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October 8th , 1914.

Sir :
The Federal Reserve Boa.rd has dets_ mined to hold a genel'al moeting on
Tuesday, October 20 , to which sha.ll be invited thFJ Governer and a corrmittee of three or more representing tee directors of each Fade a1 Reserve
Bank. The invi ta tion is exten·jed 1.0 all directors of Federal Reserve Banks
if they choose to attend , but it is dHoired that the committee of three
already refer ed to shall in any event be present .
I have the honor to inform you of ~hi3 invjtation and ask that your
Beard of Directors shall st tly dBsigna~e the directors who are to serve
upon this committe8 , inf orming them cf the da.te of the moeting and re questing them to attend .
The meeting will be devoted 'to a discussion of the general features
and mere important details regarding th~ organizaticn of Federal Reserve
Banks . The attached series of questicn~ will give au an outline of scme
of the pertinent subjects to be taken up ; ?thers will doubtless be raised .
It is desired that the representat1':es Of ea:;h bank sh~ll come prepared
to present tully an compl6~ely t~e views of th~ir insti t ution in order
that there may be a general interch:lnge and comparison of ideas . To thls
e d you are requested to ascertain the views of your dirdctors with respect to the by - law and org~nizaticn chor~ already presented to yo u and
to designate as a me :ber of the ccmmittee at least one member who w1 l 1 be
prepared to examine the propcsed plans of accounting . It is desirable also tha~ tta Class " ~ ~ directors shall consider and present definite vie IS
of the functions of the Federal Reserve Agent and of his deputy in ordel'
-chat these views may be standardized as a basis tor a general ruling on
the subj ect .

I have the honor t o be ,
Res pec t fully yours ,

Secret a ry.
Mr. '11-. F. McCaleb, President,
West Texa s Bank & Trus t Company
San Antonio, Texa s .
This document was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (