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COVID-19 Choosing Safer Activities Updated Apr. 27, 2021 Print What You Need to Know • If you are fully vaccinated, you can start doing many things that you had stopped doing because of the pandemic. • When choosing safer activities, consider how COVID-19 is spreading in your community, the number of people participating in the activity, and the location of the activity. • Outdoor visits and activities are safer than indoor activities, and fully vaccinated people can participate in some indoor events safely, without much risk. • If you haven’t been vaccinated yet, nd a vaccine. Outdoor Activities Your Activity Walk, run, or bike outdoors with members of your household Attend a small, outdoor gathering with fully vaccinated family and friends Fully Vaccinated People Unvaccinated People fully vaccinated family and friends Attend a small, outdoor gathering with fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people Dine at an outdoor restaurant with friends from multiple households Attend a crowded, outdoor event, like a live performance, parade, or sports event Indoor Activities Your Activity Visit a barber or hair salon Go to an uncrowded, indoor shopping center or museum Ride public transport with limited occupancy Attend a small, indoor gathering of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people from multiple households Fully Vaccinated People Unvaccinated People Go to an indoor movie theater Attend a full-capacity worship service Sing in an indoor chorus Eat at an indoor restaurant or bar Participate in an indoor, high intensity exercise class Key to Prevention Steps Prevention measures not needed Take prevention measures • • Fully Vaccinated People: Wear a mask. Unvaccinated People: Wear a mask, stay 6 feet apart, and wash your hands. • Safety levels assume the recommended prevention measures are followed, both by the individual and the venue (if applicable). • CDC cannot provide the speci c risk level for every activity in every community. It is important to consider your own personal situation and the risk to you, your family, and your community before venturing out. More Information When You’ve Been Fully Vaccinated Getting Your Vaccination Find a Vaccine Last Updated Apr. 27, 2021