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NTS CHARLES S . HAMLIN , GOVERNOR FREDERIC A. DELANO, VI CE GOVERNOR PAUL M. WARBURG W . P . G. HARDING ADOLPH C . MILLER Ex-OFFICIO MEMBERS WILLIAM G . McADO SECRETAR Y OF THE TREASUR Y CHAIRMAN JOHN SKELTON WILLIAMS COMPTROl.l.ER OF "'HE CURRENCY H . PARKER WILLIS, SECRETARY FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD ADDRESS REPLY TO WASHINGTON FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD October 1 2 , 1914. S ir I n anSVler to que stions ,\ihich have been r aised 'Ii th res· ect t c £orQS fo r general ledGe r, stock subscription ledger, and stocle subscription receipt alrecdy sent out fran this offi ce, the follodng paints ere noted: 1. It i s int ended that t e several Boards of Dire c tors s11&11 provide themselves vii th books loca lly pre pared from the f'OImS a lrea d y supplied , f or their use in orga nizing the federa l Reserve Ba:nks . 2 . The b ook s in questi on are i ntended L eroly for the period of o r ganization and of pa~nent of cap ita l stock . 3 . The recei pts fo r capi tal stock, form of which has boen SUl)p lied, may be entered in an ordil18.l"J dra ft reg ister or rr£.y be prepared ni th stubs . 4 . The capital stock ledger s hou l d be prepared a s i.-- bound book , a lth ough a lo os e-leaf form or ca rds may be used, a c cordi ng to t h e pr eference of -.;he ban~ using it . 5. Duri ng t h e organization peri ad and until t he Federal res e rve banks are estaul ish ed, the may use , as s ubs idiary to t h e gene r 2 l lede er, ::m y orclinary cash book or journa l or a c ombination of "(;lle tuo . I llave the honor to be, Very rC s I~ ctfUlly yours, .,. jW~ Secretary . -------, llr. :;:; . O. TO;'!mison, City Nati o. a l 3ank , Dallas, Texas This document was digitized and made available by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Historical Library (