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1 9 5 5








1 9 3 5


This is intended merely as a brief statement of the
apparent effect of certain provisions of the Act, and is not
intended as a legal interpretation of the language or as a
comment thereon.


L - 122




1 9 3 5

* * * * * *




(Only certain provisions summarized)
1. Payment of Deposits and Interest Thereon by
Insured Nonmember Banks
2« Insurance of Nonmember Banks

p# 4
Pt 3

SEC* 201

President and Vice Presidents of Federal Reserve Bank

p. 5

Requirements for Admission to Federal Reserve System

p. 5

Names of Board, Governor and Vice Governor Changed

p. 6

SECS. 203(b)and 203(c)

Organisation of Board
Salaries and Reappointment of Board Members
Chairman and Vice Chairman of Board

p. 6
p. 7
p. 7

SEC. 203 (d)

Record of Action by Board and Open Market

SEC. 202
SEC. 203(a)


p. 8

SEC. 204

Advances to Member Banks

p. 8

SEC. 205

Open Market Operations

p. 9

- b *
SEC. 206(a)

L - 122

Government Obligations and Government Guaranteed

p. 10

SEC. 206(b)

Discount Rates of Reserve Banks

p. 11

SEC. 207

Reserve Requirements of Member Banks

p. 11

SEC. 203

Real-estate Loans by National Banks

p. 12

SEC. 209

Salary and Appointment of Comptroller of the

p. 13

SEC. 301

"Accidental Holding Company Affiliates"

p. 14

Divorcement of Securities Companies in
Liquidation not Required



Section 21 of Banking Act Clarified;
Inapplicable to Banks Selling Mortgages



Receipt of Deposits by Persons Not Subjeot
to State or Federal Regulation



Double Liability on National Bank Stock



SEC. 305

Seasonal Agencies of National Banks



SEC, 306

Directors of Nonmember National Banks
Relieved of Stock Ownership Requirement



Interlocking Relationships Between Member
Banks and Securities Companies









SEC. 302
SEC. 303(a)
SEC. 303(b)
SEC. 304

SEC. 307
SECS. 308(a)
& 308(b)

SEC. 308(c)

Change in Amount of Investment Securities
of One Obligor that May be Held By
Member Bank
Purchase of Stocks for Account of Customers
Obligations Insured Under Section 207 of
National Housing Aot


- c SEC. 309
SEC. 310(a)

SEC. 310(b)

SEC. 31l(a)

L - 122

Surplus Required for Organisation of
National Banks

p* 19

Separation of National Bank Stook Certificates from those of Other Corporations

P» 20

Separation of State Member Bank Stock
Certificates from those of Other Corporations

p. 20


Rights of National Bank Preferred Stock
Permit Unnecessary for Liquidation
of Own Stock Held by National Bank as

p. 21
p. 21
p. 21

Limited Voting Permits and Cumulative Voting

p. 21

Assets Required of Holding Company Affiliates as to Bank Stock Not Subject to
Statutory Liability

p. 22

Retention of Ineligible Assets by Converting Banks

p. 23

SEC. 313

Comptroller May Delegate Countersigning

p. 23

SEC. 314

Interest Rates Charged by National Bank
Branohes Outside United States

p. 23

SEC. 315

Accumulation of Surplus by National Bank

p. 24

SEC. 316

Criminal Provisions Re Embotelements. False
Entries, E t c , Extended to Insured Banks
and Nonmember National Banks

p. 24

SEC. 317

Voluntary Liquidation of National Banks

p. 24

SEC. 318

Prohibition of Use of Words "National",
"Federal", and "United States"

p. 25

SEC. 311(b)
SEC. 31l(c)

SEC. 312

SECS. 319(a)
& 319(b)

SEC. 320

Reduotion in Federal Reserve Bank Stook
to Conform to Reduotion in Member Bank's
Certification to Comptroller of the Currency upon Change in Capital Stock of Federal
Reserve Bank

p. 25

Publication of Condition Reports of State
Member Banks

p. 26

p. 25


- d-

L - 122

3ECS. 321(a)
* 32X(b)

Limitation on Loans by Member Bank* on
Government Obligations


SEC. 322

Indorsement or Other Security Sufficient
for Reserve Bank Discounts for Individuals

p* 27

SEC. 323

Changes In Wording of Seotlon t3b of
Federal Reserve Act

p. 27

SEC. 324(a)

Definition of Various Glasses of Deposits
by Board of Governors of Federal Rocerr©

p- 27

Deduction of "Amounts Due From Banks'* in
Computing Reseryes

p. 28

Payment of Deposits and Interest Thereon
by Member Banks

p. 28

SEC. 324(d)

Reserves Required on Government Deposits

p« 29

SEC. 325

Waiver of Reports or Examinations of

p- 30

Criminal Provisions Clarified, Extended
to Insured Banks

p . 30

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Examiners Subjeoted to Criminal Provisions

p • 30

Borrowings by Executive Offioers of Member
Banks--Elimination of Criminal Penalty



SEC. 327

Restrictions on Loans to Affiliates Relaxed



SEC* 328

"Working Capital" Loans Relieved of Real
Estate Restrictions



SEC. 329

Interlocking Bank Directorates

p« 53

SECS, 330(a)
& 330(b)

National Bank Consolidations

p» 35

SECS. 331(a)
& 331(b)

Consolidation of State and National Banks

p * 35

SEC. 332

Limitation on Use of Words "Deposit

p * 36

SEC. 333

Robbery of Insured Bank Punished

SEC. 324(b)
SEC. 324(o)

SEC. 326(a)
SEC. 326(b)
SEC. 326(c)



. e •
SEC. 334
SEC. 335
SEC. 336
SEC. 337

Reduction in Stock of National Bank


p. 36

Information on National Bank Stock Certificates

P« 36

Issuance of Preferred Stock by National

P- 36

Double Liability on District of Columbia
Bank Stook Terminated

SEC* 338

Branches of State Member Banks

SEC. 339

Seourity for National Bank Reoeivership
Funds Deposited in Insured Bank
Security for Bankruptoy Funds Deposited

SEC. 340

L -

in Insured Bank

P- 37
P- 38

P» 38
P» 38

SEC* 341

Interest on Postal Savings Deposits

SEC. 342

Access of State Banking Authorities to
Examination Reports of National Bank
Trust Departments
Retirement Annuities of Employees in Office of Comptroller of the Currency
Amendments to National Housing Aot

p« 40
p. 40

Impairmont of Preferred Stock and
Capital Note8 or Debentures

p. 40

Separability Provision

p. 41

SEC. 343
SEC. 344
SEC. 345
SEC. 346

p* 39

P« 39




(There are summarized below only certain provisions of
Title I, especially concerning the Federal Reserve System, i.e.,
the provisions relating to the payment of deposits and interest
thereon by insured nonmember banks, and those relating to the insurance of nonmember banks). •
1. Payment of Deposits and Interest Thereon by Insured
Nonmember Banks.
Subsection (v)(8) of section 12B of the Federal Reserve
Act, as amended by the Banking Act of 1935, contains a new provision which directs the board of directors of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation to prohibit by regulation the "payment of
interest on demand deposits in insured nonmember banks"• For that
purpose the directors may define the term "demand deposits", but
such exceptions must be made to the prohibition as are now or may
hereafter be made for member banks by section 19 of the Federal
Reserve Act or regulations thereunder.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Directors also
"shall from time to time limit by regulation the rates of interest
or dividends ftiich may be paid by insured nonmember banks on time
and savings deposits". The Directors shall "define what constitutes
time and savings deposits in an insured nonmember bank" and they shall
"prescribe different rates for such payment on time and savings
deposits having different maturities, or subject to different conditions respecting withdrawal or repayment, or subject to different



conditions by reason of different locations, or according to the
varying discount rates of member banks in the several Federal
Reserve districts". The regulations shall prohibit the payment of
any time deposit before maturity except upon conditions prescribed
by the Directors, and shall prohibit the waiving of any requirement
of notice before payment of a savings deposit except as to all
savings deposits having the same requirement.
A penalty of fclOO, recoverable by the Corporation, is provided for violation.
2. Insurance of Nonmember Banks.
Subsection (f)(2) of section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act,
as amended by the Banking Act, permits any State nonmember or national nonmember bank to become an insured bank, "subject to the
provisions of this section".
Subsection (i)(2) terminates the insured status of a member
bank when it ceases to be a member bank; but for two years thereafter the bank remains liable for assessments and retains the insurance on insured deposits held by it when it ceased to be a member
bank, less subsequent withdrawals.
Subsection (y)(l) provides, in lieu of the former provisions
cf subsections (1) and (y) which would have terminated the insurance
of all nonmember banks on July 1, 1937, that no State bank which
during the calendar year 1941 or any succeeding calendar year has


average deposits of ^1,000,000 or more shall be an insured bank
or have any part of its deposits insured after July 1 following
the callendar year in which it had such deposits; but the restric
tion does not apply to a savings, mutual savings, Morris plan,
or other bank doing no commercial banking business, or to a bank
located in Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Kico, or the Virgin Islands.



President and Vice Presidents of Federal Reserve Bank.
Paragraph "Fifth" of section 4 of the Federal Reserve Act
is amended, effective ^arch 1, 1936, to provide specifically for
a "president" and "vice presidents" at each Federal Reserve bank.
The president will be the chief executive officer of the bank and
will be appointed by the board of directors, with the approval of
the Board in Washington, for a five-year term; and all other executive officers and all employees of the bank will be directly responsible to him. The first vice president will be appointed in the
same manner and for the same term as the president, and will serve
as chief executive officer of the bank in the absence or disability
of the president or during a vacancy in that office. Vacancies in
the office of president or first vice president will be filled in
the same manner as original appointments, and for the remainder of
the term of the predecessors.
Requirements for Admission to Federal Reserve System.
A new paragraph is added to section 9 of the Federal Reserve
Act so that in order to facilitate the admission to membership of
any State bank which is required under subsection (y) of section
12B to become a member bank in order to be an insured bank (see Title



I above re insurance of nonmember banks), the Board may waive in
whole or in part the requirements of section 9 relating to the admission of such bank to membership.

If such a bank is admitted with

capital less than that required for the organization of a national
bank in the same place and its capital and surplus are not, in the
Board's judgment, adequate in relation to the bank's liabilities to
depositors and other creditors, the Board may require such bank to
increase its capital and surplus to such amount as the Board may
deem necessary within such period as the Board may deem reasonable;
but no such bank may be required to increase its capital beyond that
required for the organization of a national bank in the sa»e place.
SECTION 203(a)
Names of Board, Governor, and Vice Governor Changed.
A separate provision not specifically amending the Federal
Reserve Act provides that hereafter the Federal Reserve Board shall
be known as the "Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System"
and that the governor and vice governor shall be known as the "chairman" and "vice chairman"* respectively.
SECTIONS203(b) and 203(c)
Organization of Board
Section 10 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to provide
that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System shall be
composed of seven members appointed by the President with the advice


and consent of the Senate. The Secretary of the Treasury, the Comptroller of the Currency, and the present six appointive members continue to serve as members of the Board until February 1, 1936j and
the term of each successor will be fixed by the President at not
more than fourteen years, so that not more than one term will expire
in any two year period. Thereafter, instead of serving a twelve
year term, each member will hold office for a term of fourteen years
from the expiration of the term of his predecessor, unless sooner
removed for cause by the ^resident. The existing prohibition against
more than one board member being from the same Federal Reserve district
is retained, and the ^resident is still directed, in selecting the
Board members, to "have due regard to a fair representation of the
financial, agricultural, industrial, and commercial interests, and
geographical divisions of the country". Upon the expiration of their
terms of office, members of the Board will continue to serve until
their successors are appointed and have qualified.
Salaries and Reappointment of Board Members.
The Act increases Board members1 salaries from $12,000 a
year to ^15,000; and addp a new provision that a person appointed
after enactment of the Act shall not be eligible for reappointment
after he has served a full term of fourteen years.
Chairman and Vice Chairman of Board.
One of the members of the Board "shall be designated by the
President as Chairman and one as Vice Chairman of the Board, to serve
as such for a term of four years". The Chairman of the Board, subject

-8to its supervision, shall bo its active executive officer.
SECTION 205(d)
Record of Action by Board «nfl Open Mfrkftt Committee •
At the end of Section 10 of the Federal Reserve Act a new
paragraph is added requiring the Board to keep a complete record of
action taken, and the reasons underlying such action, by it and by
the Federal Open Market Committee on all questions of open market
operations and all other questions of policy, and to include in its
annual report a full account of all such action together with a copy
of the records required to be kept.
Advances to Member Banks*
Section 10(b) of the Federal Reserve Act which, prior to its
expiration on March 3, 1935, authorized any Federal Reserve bank,
under rules and regulations prescribed by the Board, to make advances
to any member bank on its time or demand notes secured to the satisfaction of such Federal Reserve bank is reenacted as permanent law
and amended in certain respects. The requirement that such advances
be made only "in exceptional and exigent circumstances" and when
the member bank cannot obtain adequate credit accommodations under
other provisions of the Federal Reserve Act is eliminated; and the
requirement that such note must bear interest at a rate not less
than one per cent per annum higher than the highest discount rate
in effect at such Federal Reserve bank on the date of such note is



changed to a requirement that it be at least one-half per cent per
annum higher. A provision is added requiring the notes of the member
bank to have maturities of not more than four months.
Open Market Operations
Section 1£A of the Federal Reserve Act is amended, effective
^irch 1, 1936, so that instead of the Federal Open Market Committee
consisting of one representative from each Federal Reserve district,
it will consist of the seven members of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System and five annually-elected representatives of
the Federal Reserve banks. One of the five reserve bank representatives vail bo elected by the directors of the Federal Reserve banks
of Boston and New York; one by the directors of the Federal Reserve
banks of Philadelphia and Cleveland; one by the directors of the
Federal Reserve banks of Chicago and St. Louis; one by the directors
of the Federal Reserve banks of Richmond, Atlanta and Dallas; and one
by the directors of the Federal Reserve banks of Minneapolis, Kansas
City and San Francisco. An alternate for each representative will be
elected in the same manner as the representative. The existing
provision for meetings being held at Washington at least four times
a year upon the call of the Chairman (formerly called the Governor)
of the Board, or at the request of any three members of the Committee,
is retained.
The Committee will "consider, adopt, and transmit to the
several Federal Reserve banks, regulations relating to the open market



transactions of such banks", ^ot only will Federal Reserve banks be
forbidden to engage in open market operations except in accordance
with such regulations, but they also will be forbidden to "decline
to engage" in such operations except in accordance with the direction
of and regulations adopted by the Committee. The old procedure is
eliminated whereby open market policies were proposed by the Committee,
submitted to the Board for approval or disapproval, and then, if approved, forwarded to the Reserve banks who might, by giving thirty
days' notice, refuse to participate in such operations.
The provision in subsection (c) of section ISA that open
market operations "shall be governed with a view to accommodating
commerce and business and with regard to their bearing upon the
general credit situation of the country", is retained. Though the
provision relating to the Board's power to regulate relations of the
federal Reserve System with foreign central or other foreign banks
is eliminated, this apparently has little effect since the power to
control such relations remains in the Board under section 14(g) of
the Federal Reserve Act.
SECTION 206(a)
Government Obligations and Government Guaranteed Obligations.
Section 14(b) of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to provide
that obligations of the United Stated and those fully guaranteed as
to principle end interest by the United States may be bought and sold
without regard to maturities, but only in the open market.



SECTION 206(b).
Discount Rates of Reserve Banks.
Section 14(d) of the Federal Reserve Act which provides
that. Federal Reserve banks may from time to time establish discount
rates, subject to review and determination of the Board, is amended
to require that "each such bank shall establish such rates every
fourteen days, or oftener if deemed necessary by the Board".
Reserve Requirements of Member Banks.
Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to permit
the Board to change the reserve requirements of member banks "in order
to prevent injurious credit expansion or contraction"; and to eliminate
the necessity for first having a declaration, upon the affirmative
vote of five Board members and the approval of the President, that
"an emergency exists by reason of credit expansion". The changes
may be made for member banks located in reserve and central reserve
cities, for member banks not in reserve or central reserve cities,
or for all member banks; but the affirmative vote of not less than
four Board members is required for such a change, and the reserves
required of a member bank as a result of such a change may not be
less than the present requirements nor more than twice such requirements.



Real-estate Lflfipg hy HfltlPiffll ,.,,
Section 24 of the Federal Reserve Act, relating to realestate loans by national banks, is amended to eliminate the requirement that the real estate upon which such loans are made must be
located in the bank ! s Federal Reserve district or within 100 miles
of the place in which the bank is located. Apparently the requirement that the bank take the entire amount of the obligation is
eliminated with respect to loans made by the bank but is retained
as to such obligations purchased by the bank. The limitation to 50
per cent of the actual value of the property is changed to 50 per
cent of the appraised value$ and in addition to retaining the exemption of mortgages insured under Title II of the National Housing Act
from the five-year limitation on maturities and 50 per cent limitation on appraised values, the amendment permits amortized loans to
be made in amounts not exceeding 60 per cent of the appraised value
of the real estate and for terms not longer than ten years if installment payments are sufficient to amortize at least 40 per cent of the
principal within ten years.
The permissible aggregate of real estate loans )f a national
bank is changed from 25 per cent ot the bank's paid-in and unimpaired
capital and surplus or 50 per cent of its savings deposits, whichever
is greater, to 100 per cent of its paid-in ond unimpaired capital and
surplus or 60 per cent of its time and savings deposits, whichever is



Salary and Appointment of Comptroller of the Currency.
Section 325 of the Revised Statutes is amended to increase
the Comptroller of the Currency's salary as Comptroller from $5,000
a year to $15,000 a year, thus replacing that portion of his salary
which he formerly received as a member of the Federal Reserve Board
and also increasing his salary to the same extent that Board members'
salaries are increased. The provision that his appointment be made
upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Treasury also is


- 14 L-122
"Accidental Holding Company Affiliates" Eliminated.
Section 2(c) of the Banking Act of 1933 is amended to
eliminate from the definition of "holding company affiliates,"
.except for the purposes of section 23A of the Federal Reserve Act
which deals with loans by member bank to such affiliates or on the
securities of such affiliates) and hence from all other provisions
regarding such affiliates, any corporation all the stock of which
is owned by the United States or any "organization which is determined by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System not
to be engaged, directly

or indirectly, as a business in holding

the stock of, or managing or controlling, banks, banking associations, savings banks, or trust companies".
Divorcement of Securities Companies in Liquidation Not Required.
Section 20 of the Banking Act of 1933 is amended to make
it clear, in conformity with a previous ruling of the Board, that
member banks need not divorce securities affiliates which have
been placed in formal liquidation.
Section 21 of Banking Act Clarified: Inapplicable to Banks Selling

Section 21(a)(1) of the Banking Act of 1933 is amended

** fo-

- 15 -


to make it clear that it does not prohibit any financial institution or private banker from engaging in the securities business
to the limited extent permitted to national banks under section
5136 of the Revised Statutes. (Section 5136 limits national banks,
in dealing and under writing, to United States Government obligations, general obligations of States or subdivisions, obligations
issued under the Federal Farm Loan Act or by the Federal Home
Loan Banks or the Home Owners Loan Corporation, and certain obligations insured under section 207 of the National Housing Act). It
also is made clear that section 2l(a)(l) does not prohibit a bank
from selling without recourse or agreement to repurchase, obligations evidencing loans on real estate.
SECTION 303(b)
Receipt of Deposits by Persons not Subject to State or Federal
Section 21(a)(2) of the Banking Act of 1933, which prohibited any person not subject to examination and regulation under
State or Federal law from engaging in the business of receiving deposits unless such person submit to examination by the Comptroller
of the Currency or the Federal Reserve Bank of the district, is
amended so as to prohibit any person from engaging in such business
with other than his or its own officers, agents, or employees, unless such person (1) is incorporated under end authorized to engage
in such business by Federal or local law; or (2) is permitted by

- 16 -


local law to engage in such business and is subject under such
law to examination end regulation; or (3) submits to periodic examination by the banking authorities of the locality where the business
is conducted and makes and publishes periodic reports of condition
under the same conditions as required by local law in the case of
incorporated bonking institutions»
Double Liability on National Bank Stock Terminated.
Section 22 of the Banking Act of 1933, which ended double
liability on national bank stock issued after June 16, 1933, is
amended to permit termination on July 1, 1937, of the double liability on previously issued stock in national banks operating on that
latter date. The bank must publish notice of such termination six
months before July 1, 1937 in order to terminate such liability
on that date, or it can terminate such liability after that date
by publishing such notice six months prior to the termination.
Seasonal Agencies of National Banks.
Section 5155 of the Revised Statutes is amended to permit a national bank in a State which by statute permits State banks
to maintain branches within county or greater limits, to establish,
with the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency, without regard to the capital requirements of the section, a "seasonal
agency in any resort community" in the same county as the main

- 17 -


office of such bank. However, the privilege applies only if no
other bank is doing business in the place where the agency is to
be located, and any permit for such an agency must be revoked upon
the opening of a State or national bonk in such community.
Directors of Nonmomber National Banks Relieved of Stock Ownership
Section 4 of the Act of June 16, 1954, which relieved
directors of member banks from the stock ownership requirement of
section 51 of the Banking Act of 1933, is amended to eliminate
such requirement also as to nonmember national banks, such as those
in Alaska and Hawaii.
Interlocking Relationships Between Member Banks tcai-Securities Companies,
Section 32 of the Banking Act of 1933 is rewritten, effective January 1, 1936, to make the prohibitions against interlocking relationships between member banks and securities companies
extend to the employees of both such organizations in addition to
their officers and directors; and individuals engaged in the securities business are subjected to the same prohibitions as officers
of companies and members of partnerships so engaged.
Permission of the Board for such interlocking relationships will be given "in limited classes of cases" and by "general
regulations" rather than by individual pomit*

Such relationships

- 18 -


may be permitted when they "would not unduly influence the investment policies of such member bank or the advice it gives its customers regarding investments", rather than when they would be "not
incompatible with the public interest".
The description of the securities businesses in question
is changed from those "engaged primarily in the business of purchasing, selling, or negotiating securities" to those "primarily
engaged in the issue, flotation, underwriting, public sale, or
distribution, at wholesale or retail, or through syndicate participation, of stocks, bonds, or other similar securities". The
prohibition against correspondent relationships between member
banks and securities companies is eliminated.
SECTIONS 308(a) and 308(b).
Change in Amount of Investment Securities of One Obligor That May Be
Held By Member Bank.
Section 5136 of the Revised Statutes is amended to eliminate the existing prohibition against a member bank purchasing and
holding more than 10 per cent of a particular issue of investment
securities, but the total obligations of one obligor which may be
puichseed and held by a member bank is reduced from 15 per cent of
the bank's paid in and unimpaired capital and 25 per cent of its
unimpaired surplus, to 10 per cent of each, though banks are not
required to dispose of securities lawfully held on the date of enactment of the bill.
Purchase of Stocks for Account of Customers.

It would be made clear, in conformity with previous rulings

- 19 -


of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Board, that national
and other member banks may purchase and sell stocks for the account of their customers but not for their own accounts.
SECTION 508(c)
Obligations Insured Under Section 207 of National Housing Act.
Section 5136 of the Revised Statutes is amended to include within the group of securities that may be dealt in by member banks free from the restrictions of that section, obligations
insured under section 207 of the National Housing Act, if the
debentures to be issued in payment of such insured obligations
are guaranteed as to principle and interest by the United States.
Surplus Required for Organization of National Banks.
Section 5138 of the Revised Statutes is amended to require for the organization of a new national bank, a paid in surplus of 20 per cent of its capital; and although the Comptroller of
the Currency is permitted to waive this requirement as to a converting State bank, such a converting bank is required, before the
declaration of a dividend on its common stock, to cany at least
one-half of its net profits for the preceding half year to its
surplus fund until its surplus equals 20 per cent of its capital.
Provision also is made for treating as a party the surplus fund
amounts paid into a fund for the retirement of preferred stock.

- 20 -


SECTION 310(a)
Separation of National Bank Stock Certificates From Those of Other
The requirement of section 5139 of the Revised Statutes that
stock certificates of national banks may not "represent the stock" of
any other corporation, except a member bank or a corporation existing
on the date the paragraph took effect "engaged solely in holding the
bank premises of such association", is changed so that such certificates merely may not "bear any statement purporting to represent the
stock" of any other corporation, except a member bank or a corporation
"engaged on June 16, 1934 in holding the bank premises", A similar
change is made in the exceptions to the prohibition against the transfer of national bank shares being conditioned upon the transfer of
shares of other corporations. A provision also is added to the effect
that the section shall not operate to prevent the transfer of stock of
another corporation being conditioned upon the transfer of a national
bank stock certificate.
SECTION 310(b)
Separation of State Member Bank Stock Certificates From Those of
Other Corporations.
The provisions of section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act regarding the separation of State member bank stock certificates from those of
other corporations are amended to make the same changes as those indicated above in the case of national bank stock certificates.





SECTION 31l(a)
Voting Rights of National Bank Preferred Stock.
Section 5144 of the Revised Statutes is amended to make it
clear that it does not limit the voting rights of holders of preferred
stock of a national bank under provisions of articles of association or
amendments thereto adopted pursuant to sec. 302(a) of the Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933, as amended.
Voting Permit Unnecessary for Liquidation.
Section 5144 of the Revised Statutes is amended to eliminate
the necessity for a voting permit in cases where shares of a member bank
held by a holding company affiliate are to be voted merely in favor of
placing the bank in voluntary liquidation or taking any other action pertaining to voluntary liquidation of the bank.
Shares of Own Stock Held by National Bank as Sole Trustee.
The prohibition in section 5144 against a national bank voting
its own stock when held by it as sole trustee, is relaxed to apply only
in the election of directors; and even in the election of directors such
stock may be voted if the donor or beneficiary of the trust, under
authority of the trust, directs how the stock is to be voted. A provision is added to the effect that whenever shares cannot be voted on
account of the prohibition mentioned above, they shall be excluded in
determining whether matters voted upon by the shareholders were adopted
by the requisite percentage of shares.
SECTION 311(b)
limited Voting Permits and Cumulative Voting Clarified.

- 22 -


Section 5144 of the Revised Statutes is amended to make it
clear that holding company affiliates which have obtained a voting permit are entitled to the right of cumulative voting given other shareholders by the section, and also to make it clear that the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System may issue limited voting permits
and is not confined to issuing general voting permits. Both these changes
conform with previous rulings of the Board.
SECTION 31l(c)
Assets Required of Holding Company Affiliates as to Bank Stock
Not Subject to Statutory Liability,
Section 5144(c) of the Revised Statutes is amended to relieve
a holding company affiliate, to the extent that the bank stock owned by
it is not subject to statutory liability, from the provisions of section
5144(b) which require a holding company affiliate after June 16, 1938,
(1) to possess and maintain readily marketable assets other than bank
stock in an amount not less than 12 per cent of the aggregate par value
of all such stock controlled by it and to increase such amount by 2 per
cent per annum of such par value until such assets amount to 25 per cent
of the par value of such bank stock; and (2) to reinvest in readily marketable assets other than bank stock all net earnings over 6 per cent
per annum on the book value of its own shares until such assets amount
to 25 per cent of the aggregate par value of all bank stock controlled
by it. In lieu of these requirements, a holding company affiliate, to
the extent that the shares of bank stock held by it are not subject to
statutory liability, is subjected to the provisions of section 5144(c)

- 23 -


which require the holding company affiliate after June 16, 1958, to
establish and maintain out of the net earnings over 6 per cent per annum
on the book value of its own shares, a reserve of readily marketable assets of not less than 12 per cent of the aggregate par value of such
bank stock controlled by it*
Retention of Iflfllifl^hle Assets By Converting Banks*
Section 5154 of the Revised Statutes is amended to authorize
the Comptroller of the Currency to permit State banks converting into
national banks to retain and carry, at a value determined by the Comptroller, assets not permitted to be acquired and held by national banks.
Comptroller May Delegate Countersigning•
Section 5162 of the Revised Statutes is amended to authorize
the Comptroller of the Currency to designate a person or persons to countersign on his behalf assignments and transfers of bonds.
Interest Rates Charged By National Bank Branches Outside United States*
Section 5197 of the Revised Statutes is amended to permit
national bank branches located outside the States of the United States
and the District of Columbia to charge interest at the rate permitted
by local law.

Accumulation of Surplus by National Bank,
Section 5199 of the Revised Statutes is amended to make the
requirement that a national bank carry one-tenth of earnings to the
surplus fund before declaring a dividend, apply only to the declaration
of a dividend on its common

stock, and also to change the amount of

surplus to be accumulated, from 20 per cent of its "capital stock" to
100 per cent of its "common capital". Provision also is added to allow a national bank to treat as an addition to its surplus fund amounts
paid into its preferred-stock retirement fund,
Criminal Provisions re Embezzlements. False Entries, etc.. Extended
to Insured Banks and Nonmember National Banks.
The criminal provisions of section 5209 of the Revised Statutes
relating to embezzlements, false entries, etc., are extended to apply
to officers, directors, and employees, etc., of insured banks, or of
nonmember national banks such as those in the Territories*
Voluntary Liquidation of National Banks.
A paragraph is added to section 5220 of the Revised Statutes
to provide a procedure to be followed in cases of voluntary liquidation
of national banks as authorized by that section. Liquidation will be
accomplished by a liquidating agent or committee which will be responsible to the bank!s directors and stockholders, and the bank will
remain subject to

examination by the Comptroller of the Currency.

- 25 -


Prohibition of Use of Words "National". "Federal", and "United States".
Section 5243 of the Revised Statutes which prohibited the use
of the word "national" in certain cases is rewritten so as to prohibit
the use of the words "national", "Federal", or "United States" as a part
of the name or title of any person, firm or corporation doing the
business of bankers, brokers or trust or savings institutions unless
they are organized under the laws of the United States or permitted by
the laws of the United States to use such name or are now lawfully using
such name.
SECTIONS 319(a) and S19(b)
Reduction in Federal Reserve Bank Stock to Conform to Reduction in
Member Bank's Surplus.
Section 5 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to require
member banks to reduce their holdings of Federal reserve bank stock
upon a reduction in their surplus, just as they are already required
to do upon a reduction in their capital.
Certification to Comptroller of the Currency Upon Change in
Capital Stock of Federal Reserve Bank.
The provisions of section 5 of the Federal Reserve Act requiring the directors of a Federal Reserve bank to execute a certificate to the Comptroller of the Currency upon an increase in the capital
stock of such bank, and the provisions of section 6 of the Federal Reserve Act requiring a similar certification upon a reduction in such
capital stock, are repealed.

l*y> /

- 26 -


Publication of Condition Reports of State Member Banks*
Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to authorize
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to prescribe the
information to be contained in, and form of, condition reports of State
member banks, and to require publication of such reports under regulations of the Board.
SECTIONS 321(a) and 321(b)
Limitation on Loans by Member Banks on Government Obligations*
Section ll(m) of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to place
State member banks on a parity with national banks in lending on the
security of bonds or notes of the United States issued since April 24,
1917, certificates of indebtedness of the United States, Treasury bills
of the United States, or obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States, by changing the limitation on loans to one
individual on such security, from 10 per cent of the bank's unimpaired
capital and surplus to 25 per cent thereof, as provided for national
banks in section 5200 of the Revised Statutes. The latter provision is
amended to make it cover Treasury bills of the United States and obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States, as
well as the other government obligations listed above.

- 27 SECTION 522
Indorsement or Other Security Sufficient for Reserve Bank Discounts
for Individuals*
The third paragraph of section 15 of the Federal Reserve
Act is amended to require either indorsement or other security,
rather than both, for paper discounted by Federal reserve banks for
individuals or corporations unable to secure adequate credit accommodations from other banks«
Changes in Wording of Section 15 b of Federal Reserve Act,
This section makes certain changes in the language of section
15b of the Federal Reserve Act, making it conform to the amendment
in Title I of the bill whereby stock of the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation subscribed for by the Federal reserve banks is changed
to no par value. These changes in section 15b, however, are in form
only and do not alter the effect of the existing law*
SECTION 524(a)
Definition of Various Classes of Deposits by Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System*
The definitions of "demand deposits" and "time deposits" are
stricken from section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act, and instead, the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is authorized to define for the purposes of the section the terms: "demand deposits",
"gross demand deposits", "deposits payable on demand", "time deposits",


- 28 "savings deposits" and "trust funds", to determine what is to be
deemed a payment of interest and to prescribe regulations to effectuate
the purposes of the section; but the term "time deposits" continues
to include "savings deposits" for the purposes of the provisions regarding member bank reserve requirements.
SECTION 324(b)
Deduction of "Amounts Due From Banks" in Computing Reserves.
Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended so that,
for purposes of computing member bank reserves, amounts due from other
banks (except Federal reserve banks and foreign banks) and certain cash
items in process of collection may be deducted from gross demand deposits
rather than merely from amounts due to other banks,
SECTION 524(c)
Payment of Deposits and Interest Thereon by Member Banks.
Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to add to
the exemptions from the prohibition against the payment of interest by
member banks on demand deposits: (l) contracts existing when a bank
joins the System and (2) deposits payable outside the States of the
United States and the District of Columbia (rather than merely those
payable in foreign countries). The existing exemption of deposits made
on behalf of any State or other such subdivision as to which interest is
required by State law and of deposits made by mutual savings banks, is
terminated two years after the date of enactment of the Banking Act of
1935; and during this two-year period there are added to these exemp-

- 29 -


tions deposits made by savings banks and deposits of trust funds on
which interest is required by State law. So much of existing law as
requires the payment of interest on funds deposited by the United States
or any territory or possession thereof as is inconsistent with the provisions of section 19 is repealed.
The provision authorizing the Board, in limiting the rate of
interest which may be paid by member banks on time and savings deposits,
to prescribe different rates in different circumstances, is changed to
a provision that the Board "shall prescribe different rates for such
payment on time and savings deposits having different maturities, or
subject to different conditions respecting withdrawal or repayment, or
subject to different conditions by reason of different locations, or
according to the varying discount rates of member banks in the several
Federal Reserve districts." The absolute prohibition against the payment of time deposits before maturity is relaxed to permit such payments under conditions prescribed by the Board; and deposits payable
only at offices of member banks located outside the States of the United
States, and the District of Columbia are exempted from all restrictions
on payment before maturity and all restrictions on interest rates.
SECTION 324(d)
Reserves Required on Government Deposits.
At the end of Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act a new
paragraph is added requiring member banks to keep the same reserves
against deposits of the United States as against other deposits, thus
repealing the contrary provisions of the Liberty Bond Acts.


- 30 -


Waiver of Reports or Examinations of Affiliates*
A new paragraph is added to Section 21 of the Federal
Reserve Act to permit the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System or the Comptroller of the Currency, as the case may be, to
waive examination of, or reports from, affiliates of a member bank, when
they are "not necessary to disclose fully the relations between such
affiliate and such bank and the effect thereof upon the affairs of- such
SECTION 326(a)
Criminal Provisions Clarified, Extended to Insured Banks.
Section 22(a) is amended to make it clear that the prohibitions against loans or gratuities to bank examiners from member banks,
and their officers and employees, apply only to banks subject to examination by such examiners; and also to make it clear that these prohibitions and the prohibitions against thefts by examiners apply to
State examiners examining member banks as well as to Federal examiners,
but not to private examiners>

The prohibitions are extended to cover

insured banks*
SECTION 526(b)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Examiners Subjected to Criminal
The prohibition in Section 22(b) of the Federal Reserve Act
against a National Bank Examiner receiving compensation from any bank,
or officer or employee thereof, is extended to Federal Deposit Insurance

. 31 Corporation examiners; and the restrictions against examiners revealing the borrowers or collateral of member banks is extended to cover
insured banks.
SECTION 326(c)
Borrowings by Executive Officers of Member Banks - F"MTtvt"«tlon of
Criminal Penalty*
Section 22(g) of the Federal Reserve Act forbidding executive officers of member banks to borrow from their banks is amended bygiving the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System power to
remove such officers for violations, rather than subjecting them to the
present penalty of $5,000 and/or a year in jail* The $10,000 fine on
the bank is eliminated*
Such loans that were outstanding on June 16, 19S3, may be extended or renewed until June 16, 1938, if a finding by the bonk directors
that such renewal is in the bank's interest and that the officer has
mad© reasonable effort to reduce his obligation is spread on the bank's
minute book. With the prior approval of a majority of the bank's directors, loans not exceeding $2,500 from a member bank to an executive
officer are permitted. Borrowing by a partnership in which one or more
executive officers have individually or collectively a majority interest are stated to be within the prohibition, whereas the old law was
construed to prohibit loans to partnerships in which an executive officer
has any interest. It is made clear that, in order to aid or protect the
bank, executive officers may indorse paper previously taken by the bank
in good faith, or may incur any indebtedness to the bank. The Board
is given power to define terms used in the section and prescribe regu

| /

- 52 -*


Restrictions on Loans to Affiliates Relaxed*
The exemptions from the limitations of Section 23A on
member banks1 loans to affiliates and loans on and investments in the
securities of affiliates, is broadened to exempt from its provisions
(1) affiliates "engaged on June 16, 1934" in holding the bank premises
(the existing law requires them to be "solely" so engaged), (2) affiliates primarily engaged in maintaining and operating properties
acquired for banking purposes prior to enactment of the bill, (3)
wholly owned subsidiaries of foreign banking corporations organized
under the Federal Reserve Act, (4) wholly owned subsidiaries of
similar corporations in which national banks are authorized to invest under Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act, (5) affiliates engaged solely in holding obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to
principal and interest by, the United States, (the present exemption
applies only to affiliates holding such direct obligations), (6) affiliates which became such through a bona fide previous debt, and (7)
affiliates which are such because their shares are held by the bank
as fiduciary (except when the beneficiaries are a majority of the
bank's stockholders).
The section also is made inapplicable to affiliate indebtedness arising from the unpaid balance due on assets purchased
from the bank, and to loons secured by, or extensions of credit against
obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal and interest by
the United States.



- 33 -


"Working Capital" Loans Relieved of Real Estate Restrictions.
Section 24 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to exempt
from the restrictions of that section on real estate loans, all "working capital" loans in which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation or
a Federal reserve bank has participated or made a commitment, or which
it has discounted, loaned upon or purchased*
Interlocking Bank Directorates.
Section 8A of the Clayton Act which restricted interlocking
relationships between banks and trust companies organized or operating
under the laws of the United States and institutions which "make loans
secured by stock or bond collateral", is repealed; and certain provisions of Sections 25 and 25(a) of the Federal Reserve Act regarding
interlocking relations between member banks and foreign banking corporations organized under the Federal Reserve Act or in which national
banks are authorized to invest under Section 25 of the Federal Reserve
Act, also are repealed.
Section 8 of the Clayton Act is rewritten to provide that
"no private banker or director, officer, or employee of any member
bank of the Federal Reserve System or any branch thereof shall be at
the same time a director, officer, or employee of any other bank, bank
ing association, savings bank, or trust company organized under the
National Bank Act or organized under laws of any State or of the District of Columbia, or any branch thereof, except that the Board of

- 34 -


Governors of the Federal Reserve System nay by regulation permit such
service as a director, officer, or employee of not more than one other
such institution or branch thereof".
However, the prohibition does not apply in the case of one
or more of the following or any branch thereof:
(1) A bank of which nore than 90 per cent of the stock
is owned by the United States or by any corporation
of which the United States owns more than 90 per cent
of the stock;
(2) A bank placed formally in liquidation or which is in
the hands of a receiver, conservator or other such
(3) A corporation principally engaged in international or
foreign banking or banking in a dependency or possession of the United States which has entered into an
agreement with the Board pursuant to Section 25 of
the Federal Reserve Act; *
(4) A bank of which more than 50 per cent of the common
stock is owned by persons who own more than 50 per cent
of the common stock of the member bank;
(5) A bank not located and having no branch in the same
place where the member bank or branch thereof is located, or in a place contiguous or adjacent thereto;
(6) A bank not engaged in a class or classes of business
in which a member bank is engaged; and
(7) A mutual savings bank having no capital stock.
Until February 1, 1939, the amended section will not affect
the service of any director, officer, or employee of any member bank
or branch thereof who is lawfully serving on the date the Bill was enacted*
The Board "is authorized and directed to enforce compliance
with this section, and to prescribe such rules and regulations as it
deems necessary for that purpose"•

- 35 -

National Bank Consolidations*
Section 1 of the Act of November 7, 1918 (U*S.C, Title 12,
section 33) is amended to clarify the provisions relating to consolidations of national banks, particularly with respect to dissenting stockholders*
SECTIONS 331 (a)
551 (b)
Consolidation of State and National Banks.
By provisions similar to those of the previous section of
the Act, Section 5 of the Act of November 7, 1918 (U.S.C., Title 12*
section 54(a)) is amended to clarify the provisions relating to consolidations of State and national banks, particularly with respect to
dissenting stockholders*
Limitation on Use of Words "Deposit Insurance".
Section 2 of the Act of May 24, 1926 (U.S.C., Title 12,
sections 584-588) forbidding the misleading use of the words "Federal",
"United States", and "Reserve" by banks, insurance companies, and similar financial institutions is amended to forbid such use of the words
"Deposit Insurance"*
Robbery of Insured Bank Punished*

The Act of May 18, 1954 (48 Stat. 783) punishing robberies

- 36 —


of mesiber banks and of banking institutions organized or operating
under Federal law, is amended to extend such protection to insured banks.
Reduction in Stock of National Bank.
Section 5143 of the Revised Statutes is amended to eliminate
the necessity for a national bank obtaining the approval of the Board
of Governors of the Federal Reserve System in addition to the approval
of the Comptroller of the Currency, before reducing its capital stock.
Distribution to stockholders of cash or other assets by reason of a reduction in common capital would not be permitted except upon approval
of the Comptroller of the Currency and the affirmative vote of at least
two-thirds of the shares of each class of stock outstanding, voting by
Information on National Bank Stock Certificates.
Section 5139 of the Revised Statutes is amended to require
certain information to be set forth on stock certificates issued in
the future by national banks. If more than one class of stock is issued,
the rights, privileges, etc., of each class of stock also must be
stated in full, summarized, or incorporated by reference, on the certificate.
Issuance of Preferred Stock by National Bank.

Section 301 of the Emergency Banking Act of March 9, 1933,

, ;,

- 37 -

is amended to clarify the provision that no issue of national bank
preferred stock shall be valid until the par value of all stock so
issued shall be paid in. Notice of such payment, acknowledged before
a notary by the president, vice president, or cashier of the bank,
first must be forwarded to the Comptroller of the Currency, and his
certificate setting forth such payment and his approval of the issue
be obtained. Then the certificate will be conclusive evidence that
the preferred stock was duly and validly issued,
Double Liability on District of Columbia Bank Stock Terminated.
Provision is made to terminate on July 1, 1937, the
double liability on stock of savings banks, banking institutions and
trust companies in the District of Columbia. The procedure is similar
to that provided in Section 304 of the Act for terminating such liability on certain national bank stock.
Each bank in the District of Columbia is required, before
the declaration of a dividend on shares of its common stock, to carry
at least one-tenth of its net profit of the preceding half year to
its surplus fund until the surplus fund equals the amount of the common
stock; and provision is made to allow such banks to treat as an addition to their surplus fund amounts paid into their preferred-stock retirement fund.

- 38 -


Branches of State Member Banks.
Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to require
the approval of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
instead of the Comptroller of the Currency, for State member banks to
establish or maintain certain branches on the same basis as national
banks. Except for substituting the approval of the Board for that
of the Comptroller of the Currency, no change is made in the law regarding branches of such banks,
Security for National Bank Receivership Funds Deposited in Insured
The requirement of Section 5234 of the Revised Statutes
that deposits of national bank receivership funds be secured by the
deposit of Government bonds or other securities, is eliminated as to
those parts of such deposits which are insured under Sec. 12B of the
Federal Reserve Act.
Security for Bankruptcy Funds Deposited in Insured Bank,
The requirement of Section 61 of the Bankruptcy Act that
deposits of bankruptcy funds be secured, is eliminated as to those
parts of such deposits which are insured under Section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act.

- 39 -


Interest on Postal Savings Deposits.
Section 8 of the Postal Savings Depository Act of June 25,
1910, as amended by Section ll(c) of the Banking Act of 1933, is
amended to clarify the provisions regarding the payment of interest
on postal savings deposits; to prevent the rate of interest paid on
such deposits exceeding the rate which may lawfully be paid on savings
deposits by member banks located in or nearest to the place where the
depository office is situated; and to authorize postal savings depositories to deposit funds on time with member banks subject to the provisions of the Federal Reserve Act and regulations thereunder regarding payment of time deposits and interest thereon,
Access of State Bcnking Authorities to Examination Reports of National
Bank Trust Departments.
Section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act is amended to give
State banking authorities, in lieu of access to the books and records
of national bank trust departments, access to reports of examination
of such departments made by the Comptroller of the Currency.

- 40 ~



fiei^rement i^j^^tiQfi gf EfrP^Pyftfts in Office pf Comptroller of
the Currency.
Section 5240 of the Revised Statutes relating to the payment of compensation of employees in the office of the Comptroller of
the Currency by means of assessments on banks is amended to include
the payment of retirement annuities for such employees; and also to
provide that salaries of bank examiners shall be fixed by the Comptroller of the Currency, rather than by the Board upon the recommendation of the Comptroller of the Currency.
Amendments to National Housing Act.
The National Housing Act is amended to authorize the Federal Housing Administrator, in carrying out the provisions of titles
I, II, and III of that Act, to sue and be sued in any court of competent jurisdiction; and also is amended to clarify certain provisions of that Act.
impairment of Preferred Stock and Capital Notes or Debentures.
This section, without specifically amending any Act, provides chat if any part of the capital of a national bank, State member bank, or bank applying for membership in the Federal Reserve System consists of preferred stock, or if any such bank has outstanding
capital notes or debentures of the type eligible for the purchase by
the Reconstruction Finance Corporation under section 304 of the

- 41 -



Emergency Banking Act, the determination of whether or not the capital
of such capital is impaired, and the amount of such impairment shall
be based upon the par value of its stock, even though the amount which
the holders of the preferred stock shall be entitled to receive in the
event of retirement or liquidation shall be greater than the par value
of such preferred stock; and that such capital notes or debentures
and any obligations expressly subordinated thereto, be excluded from
the total liabilities of the bank in determining whether its capital
is impaired.

It also is provided that dividends not in excess of

6 per cent per annum on national bank preferred stock, and also disbursements in the event of retirement of such stock or liquidation of
the association may be based on the purchase price rather than par
value. Holders of national bank preferred stock are assured priority
over the common stockholders in the event of voluntary or involuntary
liquidation of the national bank.
Separability Provision.
This section contains the usual provision that if any provision of the Act is held invalid that shall not affect the remainder
of the Act.