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Effective December 29, 2020 1

Nonprofit Organization Expanded Loan Facility

Program: The Nonprofit Organization Expanded Loan Facility (“Facility”), which has been authorized under
section 13(3) of the Federal Reserve Act, is intended to facilitate lending to Nonprofit Organizations by
Eligible Lenders. Under the Main Street Lending Program (“Program”), including the Facility, the Nonprofit
Organization New Loan Facility (“NONLF”), the Main Street New Loan Facility (“MSNLF”), the Main Street
Expanded Loan Facility (“MSELF”), and the Main Street Priority Loan Facility (“MSPLF”), the Federal Reserve
Bank of Boston (“Reserve Bank”) will commit to lend to a single common special purpose vehicle (“SPV”) on a
recourse basis. The SPV will purchase 95% participations in the upsized tranche of Eligible Loans from Eligible
Lenders. Eligible Lenders will retain 5% of the upsized tranche of each Eligible Loan. The Department of the
Treasury, using funds appropriated to the Exchange Stabilization Fund under section 4027 of the Coronavirus
Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), has committed to make a $75 billion equity investment
in the single common SPV in connection with the Program. The combined size of the Program will be up to
$600 billion.
Eligible Lenders: An Eligible Lender is a U.S. federally insured depository institution (including a bank, savings
association, or credit union), a U.S. branch or agency of a foreign bank, a U.S. bank holding company, a U.S.
savings and loan holding company, a U.S. intermediate holding company of a foreign banking organization, or
a U.S. subsidiary of any of the foregoing.
Eligible Borrowers: An Eligible Borrower is a Nonprofit Organization 2 that:
1. has been in continuous operation since January 1, 2015;
2. is not an Ineligible Business; 3
3. meets at least one of the following two conditions: (i) has 15,000 employees or fewer, or (ii) had
2019 annual revenues of $5 billion or less;
4. has at least 10 employees;
5. has an endowment of less than $3 billion;
6. has total non-donation revenues equal to or greater than 60% of expenses for the period from 2017
through 2019; 4

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (“Board”) and the Secretary of the Treasury may
make adjustments to the terms and conditions described in this term sheet. Any changes will be announced
on the Board’s website.
2 For purposes of the Facility, a Nonprofit Organization is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization described in
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”) or a tax-exempt veterans’ organization described in
section 501(c)(19) of the IRC. Other forms of organization may be considered for inclusion as a Nonprofit
Organization under the Facility at the discretion of the Federal Reserve, and such determinations may be
found in the Program’s Frequently Asked Questions (“FAQs”).
3 For purposes of the Facility, an Ineligible Business is a type of business listed in 13 CFR 120.110(b)-(j) and
(m)-(s), as modified by regulations implementing the Paycheck Protection Program established by section
1102 of the CARES Act (“PPP”) on or before April 24, 2020. The application of these restrictions to the Facility
may be further modified at the discretion of the Federal Reserve through FAQs.
4 For purposes of this requirement, the following definitions apply: “non-donation revenues” equal gross
revenues minus donations; “donations” include proceeds from fundraising events, federated campaigns,
gifts, donor-advised funds, and funds from similar sources, but exclude (i) government grants, (ii) revenues
from a supporting organization, (iii) grants from private foundations that are disbursed over the course of
more than one calendar year, and (iv) any contributions of property other than money, stocks, bonds, and
other securities (noncash contributions), provided such noncash contribution is not sold by the organization


7. has a ratio of adjusted 2019 earnings before interest, depreciation, and amortization (“EBIDA”) to
unrestricted 2019 operating revenue, 5 greater than or equal to 2%;
8. has a ratio (expressed as a number of days) of (i) liquid assets 6 at the time of the origination of the
upsized tranche to (ii) average daily expenses over the previous year, equal to or greater than 60
9. at the time of the origination of the upsized tranche, has a ratio of (i) unrestricted cash and
investments to (ii) existing outstanding and undrawn available debt, plus the amount of any loan
under the Facility, plus the amount of any CMS Accelerated and Advance Payments, that is greater
than 55%;
10. is created or organized in the United States or under the laws of the United States with significant
operations in and a majority of its employees based in the United States;
11. does not also participate in the NONLF, the MSNLF, the MSPLF, the MSELF, the Primary Market
Corporate Credit Facility, or the Municipal Liquidity Facility; and
12. has not received specific support pursuant to the Coronavirus Economic Stabilization Act of 2020
(Subtitle A of Title IV of the CARES Act). 7
Eligible Loans: An Eligible Loan is a secured or unsecured term loan or revolving credit facility made by an
Eligible Lender(s) to an Eligible Borrower that was originated on or before June 15, 2020, and that has a
remaining maturity of at least 18 months (taking into account any adjustments made to the maturity of the
loan after June 15, 2020, including at the time of upsizing), provided that the upsized tranche of the loan is a
term loan that has all of the following features:
1. 5 year maturity;
2. principal payments deferred for two years and interest payments deferred for one year (unpaid
interest will be capitalized);
3. principal amortization of 15% at the end of the third year, 15% at the end of the fourth year, and a
balloon payment of 70% at maturity at the end of the fifth year;
4. adjustable rate of LIBOR (1 or 3 month) + 300 basis points;
5. minimum loan size of $10 million;
6. maximum loan size that is the lesser of (i) $300 million or (ii) the Eligible Borrower’s average 2019
quarterly revenue;

in a transaction unrelated to the organization’s tax exempt purpose; and “expenses” equal total expenses
minus depreciation, depletion, and amortization.
5 The methodology used by the Eligible Lender to calculate adjusted 2019 EBIDA must be the methodology it
has previously used for adjusting EBIDA when extending credit to the Eligible Borrower or similarly situated
borrowers on or before June 15, 2020. The Eligible Lender should calculate operating revenue as
unrestricted operating revenue, excluding funds committed to be spent on capital, and including a proxy for
endowment income in place of unrestricted investment gains or losses. The methodology used by the
Eligible Lender to calculate the proxy for endowment income must be the methodology it has used for the
Eligible Borrower or similarly situated borrowers on or before June 15, 2020.
6 For purposes of this requirement, “liquid assets” is defined as unrestricted cash and investments that can
be accessed and monetized within 30 days. An organization may include in “liquid assets” the amount of
cash receipts it reasonably estimates to receive within 60 days related to the provision of services, facilities,
or products, or any other program service that exceed its reasonably estimated cash outflows payable within
the same 60-day period.
7 For the avoidance of doubt, Nonprofit Organizations that have received PPP loans or Economic Injury
Disaster Loans are permitted to borrow under the Facility, provided that they are Eligible Borrowers.


7. at the time of upsizing and at all times the upsized tranche is outstanding, the upsized tranche is
senior to or pari passu with, in terms of priority and security, the Eligible Borrower’s other loans or
debt instruments, other than mortgage debt; and
8. prepayment permitted without penalty.
Loan Classification: The Eligible Loan must have had an internal risk rating equivalent to a “pass” in the
Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s supervisory rating system as of December 31, 2019.
Assessment of Financial Condition: Eligible Lenders are expected to conduct an assessment of each
potential borrower’s financial condition at the time of the potential borrower’s application.
Loan Participations: The SPV will purchase at par value a 95% participation in the upsized tranche of the
Eligible Loan, provided that it is upsized on or after June 15, 2020. The SPV and the Eligible Lender will share
risk in the upsized tranche on a pari passu basis. The Eligible Lender must be one of the lenders that holds an
interest in the underlying Eligible Loan at the date of upsizing. The Eligible Lender must retain its 5% portion
of the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan until the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan matures or the SPV
sells all of its 95% participation, whichever comes first. The Eligible Lender must also retain its interest in the
underlying Eligible Loan until the underlying Eligible Loan matures, the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan
matures, or the SPV sells all of its 95% participation, whichever comes first. Any collateral securing the
Eligible Loan (at the time of upsizing or on any subsequent date) must secure the upsized tranche on a pro
rata basis. The sale of a participation in the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan to the SPV will be structured
as a “true sale” and must be completed expeditiously after the Eligible Loan’s upsizing.
Required Lender Certifications and Covenants: In addition to other certifications required by applicable
statutes and regulations, the following certifications and covenants will be required from Eligible Lenders:

The Eligible Lender must commit that it will not request that the Eligible Borrower repay debt
extended by the Eligible Lender to the Eligible Borrower, or pay interest on such outstanding
obligations, until the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan is repaid in full, unless the debt or interest
payment is mandatory and due, or in the case of default and acceleration.


The Eligible Lender must commit that it will not cancel or reduce any existing committed lines of
credit to the Eligible Borrower, except in an event of default.


The Eligible Lender must certify that the methodology used for calculating the Eligible Borrower’s
adjusted 2019 EBIDA and operating revenue in section 7 of the Eligible Borrower paragraph above is
the methodology it has previously used for adjusting EBIDA when originating or amending the
Eligible Loan on or before June 15, 2020 (except with respect to the methodology instructions
specified above in note 5).


The Eligible Lender must certify that it is eligible to participate in the Facility, including in light of the
conflicts of interest prohibition in section 4019(b) of the CARES Act.

Required Borrower Certifications and Covenants: In addition to other certifications required by applicable
statutes and regulations, the following certifications and covenants 8 will be required from Eligible Borrowers:

The Eligible Borrower must commit to refrain from repaying the principal balance of, or paying any
interest on, any debt until the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan is repaid in full, unless the debt or
interest payment is mandatory and due.


The Eligible Borrower must commit that it will not seek to cancel or reduce any of its committed lines
of credit with the Eligible Lender or any other lender.

An Eligible Lender is expected to collect the required certifications and covenants from each Eligible
Borrower at the time of upsizing of the Eligible Loan. Eligible Lenders may rely on an Eligible Borrower’s
certifications and covenants, as well as any subsequent self-reporting by the Eligible Borrower.



The Eligible Borrower must certify that it has a reasonable basis to believe that, as of the date of
upsizing of the Eligible Loan and after giving effect to such upsizing, it has the ability to meet its
financial obligations for at least the next 90 days and does not expect to file for bankruptcy during
that time period.


The Eligible Borrower must commit that it will follow compensation, stock repurchase, and capital
distribution restrictions that apply to direct loan programs under section 4003(c)(3)(A)(ii) of the


The Eligible Borrower must certify that it is eligible to participate in the Facility, including in light of
the conflicts of interest prohibition in section 4019 of the CARES Act.

Retaining Employees: Each Eligible Borrower that participates in the Facility should make reasonable efforts
to maintain its payroll and retain its employees during the time the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan is
Transaction Fee: An Eligible Lender will pay the SPV a transaction fee of 75 basis points of the principal
amount of the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan at the time of upsizing. The Eligible Lender may require
the Eligible Borrower to pay this fee.
Loan Upsizing Fee: An Eligible Borrower will pay an Eligible Lender an origination fee of up to 75 basis points
of the principal amount of the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan at the time of upsizing.
Loan Servicing Fee: The SPV will pay an Eligible Lender 25 basis points of the principal amount of its
participation in the upsized tranche of the Eligible Loan per annum for loan servicing.
Facility Termination: The SPV will cease purchasing participations in Eligible Loans on January 8, 2021,
provided that after December 31, 2020, such purchases will be limited to participations in Eligible Loans
initially submitted to the Main Street lender portal on or before December 14, 2020. The Reserve Bank will
continue to fund the SPV until the SPV’s underlying assets mature or are sold.