Ansel f« Luxford
Ward Stewart
§oarr| of G
William 3. Pollard
Thursday, March 19,. 1942
^ Bllteore Hotel. Los

-10March 19, 1942 (Continued)

John E Pehl$, Assistant to Secretary of M M T
Ward Stewart, Assistant to Mr, Pehl*
Ansel $»axfto9d| Legal Division - Foreign Funat Control
¥. H. Foeaetti, President, The farmers &n& Merchant*
national Bank
H # M. Grsft^ Vic© President| The1 F&rm«r« &nd Merchants
s Si Shelton, Ohaiman of the £x»eutiv«
k Yic© President, Sect«*ity*»First National Bank of
Lot- !»**#}.#s
H. D. I^ej, Pre»ld«nt, Citla«n» National Trust & Savings
Arch *t Anderson, President, C&llfornifc Baiic
Ben R, Me^er, President} Uxdon Bank & trust
K. II. McK?*&, Viee President i Mans.ger, Canadian Bank of
A« *J* Gock, Vie© Chairman of the Board of Director a9
of America I* T. fc #. A.
R« i« Thosapaon, Seeretar^Mauager, Log Angel^a Clearing

, H, Hale, Vice
i He .Ambrose, M&n&ging Director, Los Angeles Branch
cl, Assistant Manager, Los Angeles Branch
of Ooveraore
William B, Pollard