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m i tli mm MEETING and BMQUET of r\M THE NEW YORK CREDIT MEN’S ASSOCIATION W T HOTEL ASTOR, February 17,1949 at 6:30 p. in. The For twelve years (1936-1948) M arriner S. Eccles was chairm an of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System of which he continues to be a member. He is noted and highly respected as a pub lic figure who consistently and co u rage ously, "calls the strikes as he sees them." O ne of the nation's best known movie com edians and troupers, G u y Kibb ee was 15 years old when he ran away from home to join up with his brother's stock com pany. H e made his first fo otligh t ap pe ar ance when the juvenile lead in "The C o n vict's Daughter" was overwhelmed by spiritous potions. H is debut was, however, slightly marred by the to o -tjght suit he had to wear which almost split down the m iddle in his big romantic scene! Few speakers are as keenly aware of the factors which are responsible for ebbs and tides in our econom ic life as is M arriner Eccles. N o theorist, he is a p ractical— and successful— business executive who owned and operated as many as 28 banks and a whole string of sugar, lumber and construction com panies in his native Utah. G u y K ibb e e has played the country, from M aine to San Francisco, in onenight stands— and has washed many a dish in lieu of cash to pay for meals. AN "OFF THE RECORD," CONFIDENTIAL ADDRESS By MARRINER S. ECCLES Former Chairm an, now member of the Board of Governors of THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM and GUY KIBBEE That lovable old rascal of the stage and screen who will keep you chuckling with his yarns and wisecracks P U B L IC M E E T IN G S C O M M IT T E E Vice Chairman Chairman B. P. S CH O E N FE IN Public National Bank & Trust Co. R. A . John L . B e n tle y C u r tis R. F raser B ern hard D . B la k e le y The National City Bank of New York W . M . J o ffe L. K a is e r Dan River Mills, Inc. B ow m an Federal Reserve Bank of New York A rth u r J. K r a m e r The Borden Company A rth u r Lee I r v in g Lee-Stockman, Inc. J. C . L y n c h R obert K. F red M R obert C arrano Jeanette Modes, Inc. M o rto n Landa Leo Jacobson, Inc. H. P ark er R eader S tr o n g M ill Mill Factors Corp. G rover F. M u lle r L. F. Dommerich & Co. New York Credit Men’s Association President 3 5 4 F o u rth A ven u e Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis E r s k in e Charles Bruning Co., Inc. F. B. M rs. B e tty Rubm an Rubin an & Rubman ic h e l The New Jersey Zinc Co. A . Jam es J. P a u l u s Warwick & Legler, Inc. Pacific Coast Borax Co. Bernhard M . Joffe & Co. John F . A d d is s Textile Refinishing Industry S. D. Leidesdorf & Co. The Pantasote Co. L. E d w a rd M o r tim e r J. D a v is Executive Manager New Y o r k 1 0 , New Y o r k W h itlo c k Central Hanover Bank & Trust Co.