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This is copy of a program submitted to the
President by Carrie, Henderson and Lubin in
conference with the President on November 8th,

Koveaber 8, 1937,



Ifcs rsceBslon, in our opinion, i s directly traceable to an
in costs aad prices, which led to (a) » f l l l l w inventory*
j p g and


Hwflwrtug sad (b) intwwdi <>*• • pnaAaiag 3*

al l a building* (See charts.

Hate p t r t i e a i a v l j «!*• w

t r i c e s disparity after «Tuiy, 1956.)


in the l u l l of oonmrn^ra failod to

sufficiently to i i l O i l the a n l«V«l.l o^ v:uf?ia©sr ^ctiTity,


JMnHtaNMH store <!oll&-r MklM MMffNrf no tMSnMMM tf%MP laffMOFy^ 1937,
despite monthly tnar>—!•• in retnil p r t w «


111 i t not been for

Toltase of r e t a i l trede wo^iltf karvt bi*Qn MtiJLM

tbere wae ao tftttNMMI utter

Hity in th« Monthly tttliai of nations!


th© factors accounting for t h i s failure of national i a -

-eoiso to taMNMMM ^OTQ

Ueolino i« butIding
in the fOVHnMIPMi^i Ef?t contribution* (B&e
chart.) for too f i r s t tine sine© 1930, the govanmont
i s now doNSttotin^ from buyto? pow&T M iroch M i t i«


%ere i s ao 0QftYi&Gix\r ©vldonco thet the uudistr! uted
tax, t!i@ capital gains tax, or the Tarlous re^jlntory
of gov#ra^ent played any significant part in brisking about the decline*

In teportftRt gagaants of Industry, capital earp—tfitWX l s s t
was limited only by physical capacity of capital goods


^or the f i r s t nine HK5nths of 1937, aaw plant and

t; expend! iurea of minims and mmifeeturisg companies approxira&tad the* ioval of 19£8,

ID addition to the $4 billion Mi astda

annually fa* depreciation, •ftn-flJBKftelitl corpora tio;,s can retain 40$
of t h e i r MOMMvp *9f psflsjpfct or on tw&mgtQ un^is'ijibu'-.o nni'jji mti t t t

There la liii>l«future*


|o expect a n3i^.turalw wtfmrn i n the

Th^ reetssfciaii caulo be Mrv«r« ttM |9MAm§Ml i f ftVanMM

does sot interfB»e.

Halthax «f tha t^;o forces corns.o.Mli it«t*4 as

factors, ?is, oorrMtloa of the inventory sitaatiax*. or
riMVtiflta or ter&bl« goo<3a MM INI AtpoMttfl upon for r a sumpx.ion of xecovery.

Bui doeli&c l l 35a?? (ptlwifm sK>ta@Bu^mf ana the

longer raaedial &c-iioa la illiTtt!, the LMM offseti^a Kill to xaoaaoires
of intervention*

K i r t W H^MVMMioai th«:.t follow m

iitttfifil f i r s t to

ate th« dealifta i n oonaiumr ^uylag a»3 lAtav h.2ip to brl&u
stibstantial iBcr««ss in ywlwnrtttg pow-^r,
jL» Crpy rrsaentRl puicuuaob.

I t l i W g g » i f 4 that tfeid i ^ t a

meixt plsee orders a t the e a r l i e s t possible 4*%m for *aoh m a t e r i a l s a
sapplies tts w i l l b© r*qs&x*d for the op«»r»tlo& of the
and ageacit»t» for the ratH-.iuder of the f i s c a l



Aat^elpatlon of ®om® items of expenditurea.

The p o s s i b i l i t i e s

oliould be explored of transferring oortuia expenditures froa the
1939 budget to 1938.

Keitfc**r (1) nor (i,) above would incre&se t o t a l gove-rft-

jaent eaeeerf&twes » f l the two yeet period.

I t 'ni r ht M H r e -

s u l t in savings.
izusressee i s«ao&td MT W.P.ii. t h i s
Winter should o ^ p y

Tor P.«.A. piojeotfl -hich Ma


wti isnddlately should be
J^» Priviate hQUiai.ja^«

She on*:; field on wljt^h rellajtte can be plea

for a syffioiesiu voltuao of sjq»eadllttree to Iwra the t!4e 4 i
stlimilatiori i s -'iTea, i s r e s i d e n t i a l b u i l d i n g

I t hM b««?n <3es»on-

stratod lOuDiy ti.ied 9 p a r t i culerly in the recession years 1921 and 1924,
ta*it buildinK construction can MPMi Vpmrd in tfeeftMM»of a (lovH?«or4
trend i n business e c t i T l t y . (Bee c h ^ r t . )
A bulldinr, prograti iau*t ee d^-yls^d, wliich, ftbeve e^afy otbor
©oralderation, provides houses Hud upertments on terms «bich art* taore
n thao. those pr^vsilis;;: on vsMeasures to Rwduce Bulliijiv^ Costa
One oi* ta© fundaiaontale for securing lov builuiHg costs i s attract*
ing large aeaie builders i n t o Ike f i e l d of housing.
possible lo^or builaing


This would make

equipn&nt sal lsbor

JL« foilfligg gnterial cogta«

lap ri«SM indiestas that soltipl©

^ifc- romilts in Kltaga M M£h M 20$. This arises from sharing
of r e t a i l mar&ius i.M savings In ths feulfe iMttttittg o:' mi>.terinlB n l

tioa pf fcaU£lttg lalMNP awploymoB.t, UM) gXMlMHr aaBytsl laeojao.

In re-

turn ftar • -.sU3raiiv.;e<: tWHli laoonw, c('i",ne89iji;ji5 i n W^a ra*eo tire


Fiaanco^ cliurr^-n.

Financial d

iv» as bttildiOf; oquijBildnt, matorlal and lut>or •©••••

0a October 1,

19r*6, HI inn I nil 1 bcudu in tight**! ^totc • Here obtaining 3?« Bad oTa
ox. t k s bulk o; ihoir iadivldnel reel e s t a t e loans.,

Thu Bs

tv© 3*®t** charged bj- l^ciarsl SnlXdiiig r-nf bMa i m i o t u t t o m
?^S i n 21 vtftttfl in Mijrch, I9M*


•s.)rti:&ge3 m i l y PHMHlMi by

th© goTeriaaMit, ere y l ^ l d l ^ i l i t o x over 5 | $ •»<> wr# *betl«i borrowers
&£$+ [The bulk of BtgHtil s-i-nicleiiticl fca1Hl«g h i s been fam on

ncing OOftti con ba reduced by*

to J56.
B of |3l adtzTico charge OB Insured nortij of dpMl p^yiaeiit to 10$ on houses i n the
Adoption of tiie abo-ve proposals would have the srsiae offset «ie r e ducing construction costs by H &

I f the a e t r a t e t o borrowers


fcn-s tm% to 4&£t th« itrrfagi MfitM b© equivalent tt a deeiijae of
15#3$ in • — t t m i t l f costa.

If, in acidities.* actual

c a s t s wmld be Stt1 by 9V*B M HttX* ftfl 5^» tfci t o t a l KNril Of
quiring a n&it ha-,^ WO8X4 b^^ M#SMMril b;/ fyyiliMrtOily 8 0 ^
of tin r>erieKi of w^ort-lKation nssli also result in

SIM •>—Iiiit1tr>n of spttrtMntff oxk! f l a t i c^n be ttaricm

lij i t till oertein

Housing A#t«


t l y a d ; i>ra0«rite<!, in ^iJ.@ I

Eliffiinatio-. of the 1 l « r wtM puiiwlsw w&uld cut f

iBr? eosta bx D:J sriaujst oqut.l t o 6,1^S o:" the oo&etruetlMI co
In Ikia f i e l d , a ehi&f pronletc i s DM a i t r ; ctlfsu O


C«rt*ia aiaeofiRentR to the Federal HWMItim AH WW provide t h i s
i *.».

fi> I t



9tti<« Ule pux-chasa of


r M

txamptior Of %11 MTmifigtf up to #15,000, (Tbi? w o l i
of a l l •*ff9**tlO*Ui aafl would apply t o i s s s than 10^ of tiie

g of a l l eorporfttioj..©#)

ifxeitptios ©f aftfilmgA is.


of #15tCKK> shall be applicable

to «uek MiHMti Mi ONi actually <axp&isd<*a> ffijr MBf 9OS«tratttOS of
pl.-s.nt and nqulpMSitt.

This sannption should w>t axooad 30^ of t o t a l


eanainga ana be applicable to actual expaaAitoum tfl exeesa of
to curruBi- BBBHd depreciation charges.

Further, this

be absolutely e-:>-.:dit-ioiisd upon iffiponlt.ior; of • penelty ifct* of
not usud Ito these st.-^tod pnrrjoses, sdiiek will in^ura their

Capj-tal ^alas t^3t» So^:it-s >l 1—1 iliiini to azpansiosii of


aay IM provided by applying Iff* flat awrt— to capital f«lM up to
^.» few tazeo,

CDLEidsratlo^ of rev. taxes jsi^ht be 3«I&y<*d uutil next

«? when a olearor vlt^vr of fc)M IfliiflOi *inc FMPSBM |VMpMNtf will be


Baj>itRC©d budget. The objective of a bol«nc#d Imigvt for 1959

should be retained.

Lsuchlla Curris

Leon Hen^ereos

Isedor Lubin