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The provincial Government of Alberta prepared a statement of the f o r e s t
resources of the Northwestern part of tfce Province* pointing out that vexy
l i t t l e information i s available from Government surveys, and reports respecting
certain portions were gathered from trappers, traders and Indians, and are,
therefore, of doubtful dependability* Nevertheless, i t i s roughly estimated
that there i s somewhat over 5,000, 000, 0&0 ft* B,M. of merchantable pine,
and spruce* In t h i s area, with a few exceptions, t h i s timber i s i n small
blocks. This estimate does not take into consideration the coniferous
f o r e s t along the Northern Boundary of tfie Province, a s there m no data
available concerning t h i s area*
I t i s reported that there i s far more poplar and birch than pine and
Spruce, but no estimate has been formed-; of what i s available as the market
for t h i s species i s limited as y e t . However} with the development of
different classes of building materials, such as plywood, pressed wood,
e t c o there i s no doubt that a great deal of these woods w i l l be u t i l i s e d
in the not distant future* Furthermore, the poplar areas have a large
potential value as pulpwood and for manufacture as matches, spools and
other articles»
The immature or young growth dp nice and pine in* t h i s section of the
Province i s tremendous and has great potential value.
During the summer the Forest Service of British Columbia prepared a
report supplementing the f o r e s t information alreacfcr published, Ihis report
covers that part of the Province included in the North Pacific Planning
Project, Some of the main points are as follows:
Forests of the Coast •* The Coast growing stock could sustain
an annual y i e l d of 3 4 0 m i l l i o n boajtl f e o t , 224 million f e e t being from
accessible areas* During the period since war was declared, production,
particularly on the Queen Charlotte Islands, has been stepped up so that
the average annual cut for 1940-^2, i n c l u s i v e , has been about 204 m i l l i o n ,
or approaching equality with the estimated sustained annual yielcL Ihis
war time increase i s due mainly on account of the urgent demand for Sitka
spruce, which i s used extensively in the production of all~wood aeroplanes*
1 / Prepared by H* !»• Holman of the Dominion Forest Service and the Forest
Service personnel of the Provinces of Alberta and B r i t i s h Columbia,

- 2 *•
The greater part of the Sitka spruce forests of the Province are located
here, thereby concentrating the source r of supply from which this special demand
can be met. In ordinary times, the ma£n use of the forests TIES for pulp**
wood with the high-grade spruce logs being sold to sawmills, where they
were u t i l i s e d for specialty products stich as ladder stock, interior finish,
furniture and veneen Ibday, the forests are being s e l e c t i v e l y logged for
high-grade spruce, but some hemlock anfl cedar are also being taken out a t
the same time# 3he coast forests are aoxmally u t i l i z e d to about twro-thirds
their capacity, and an increase in y i e l d of 80 million f e e t i s available
in normal times from accessible areas*
Commercial Forests of the Interior - The total y i e l d of the interior
forests i s estimated to be about 1,250 million board f e e t per annum, of "which
256 million board f e e t are considered accessible under present maricet
conditions* North of Prince George and along the Parsnip RLvcr to Finlay
Forics, there are extensive stands of white $pruc$of good merchantable
quality suitable for manufacture of export lumber. At present, these
forests are completely inaccessible and no prediction can be made of their
future u t i l i z a t i o n .
The sustained annual y i e l d from accessible forests i s estimated to
be 256 million board feet* The annual v/ar time cut i s over 131 million
board feet* To t h i s u t i l i z a t i o n should be added annual f i r e l o s s of over
127 million board f e e t , making a -war time drain of over 258 million board
f e o t , or approximately equal to the sustained y i e l d capacity. In other
words, the accessible areas are now f u l l y u t i l i z e d and any further expansion
should come only as a result i n reduction of f i r e l o s s e s •
The sawmills of the region have always been so far from their highly
competitive markets that they are perpetually struggling'against the handicap
of long r a i l haul and correspondingly high, freight rates. Once the stimulus
of war orders has boen removed i t i s to be expected that the annual cut
•will revert to the pre«-war figure of about 71 million f e e t a year* However,
water power i s available and when the world pulp market creates the demand
i t w i l l bo possible to construct a pulp m i l l to u t i l i s e the spruce an4
balsam. Such an industry has been needed for years, and there i s evexy
reason to expect the development w i l l take place utdmatoly#
In 1942 the total production for the four basic industries, mining,
fishing, agriculture and forestry was estimated to be 286 million dollars,
of which the forest industries were credited with 124 million dollars* In
other words, a t l e a s t forty cents in ovexy dollar in circulation i n this
Province has i t s origin i n the f o r e s t s .
Our knowledge of timber conditions in that part of the Liard watershed
which l i e s within the Province of British Columbia was obtained from a brief
reconnaissance along the Alaskan Highway during the simmer of 1943* plus such
information as could be obtained from those vdio had travelled in different
parts of tfoe aroa t Bio infoxmation i s not, therefore, vozy comprehensive
nor necessarily veiy accurate*

Fort Nelson River Area - This is really the south foik of the Liard
River and incudes not only the Fort Nelson River but also its tributaries^
the Sikanni Chiefi the Rmtas, the Prophet and the Muskwa, all rivers of
considerable size. Ihe Highway traverses the area on a high ridge which
runs parallel to the Prophet River, crosses the Muskwa near Fort Nelson and
then turns west along the Muskwa to cross a high divide into the !toad, which
empties diroctay into the Idard itselff From the top of the high ridge near
the Prophet River, a good view is obtained of all the intervening oountay
between the Prophet and the foothills of the Ebddes as well as much of the
countsy to the east between the Prophet and the Fontas^
Much of this country is vexy poorly drained and there occur extensive*
muskegs between the rivers which support no timber of any commercial value*
Interspersed between the muakeg are narrow pine ridges which, 0 » n if they
do at times attain merchantable size, are so isolated and inaccessible as
to be valueless * Where good drainage is obtained along the streams and
rivers there are many thrifty stands of white spruce, lodgepole pine and
poplar and merchantable patches are not infrequent in such areas• Spruce
stands were examined on the Hin&er, the Prophet and the Muskwa Rivers, seme
of which ran as high as 25,000 board feet to an acre with pome trees'attaining
a height of more than 100 feet and a diameter of more than 20 inches# A
stand of balsam poplar near the Muskwa Bridge on a flood plane of the riveri
had 104- mainstand trees to the acre with an average diameter of 23 inches at
breast height and an average height of 124 feet# None of the mainstaud
trees had any branches below the 55 foot level. Ihe largest tree was 42
inches in diameter at breast height and was 127 feet highf Ihe timber
appeared to be sound*
Excellent spruce stands were also observed along the Sikanni Chief,
where the road crosses it, and others havo been reported along the Ibntas
and its tributaries. It seems reasonable, therefore^ to draw the conclusion
that merchantable stands of spruce occur at frequent intervals along the
valleys of all these rivers and that, considering the hundreds of miles of
river valley involved, there is a tremendous reserve of timber here which is
of good quality and oasUy accessible It woul'd be folly to hazard a guess
as to how much merchantable timber there might bo in the watershed^ without
a far more intensive examination, but it is certain that conditions along
the road do not give a correct impression of the timber resources of the area
as a whole.
A fire started during the road building operations in 1942 is still
burning in the Fontas River area and it is reported to have covered a tremendous
area in this valley* It is visible from the air but locks rather insignificant
from the road#
The West Liard Area - Included in this area would be that part of the
Liard watershed of Nelson Ibrics, which lies within the Province of British
Our knowledge of this area is admittedly sketchy, being gleaned mostly
from observations along the Highway, Ihe Highway, on leaving the Mu&wa

Valley, eats across the headwaters of the toad through mountainous and
rather poorly timbered country, until it again hits the main Liard at what
is known as the "Lower Crossing" • At this point it crosses the river and
runs along river benches as far as Lower Post, where it enters the Yukon
. While the valley of the Ibad may contain merchantable stands of spruce
and lodgepole pine for some distance up from the Liard (as one would expect
it to have) such stands do not appear in the upper reaches of the river
where it is traversed by the Highway. Hie river rises in the Itocky Mountains
and runs through mountainous country most of its length, 3he valleys appear
to be lightly timbered with lodgepole pine bat many of these stands are
not of merchantable size and the timber values of the area appear to be
Between Lower Crossing and Lower Post, a distance of over 100 miles,
the Highway follows the main Liard River on the north, or left, side keeping
to the river benches for the most part* The forest along the route is fcy
no means uniform* On the river bottoms and lower benches, as well as in all
valleys, it is often exceptionally heavy, almost rank and luxuriant in seme
places, and many good stands of merchantable spruce can be found in such
locations. On the other hand, there are long stretches, usually on the
higher benches; where the soil appears to be day and sandy and where the
forest is poor. Usually pine occurs on these locations but it is seldom
of merchantable size* Good poplar-birch mixtures occur on the upper benches
and also a peculiar mixture Of spruce, pine, poplar and tamarack* The
latter species seldom occurs on diy benches in other parts of Canada, but
here it seems to develop well on such sites* there are not many muskeg
areas along the route and those that occur are small in extent* ^
The bulk of the merchantable timber reserves in this area will be
found on islands and bends in the larger rivers and in the smaller side valleys*
One stand measured at Contact Creek, ran 12,000 feet per acre with dcminants
115 feet high and 15 inches in diameter at breast height* Many such stands
occur along all water courses and better stands should be found dQLoser to
the Liard though none were examined by us*
No information of any value was obtained regarding that stretch of
the main Liard between Lower Crossing and Helson Foxks bat we have no*reason
for believing that it is veiy different f*pm the part described above*
Ihe following is a brief sunmazy of what has been learned regarding
forest conditions in the Yukon territory, as a result of a forest reconnaissance
survey undertaken daring the summer of 1943 along the Alaskan Highway and also
along the river route betweenTOiitehorseand Dawson*
Ihe territory as a whole* although forested in greater or less degree
over practically its whole area, is not rich in timber values* Ihe effect

of latitude is such as to limit tree growth to comparatively low elevations
and, since most of the Yukon is mountainous or plateau-like, there are large
areas of tundra above timber line as well as other l&rge areas supporting
a growth so stunted that it has no value whatever except as cover for fur
and game animals# Merchantable stands, except in the extreme south, are
for the most part confined to the river ?md stream valleys where the
combination of good soils, sheltered conditions and low elevation xwke
possible the development of the stand to a size suitable for saw timber or
other commercial use*
Such areas are not widespread, in spite of the fact that timber conditions
along the immediate vicinity of the Highway might lead one to that conclusion.
It must be pointed out in this connection that the Highway is not only
located in the most southerly part of the Territory over the greater part
of its length, but also follows the low elevation and easy terrain of the
river and stream valleys. As a consequence, it traverses the very locations
where the best of the forest may be expected to be found* Especially is
this true of that section of the road east of Vfhitehorse, through the
Liard watershed and the lake country*
Between latitude 60 degrees (the southern boundary) and latitude 61
degrees there is a strip of country extending from the St# ELias Mountains
in the west to the eastern boundary of the territory in the east, which
may be considered to be fairly heavily and satisfactorily timbered* Within
this area occurs the larger portion of the timber reserves of the Yukon
territory and from it must come the bulk of the forest products -which may
be required in connection with development projects undertaken in the less
favoured northern parts of the Tferritoiy* It alone, of the whole area,
can furnish an exportable surplus of products for use elsewhere•
North of latitude 61 degrees merchantable stands are for the most part
confined to the immediate valleys of the larger rivers such as the Lewes,
Yukon, Pelly and the Stewart, Such timber as occurs within this area is
barely sufficient to supply local need under present conditions, and would
be quickly depleted were the present demand increased to any appreciable
extent* It is doubtful if much merchantable timber occurs north of latitude
64 degrees because of the generally high elevations vfoich obtain, but
stands suitable for Jfaelwood might be found on good sites at low elevations
on the river bottoms* This area was not examined during the summer*
The Liard Watershed, - As might be expected, due to its generally low
elevation and southerly location, the Liard watershed contains by far the
best timber to be found in the Yukon* Speaking generally, this part of the
Territory is as heavily forested as any part of Alberta or British Ciolumbia
east of the mountains and the growth rate is equally as good* The best
stands are, of course, to be found in the immediate valleys of the larger'
rivers but merchantable stands are by no means confined to such locations*
The uplands also suppprt timber of very good quality up to an elevation of,
roughly, 3500 feet above sea level and much of the country, in the southern
portion of the watershed at loast, lies well below the 3500 foot contour.
Our knowledge of the upper, or northern end of the watershed is rather
meagre but is probable that it is rather more lightly timbered. Some of it

must be above timber line -which, in this latitude, i s around 5000 feet
above sea level* However, one would expect good stands of spruce to extend
tap the larger rivers well to their source and this seems to be confirmed
by information obtained locally*
Along the river flats and benches of the Liard and i t s larger
tributaries occur some quite remarkable spruce and cottonwood stands* A
stand of spruce was measured on the Liard River just west of Watson lake
which was found to be between 125 and 135 years old* I t ran better than
30,000 board feet per acre, with the majority of the trees between HO
and 120 feet in height and between 18 and 28 inches in diameter at breast
height* Such stands of spruce occur quite frequently along the larger
rivers and, while most of them would cover no more than a few hundred acres
of river bottom land, the sum of them a l l must constitute quite a considerable
and valuable reserve of saw timber*
Ihe higher land away from the rivers i s fairly well drained for the
most part and supports a good, rapidly-growing and healthy forest* Forest
fires have not been extensive nor frequent in this area for more than 70
years* the l a s t wide-spread fire occurred between 1870 and 1873 and the area
covered by i t i s now covered with a thrifty 75 year old stand %uhich on the
better sites i s already approaching merchantable size* There are also
remnants of an older stand, about 125 to 130 years, which i s of merchantable
size on good sites* Some stands of spruce wore measured, on upland, near
the Rancheria River, which went better than 15,000 board feet per acre
with dominants up to 84 feet in height and diameters up to 17 inches at
breast height* Most of the upland area, however, supports the 75 year old
pole-sized stand* As i t s rate of growth i s generally fairly good, i t may
bo expected that a large proportion of this stand will reach saw timber
size in from 40 to 50 years*
To sum up, i t may be said that the Liard watershed contains sufficient
reserves of timber to furnish an exportable surplus to northern areas in
the event that transportation f a c i l i t i e s are improved to the point where
this becomes feasible* Further, the general growth rate throughout the area
i s such that, taken into consideration with i t s present rather considerable
reserves, i t will not easily be depleted as the result of cutting*
This area i s well worth the expense of a stock-taking survey and the
inauguration of a fire protection organization*
Ifeslin lake and Nisutlin River Watershed - Proa observations made from
the road and information gathered from other sources, i t appears that there
are fairly large stocks of merchantable spruce timber in the vicinity of
Tfeslin Lake and along the Nisutlin .and Ibslin River valleys* Bxese extend
well up the Nisutlin toward*its source and down the Tfeslin to where i t i s
joined by the Boswell River* Near Ifeslin Lake the merchantable forest i s
found not only close to the lake i t s e l f but also on the uplands to elevations
of 3500 feet or more above sea level and this i s true generally of the
strip of country between latitudes 60 and 61 degrees*

- 7Although the bottomland stands of spruce in the Tteslin Lake area and
along the Nisutlin fiLver cannot approach in quality similarly located stands
in the Liard watershed* they are, nevertheless, of vezy good quality.
Yields up to 15,000 feet per acre on river bottom land are not unusual.
One stand which was measured near the mouth of the Nisutlin River ran
16,000 board feet per acre with dominant trees reaching a height of 90 feet
and a diameter of 20 inches at breast height* Upland timber i s of course
not so good but even on these sites many stands ruji up to 10,000 board feet
per acre with dominants ranging between 70 and 80 feet in height and up to
14 inches in diameter at breast height.
Because i t s climate i s drier, this has suffered more from fire than
the Liard -watershed. The fire of 1870-73 burned even more territory within
this watershed than i t did on*the Liard and in addition a fire in 1917 took
a heavy t o l l of timber stocks. Of the forested land below an elevation of
3500 feet, which would include a l l stands of merchantable quality, ±i i s
estimated that approximately 25 per cent bears timber 25 years old*
sixty per cent bears timber 75 years old and 1,5 per cent boars timber of
older age classes, the most important of which would be the 125 to 130
year class » About half of the latter class i s of saw timber quality*
Lodgepole pine in pure, or nearly pure, stands occur quite extensively
throughout this watershed and there i s much of i t of a suitable size for
the manufacture of railroad ties - a fact which i s 'worth noting in view
<?f projected plans for a railroad through the area.
Hie Lewes r fekhini Watershed *• Biis unit i s bounded on the east ty
Tfeslin Lake and River, on the south by the southern boundary of tjie !territozy>
on the west by Kusawa Lake and on the north by the l&khini Valley t I t s
goneral appearance i s strikingly like that of the east-slope countzy of
southern and centre! Alberta* They have much in common - both are dry as
to climate; both have warn "chinodk" winds; they have the same species of
trees and, to a surprising degree, the same kind of ground vegetation; and,
finally, both have been badly ravaged by forest firo and therefore present
the same variety or multiplicity of age groups*
The river bottoms and low-lying lands ^around the Lake shores support
some vezy good spruce stands but none of them are vezy extensive as to area
and they have been, or are being, heavily drawn upon for lumber and other
products to be used in connection with present local development* Ihis is*
especially true of the valley of the l&khini in the vicinity of TShitehorse#
Upland timber i s mostly lodgepole pine although there are also seme vezy good.
spruce-pine mixtures in sheltered locations* A few of these stands are of
tie size and i t i s quite possible that quite a large cut of ties could be
made in this area although most of the stands from which they -would come
are vezy small in area and rather patchy*
ftie rate of growth in this area i s only fair, so far as anything but
river bottcmland i s concerned, and reserves are being heavily drawn upon
at present* Moreover, there i s the ever present danger of forest fire which
unless seme action i s tajcen in connection with i t ; i s likely to further
deplete the reserve supply of timber in this area* In the vicinity of

Whitehorse and Garcross there i s a local scarcity which does not greatly
effect the general picture which i s that of a Hair3y well timbered countiy
which could under noimal conditions take care of local demand with ease#
The Alsek «» Dezadeash Watershed «• This area l i e s just to the east of
the St« ELias Range and i s drained to the Pacific Ocean by means of the
Alsek River* I t i s generally rough and mountainous to the west with many
of the h i l l s rising above timber line* In this part of the area there i s
l i t t l e or no merchantable timber. To the east, however* along the Dezadeash
River there are quite large areas which are at a much lower elevation and
some of this area supports merchantable spruce stands, of rather inferior
quality but of sufficiently large size to make saw logs. South of the
Dezadeash them i s an insect infestation which i s causing quite serious
damage to a merchantable spruce stand and which has spread over several
square miles # No pine occurs in this area.
Kluane Lake - White River Watershed - TRIhile a few pockets of merchantable
spruce may be found in this area on the best and most sheltered s i t e s , they
are veiy small in extent and of inferior quality*' The larger part of this
watershed i s mountainous and i s above timber line f Much of the balance i s
scrubby growth of widely spaced trees, both white and blade spruce. No
lodgepole occurs and there are few poplar or other broad-leaved trees*
Much of the ground i s permanently frozen*
Central Yukon »» That part of the Yukon Tterritozy lying south of the
64th parallel of Ja titude, which has not already been described i s being
called the Central Yukon for present purposes. I t i s largely forested
but with a short, shrubby growth of spruce, pine and poplar -which has l i t t l e ,
i f any, merchantable value oxcept for fueltrood* Bio only merchantable timber
which occurs i s found in the valleys of the largq rivers* Hiis i s spruce
of rather inferior quality in most instances but there are no doubt many
stands along the rivers which are capable of being manufactured into limber
of fair quality* At any rate there are two mills on the Stewart River,
one or tvro on the Pelly and at least one on the Lewes, a l l manufacturing
for local consumption*
Stands of spruce along the'larger rivers are important as a source of
fuelwood for the river steamers* These use quite large quantities during
the season of navigation but there appears to be a fairly adequate supply
provided such traffic i s not greatly increased* The growth rate i s vexy
slow throughout the whole area with the exception of that portion of the
valley of the Yukon River between Dawson and the Alaska boundaxy*
There was a great drain upon local timber supplies during the early
1900* s in the vicinity of Dawson and a l l reserves in this area have completely
disappeared* Dawson now draws i t s supply of fuelwood and lumber from the
Stewart River*
Northern Yukon - For present purposes i t i s oonsiderecj. that the
Northern Yukon consists of a l l that part of the Tterritoxy north of latitude
64 degrees*

Ihis area i s for the most part barren or supports growth of such
stunted character that i t has no merchantable value except as fuelwood
for local supply and, fortunately, veiy l i t t l e i s required for this'
purpose, There i s permanent frost under practically the -whole area*
Hie following infoxmatLon regarding timber condition? in the Mackensde
District was obtained from a single flight over the area and must be
considered simply as a recording of my impressions rather than a report*
While patches of "what appears to be merchantable spruce occur generally
along a l l the larger rivers in this area, there are only two locations where
they occur with sufficient frequency to constitute any considerable
reserve* One of these i s that stretch of the Mackenzie RLver between Fort
Stoith and Great Slave Lake. The other i s on the Liard River between Fort
Simpson and Nelson Folks*
In both these locations the merchantable patches occur between the
bends and on islands in the river. Seldom do they cover vexy large areas
although there i s one block on the Mackenzie north of Fort Smith that
must contain about a thousand acres and which extends bade about one-half
to three-quarters of a'mile from the river # The Liard timber occurs in smaller
patches as a rule, at least so far as the river bottom timber i s concerned*
As the Liard valley between the Nahanniand Nelson Forks i s broken, hilly
country, i t i s possible that some of the timber observed in draws and
ravines i s also merchantable, since the drainage i s good* but this cannot
be determined without an examination on the ground*
Ihe Mackenzie country
i s wet and poorly drained almost to the river1 s edge, in most locations,*so i t i s probable that i t does not support timber of high merchantability*
No other timbered area of any great promise was noted on the trip,
although, of course, the merchantable spruce and poplar i s not ty any means
confined to the two locations mentioned* Small patches of timber do occur
along practically'all th§ rivers but scarcely in stifficient quantity to be
wortly of mention* ft* be quite frank, my impression of the vast hinterland
was that i t was mostly muskeg and scrub timber of no value except to campers
and game and fur animals*
There i s reported to be some good timber on the lower South Nahanni
River and also on the upper reaches of the Hay RLver but the flight did not
cover these two valleys*
Fairly good timber stocks appear %to occur along the Peace RLver in
Northern Alberta, especially between Carcajou and Fort Vexmilion* Also
the Wabiscaw RLver appears to be fairly heavily timbered*