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$e favor reduction i f Federal expenditures* belftftdSI i f the
budget, and r e t i r e a e i i t iff t h e •fctteMhl debt s^s rapidly u | | w&>,i@
possible by continuation of the improvement in baeiaetse f
and the fcttau&l national incomfiv -shlch U already MPt than tw
b i l l i o n s of d o l l a r s greater UHM la 1931*.
Th® l a s t Etpublle&n M a i n l y t r a t l a a mad« « tragic f&lXure o^
l t » a t t e a p t e to balance UHI Iniiiget because of fftllure to «dopt effoctlve MMMPii t o atop the ruttoun deflation which r e s u l t e d l a &
shrinkage of the tt&ticoal Incone by %®r& then oae^islf f thus d
iap the source t f PiiMMi aeceaaairy t o bal&ace ih& budget*
By U M constructive ?mmm?m through which tbe
^ i r t n t t l l hu« revived business tttft&fitpj supplied
restored the incomes and buying-pover of wm people» I t b&& established
tiie onXj souM aod stir© m®ans hf which the buiigdt tea be brought Into
b&lftno'e • • ! debt redaoed*
Absusdonaent ©f these polio lea- of fuarJ&flMmt&l r e s t o r a t i o n wribft
jeop&rdise the recovery evidea-ced in csverj pJw->s# of the n a t i o n ' s l l f e «
fc'e Indorse the MMMiwy policiee by which the Adninlsitr^tios
aade the d o l l a r the soundest jssmey l a the world today,
c r e d i t war* never more


We pledge coatinaa&ce of policies th&t m&m for an hoaest
providing Justice alik© for debtor and creditor, toad an •qult&bX*
lationshlp between prices of agricultural and Industrial prodiietiu
f• approv© <eontinu&fice of the discretionary power Tested la
Executive to &$£&&& the iollw* Is the Interaatloo&l markets so lo®g as
the Interests of Aaerie&n producers and w<»*ker8 can be put la peril bf
excessive depr«clatiou of forelga ei»T6fieie8»

It 1® easeatl&l that th«

United States be par«|Hir©d to act p&mptlj and •£ftetlvaly to meet whatever eoatingeacles may arise In the international aKmetiiy »4,tuatiott»
f• favor st&bllisatlcni of woriiS curreaeles tiader cosdltloa^ whleh
will protect the interests of Anerlo»a *griculttire? Industry and tr»%d«f
and paroaota the Interaatlmal excJ3i®3flg© of goodg aad aarvi««s«
f # oppose a return to thai tr^rpe of gold atasd&rd whtcli vo-old again
mke Aserlean agriculture and iadugtry helpless ag&lnst a ^cxrld-wlde fall
la prices* put the Aaerleaa dollar &t a competitive diBadv^atage with
depreciated WVIfltfcN abroadf or #xpote the satloti1® r»»erv«« to raids fur
the benefit of private hoarders aad International speculatora»

Such a

course would invite a r^ourrence of mtionul disaster such Ml we experienced uwder the forsmr gold standard that has broken do»a throughout the world*
Wm oppose any resort to the printing pre@©ee#
We pledge comUkiaed adherence to the policies by vhiohth* Desocr&ti«
Administration rescued the b»xUclng and ourreacy system from the worst

collapse ia all history e&ci restored that system to greater strength
and stability than m a r before,
Ve indorse the policies by which banker control orer the atones
eyat^a hsis bees replaced by control through a public body representing
the public internet,
F«ar the first tiase in our history deposits of the great sans of
oar oitisem h&¥@ b@eu ns4e aecare &gala«t loss* We pledge a eoutinuaace of coordinated monetary a M fiscal policies that will &void
the twin evils of iafl^tion and deflation and thas proaote the orderly
economic progress essential to enduing prosperity.