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F"orm F. R. 511

Copies of information given to Robert
H. Hinckley by M. S. Eccles on July 21,
1944, f o r his consideration.



Present Assl^n^ent:

Liaison O f f i c e r , federal Reserve Bank of Chica^p.
Age between 40 and 45«

Before oing to the Army he was a merber of t^e Atlea
Corporation s t a f f .
I t i s said that when Floyd Odluic cair.a to Wn ah it*; ton f o r
the Contract Distribution Service {¿mall Bu iness), he tried to get
Col, Keane released to assist hir. but the Army resisted this. Mr.
Sffiead advises that his work at Chicago has been of a high ¿uality
and that everyone speaks favorably of hin. I reresrber sitting next
to h i » at the luncheon last year f o r a l l the newly appointed
liaison o f f i c e r s and was impressed with his quiet but e f f e c t i v e

Present As:>ifìTi"gnt:

Assistant Liaison O f f i c e r , Federai Reserve
Bank of Kew York,
Age between 30 and 40#

Wilkinson urna f o r som« years very active in the Bank
Hanagewfrot Commission of the ABA. Before goin/ into the Amy he
was v^ry active in organising the ABA arrangement® f o r cooperating
with the Armed Servi fees, f i r s t under the Aesignjrert of Claims procedure, and later under Regulation V.
Cuali f l cat ions:
X attended a meeting at the Willard Hotel of the ABA Cois» i t t e e lehich lilkinson was handling and he impressed me very favorably. fir. Hounds advises that he thinks Wilkinson has unusual
a b i l i t y and personality. He shows a real gr&sp of credit principles
and banking t$nd Rounds added that i f he were ¿oin^ to hire a ran
f o r the Federal Reserve Bank, he would prefer Wilkinson to &cKinney.
I called Bob Fleming who said that he considered Wilkinson
one of the brightest and most capable young bankers in the cou t r y .
He said he had rare a b i l i t y in organisation work. He thought that
his progress in the War Department was eo&ewhat hampered by the fact
that he did not £«t alonP; too » e l l with one of the "higher ups" in
the Advance Payment and Loan Section. Piecing said that H l k i n ^ a
had a goon deal more a b i l i t y thfan the o f f i c e r with who® he disagreed
occasionally. On the whole, he thought lilklnson wo Id be an excellent selection for the position in question.

LT. COL. FR .K E. UtiLlìiMX
Present As.;?lorgeat:

Liaison O f f i c e r , Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Âge between 45 and 50»

L. R. Rounds, Vice President at the New York Fed, says
he understands ^cKinney got his fc rst start as a tax collector in
Indiana and under the law as i t then stood profited handsomely out
of the fines recovered on collection of delinquent taxes. * few
years ago he put together several s^all banks in Indianapolis, fcvm~
ine the Fidelity Trust Company - total resources about $10,000,000.
This venture i s said to have been quite profitable so that Ke&inney
i s now reasonably well fixed. He i s Chairman of the Board and
President ©f this barde, on leave of absence.
Q,uallfi cations:
Ur, Rounds further said that MeKinney Bakes a favorable
impression; that he has been both agreeable and able in his work.
Be says that fecKinney shows tact and diplossacy and appears to have
a fjood deal of the "political 1 * approach in his work, adding that he
was usin^, this in a complimentary rather than in an uncomplimentary
wanner. When I tolc him that the position in question would include
liaison work, he thought that this talent would be particularly
valuable in such a position.

Present Assl^m-ent:

Liaison O f f i c e r , Federal Reserve Ban* of Kansas City.
Age between 40 and 45.

Col. Tr ak cade to the Arr.y fror; coiisercial banking but
I have not yet be«r. able to find out any details. This will be supplied.
ISr. Sssead, Administrator of the War Loans Coranittee, has
met Col. Traak on several occasions and f r o » his own impression,
as well as f r o » the reports of Kr. Koppang, First Vice President at
Kansas City, believes Mr. Trask has outstanding a b i l i t y and a very
attractive personality. Ke says that he convinces one even at f i r s t
meeting that he knows hos job and would hfcndle well any assignment
given h i » .